Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7960: He is better than Lin Wudi!

The war broke out again.

This time, it was more terrifying than before.

All those who shot are desperate.

They have already seen that the crazy **** is so powerful, they absolutely dare not, have the slightest carelessness.

This time, Lin Xuan also encountered a crisis.

The combination of these people was really terrifying, and he also vomited a few mouthfuls of dragon blood.

Even, there were some scars on the Martial God Body.

"Hahahaha, he is injured, everyone should work harder."

Long Hao was extremely excited.

Long Han and others are even more crazy.

All kinds of supernatural powers and faculties emerge in endlessly.

Those who watched the battle from a distance were pale.

They sighed, "It looks like the final result, the crazy **** is still going to lose."

"He can contend, it's already against the sky."

"But in the end we will lose,"

"I don't know if he will fall?"

Lin Xuan snorted coldly: Lost? Are you kidding me?

He will not lose.

He used the martial arts body to the extreme.

He turned into a dragon,

As if turned into a dragon sword, sweeping everywhere.

Cut out with one sword, shattering the world.

The people of the Profound Ice Protoss played a lot of ice **** phantoms, and under this sword, the ashes were wiped out!

With another sword, dozens of experts from the Xuanbing clan split apart and turned into blood mist.

The rest of the Xuanbing clan backed away in embarrassment.

Lin Xuan continued to kill the soul clan.

People of the soul race are good at soul attacks.

At this moment, Lin Xuan had an invincible force, no matter what attack he was able to kill.

Before long, many people fell on the soul clan side,

The remaining people fled madly.

The most powerful are the people of the Demon Race and Dragon Palace.

Faced with these two forces, Lin Xuan used his dragon's blood to boil.

His combat power has improved again.

Before long, Long Hao was hacked and flew out.

The condensed formations of him and many dragon clan powerhouses were torn apart.

One of Long Han's arm was also cut off.

A terrible crack also appeared on his body.

Almost split him in half.

On the side of the Demon Race, three powerful Demon Gods have fallen.

The remaining few were also hit hard.

The people around looked at this scene and couldn't believe it.

Originally, they thought that the mad **** would be defeated, be suppressed, and die.

But wherever he can think of it, the opponent has become more and more brave.

Sweep several Protoss!

Now, the dragons and demons have been hit hard.

This crazy **** is too strong.

Where is the opponent's limit?

After the opponent turned into a dragon, how did it feel as if it turned into a magic weapon.

"If it hadn't been for Lin Wudi, who had fallen on the Tongtian River, the Great Dragon Sword would have broken. I now suspect that he is the Great Dragon Sword."

"too frightening,"

"This crazy **** is simply the second Lin Wudi."

"No, he seems to be stronger than Lin Wudi."

Although Lin Wudi's swordsmanship was harsh, his physique was definitely not as strong as his.

Those people around were talking a lot, comparing Mad God with Lin Wudi.

But these people didn't know that the mad **** was Lin Xuan.

If this news goes out, it will definitely shock the world,

Even the **** kings would be shocked.


Long Han roared: "Don't retreat, everyone, he is attacking desperately."

"He is burning his own strength, he doesn't have much strength anymore."

"He is the end of the crossbow!"

Hearing Long Han's words, everyone killed again.

But before long, more of these people fell.

Some powerful protoss who were still alive collapsed directly.

Stop fighting, the technique of destruction, they don't want it.

They want to live, they want to escape here.

Two more powerful men on the side of the Demon God Clan have fallen.

They also collapsed.

They said, "God, please do it."

Below, the demon **** child eats happily.

His iron pot is a treasure, now it has become the size of a palace.

In the iron pot, a few golden crows were cooked.

The devil is eating special food, and the scene of the battle ahead is out of place.

Hearing the call for help, the Demon Godzi waved his hand and said, "No time."

"You guys don't fight anymore, come and drink some golden black soup to make up for it."

Everyone was speechless.

Is this guy really the son of God? How do you feel so unreliable?

Is the opponent indifferent when the strong under his own has fallen?

The people of the demon clan all sighed: the other party is a **** son, and the other party's blood is high.

They will desperately protect the son of God.

However, no one stipulated that the son of God must rescue them.

If the demon **** child does not make a move, if he fights on, they will be wiped out.

The remaining strong demon clan sighed and retreated from the battlefield.

Now in the battlefield, only Long Han and other Dragon Palace people are left.

However, only Long Han can fight.

The others in Dragon Palace were not Lin Xuan's opponents at all.

Lin Xuan looked at Long Han and said, "Do you want to fight again? You are not my opponent."

Long Han was mad. He didn't expect that so many people could not help each other.

He would not let him give up like this.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Don't be smug, kid, I was a little hesitant when we joined forces before."

"Because my companion is by my side, I can't use some power."

"Now singled out, it will let me let go of a fight."

When the voice fell, Long Han hit a bead.

This blue bead is bursting with boundless cold air, and there is a mysterious dragon shadow flickering in it.

The people around were shocked when they saw this scene.

Someone said: "This is Ice Dragon Ball."

After the death of the strong dragon clan, the strength and blood of the body are condensed and formed.

Have boundless power.

"Boy, how can you resist?"

Long coldly He held the Ice Dragon Ball and quickly came to Lin Xuan.

The ice dragon ball burst out with a cold light, forming a 100-meter ice dragon phantom.

Exuding a monstrous atmosphere, he slammed towards Lin Xuan.

Budo is respected!

Lin Xuan used the martial arts art to the extreme,

The blood of the dragon in the body was completely boiling.

He reached out his right hand and grabbed the Dragon Ball.

"It's useless, kid, you can't stand it at all."

Long Han sneered disdainfully.

The ice dragon of hundreds of meters exuded terrifying power, and the boundless wind and snow fell on Lin Xuan's palm.

A thick frost appeared on Lin Xuan's palm.

This frost was still spreading toward his body, and half of his body was frozen.


Long Hao and others laughed when they saw this scene.

This crazy **** will definitely be frozen.

The others were equally shocked. Is this the power of Ice Dragon Ball? too frightening.

Long Han is worthy of being the top arrogant of the Dragon Clan, and he has this kind of hole card.

At the corner of Lin Xuan's mouth, a sneer was raised.

In the palm of his hand, the fragments of the Great Dragon Sword were fused, and he grabbed it hard.

Click, click.

All the frost, all broken.

Lin Xuan grabbed the Ice Dragon Ball in an instant with the momentum of thunder, and then he used his peerless kendo.


The supreme kendo matches the power of the big dragon sword fragments.

Lin Xuan's palm was extremely powerful and instantly smashed the Ice Dragon Ball.


With a scream, a figure flew out backwards.

All this happened in an instant,

So that everyone did not see clearly what was going on!

Long Hao and others laughed.

In their opinion, the defeated person must be a mad god.

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