Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7962: The real dragon is angry! Half-king!

People in the real dragon line are very angry.

There are also many talented and powerful people in their line.

However, they failed and did not get the art of destruction.

More importantly, they learned from the news. The genius of their line was suppressed by the mad god.

It's really outrageous.

They were murderous, rushing towards the Mad Shrine, they were here, waiting for the Mad God to return.

Inside the Dragon Palace, those other people were also shocked.

They didn't expect that the mad **** would be so arrogant and dare to suppress Long Han and others.

Does this completely ignore the line of the Primordial True Dragon?

Lin Xuan didn't know these things yet. He had just returned to the Dragon Palace when he was picked up by Jun Wentian's people.

Lin Xuan came, the palace of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon.

Jun Wentian said, "Where are Long Han and others? Didn't you kill them?"

"No." Lin Xuan shook his head: "I suppressed it."

That's good. Jun Wentian breathed a sigh of relief, he said: "Teach them a lesson and let it go."

"After all, you were suppressed in full view. The news has spread. You can't do it anymore."

"If you do it again, you will violate the door rules."

"Although our line is also very strong, it is still inferior to the Primordial True Dragon line."

"The opponent's line has Long Tatian."

Long Tatian is no accident, and he will definitely become a **** king in the future.

That is the future, the existence of the ancestor level, everyone has to give him face.

Therefore, the Taikoo True Dragon has become arrogant.

We can't tear ourselves apart with them now.

This is bad for us.

"I know."

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "I will let people go, but not now."

"Let them come and look for a few times first, and I'll let it go."

"Let them know that it would be terrible to offend me."

"I want to see, do they dare to make a move easily?"

The next thing was handled by Jun Wentian and others.

After learning that Lin Xuan had returned, the strong of the Primordial True Dragon line rushed over.

But Jun Wentian was stopped.

"Jun Wentian, do you dare to stop me? Hand over the crazy god, he broke the rules."

"He dared to suppress his own people, he doesn't want to live anymore, right?"

Jun Wentian snorted coldly: "I still want to ask you."

"According to the news we got, Long Han and others have attacked Crazy God three times and again."

"Even, wanting to kill the mad god, it's really heinous."

"I still want to send them to the elders and rewards and punishments."

"It's nonsense, who has seen it? Can you believe the words of other Protoss?"

"They are sowing discord."

The people of the Primordial True Dragon clan opened their eyes and said nonsense, and they did not dare to admit it directly.

To kill the mad **** is also a violation of the door rules.

Although they were arrogant, they only dared to kill the killer when there was no one.

The two sides began to wrestle, not giving way to each other.

One day, two days, three days,

The people of the real dragon clan are all mad.

They discussed it,

One of the elders said: "Give some benefits first, save Long Han and others, and talk about it later."

"Long Han absolutely can't, what's the accident."

"He is very talented, and he will become the pinnacle true **** in the future, absolutely no problem."

"Damn it, those who suppressed us want us to send treasures over. I can't swallow that breath!"

"Don't worry, this enemy, we will return it 100 times in the future."

"Now for the present plan, let's save Long Han first."

After the discussion, the people of the true dragon clan sent some resources for cultivation.

Jun Wentian gave these resources to Lin Xuan.

He said: Almost.

Lin Xuan nodded and waved his hand, a dragon world appeared in front of him.

It was Long Han and others who were suppressed inside, dozens of figures.

These people are extremely miserable and dying.

Jun Wentian was shocked: Why is the state so bad?

He probed and breathed a sigh of relief: It seemed that his strength was exhausted.

He was really afraid that Lin Xuan would abolish them.

Lin Xuan said, "Don't worry, they won't be abolished."

"I waited for them, recovered again, and then swallowed their dragon power."

"These are my cultivation leeks! I can't bear to destroy them."

"Thanks to them, my Wushen decided to take it to the next level."

After Long Han and others listened, they vomited blood!

They swear that this hatred will definitely be avenged.

Lin Xuan didn't care about this angry look.

He stretched out his hand, snatched the storage rings of these people, and said: Get out.

Long Han and dozens of powerful dragons left quickly.

After the elders in their own line, they reconciled, they roared frantically.

"Damn it, I'm so angry."

"Crazy God, you wait, I'm never finished with you."

"Elder, my strength has been absorbed by him, how long will it take me to reply?"

"Elder, you must avenge me."

Long Hao cried and said.

Long Han also gritted his teeth. He said, "He also snatched my storage ring."

"There are a lot of good things in it, elder, you have to get it back for me."

The elders in the line of Primordial True Dragon also vomited blood.

These genius disciples under him are so miserable, it really drives them crazy.

They are ready to take action, at least to take back the storage ring.

But at this moment, a piece of news cut through the void and resounded through the entire world.

"Xiaoyaohou! Woke up!"

Hearing this, the elders of the Primordial True Dragon clan changed their expressions.

With a big wave, they took Long Han and others away.

Finally gone.

The elders of the Five Elements Dragon Clan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Jun Wentian looked solemn: Is Xiaoyaohou awake?

It seems that the world has recovered further.

Maybe, it won’t be long before the real barren age will come.

I don't know if there will be other ridiculous ancient gods coming next?

It seems that preparations must be made in advance.

Not only people in their line, but those strong dragons in the Dragon Palace, all learned the news.

They were shocked.

Those young geniuses are extremely curious.

Who is Xiaoyaohou?

To be honest, most young people don't know.

Lin Xuan is also not sure,

He was also very puzzled: "Xiaoyaohou, is he an ancient powerhouse?"

Jun Wentian said: "Yes, it is indeed an ancient powerhouse."

"Moreover, he is one of the strongest of our dragon clan."

The strong of our dragon! Lin Xuan was surprised when he heard that, he asked: How strong is it?

Jun Wentian said: "Half-step God King!"

"This realm, surpassing the true god, can be sealed."

Lin Xuan was also shocked after hearing this: This is a very terrifying state.

You know, even the extremely arrogant Long Tatian has not reached this realm.

Today, the **** king is the strongest combat power and is the ancestor of a party.

They sit in the Protoss, and will not easily make a move.

Even many **** kings are practicing in retreat, and they will not appear until a critical moment.

If the **** king does not take action, the true **** at the peak is the most powerful.

But now, the situation has changed,

Some half-step **** kings have regained consciousness.

Xiaoyaohou is one of them.

This is a good thing.

Lin Xuan said: "For Dragon Palace, this can improve a lot of strength."

"For Dragon Palace, it's a good thing,"

"However, for us, it may not be."

"You also know Dragon Palace is divided into many dragon races, and there is great competition among them."

"And our line is the same line as the Primordial True Dragon, and has become a rival."

"Now, with such a powerful man awakening, I am afraid that everyone will break their heads next."

"We have to prepare too, to meet Xiaoyaohou."

"It's best to get the support of the other party."

It's not just Jun Wentian who has made preparations, but those who are strong in the Dragon Clan have made preparations.

They are going to meet Xiaoyaohou.

A month later, everyone set off,

Go to Xiaoyaohou, Xiaoyao Villa where you are.

Lin Xuan also went,

He also wants to see the legendary Xiaoyaohou.

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