Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7981: Is there no one in the dragon?

When everyone looked at this scene, they were shocked.

God, did Zhen Shaoyang lose?

Their faces are full of despair, have they all lost to each other, the first genius of their dragon clan?

The hearts of everyone seemed to have fallen into the abyss,

Even the elders were stunned.

Xiaoyaohou's face became gloomy,

His most worried thing happened.

On their side, it was a complete failure!

This has to be spread, and the blow to them is really too great.

Unexpectedly, he encountered such a thing as soon as he woke up.

The people on the Star God Clan smiled.

Xinghu said: "Senior Xiaoyaohou, I heard that he was ranked in the top three before, so he can go to the dragon-patterned sky stele to practice."

"Ranked first, you can also get a condition."

"I don't know, do we have this opportunity?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Dragon tribe changed drastically.

Xiaoyaohou's face became deeper and deeper.

Zhen Shaoyang vomited blood, this time, it was really shameful.

Originally I was thinking about trying to turn the tide, but I didn't expect it to be completely defeated.

He closed his eyes in despair.

Even he was defeated.

No one is his opponent for the younger generation of Dragons, people under 300,000 years old.

Unless those who are older make it.

But then, even if you win, it doesn't make sense.

"On our side, Lei Lie hasn't taken a shot yet, maybe there is still a chance."

The Thunder Dragon clan said quickly.

Countless eyes turned towards Lei Lie.

Lei Lie ranked second, maybe, there is a real chance.

However, Lei Lie gave a wry smile: "I am not an opponent."

After seeing the power of the Emperor, he found that he could not resist it at all.

He was just ashamed to go up.

The game is really over!

Their dragons lost here,

The disciples of the Dragon Race were desperate.

Those elders also closed their eyes,

The atmosphere is extremely depressing.

At this moment, Lin Xuan stood up.

He said lightly: "This time, I can make a move."

"I've said it a long time ago, I can turn the tide by taking action."

"But, you don't believe me, you have to get it now before letting me take it."

"Why bother?"

Lin Xuan said as he walked forward.

He was extremely calm, without any fear at all.

It seemed that the people of the Star God Clan were completely ignored.

As soon as these words came out, countless people of the dragon race opened their eyes.

They looked at Lin Xuan.

They said: "Crazy God, can it work?"

"I don't know. Although he is crazy, he is also very strong."

"Maybe, there is a real chance."

"Isn't he ineligible to compete?"

"Confused, when is it? You are still struggling with this matter."

"As long as the crazy **** can win, I can call his eldest brother."

It was not a young man who said this, but an elder.

There is no way, they are really in desperation, they must turn defeat into victory.

Otherwise, if the news spreads, how can they gain a foothold in the heavens and the realms?

Those people of the Star God Clan turned their heads and looked at it.

When they looked at Lin Xuan, their faces were cold.

Someone frowned: "It was this kid before, uttering wild words, saying that he would sweep us."

"Unexpectedly, now I really dare to jump out."

"Who is this guy? Seek death."

Lin Xuan looked at the emperor seat in the sky and said in a deep voice, "Your blood is very powerful."

"Qualified to be my opponent, come on, fight with me."

This is really crazy.

How strong is the emperor?

Strong enough to despair all geniuses.

However, Lin Xuan is only qualified to be an opponent.

Too arrogant.

Emperor Zuo lowered his head and looked down. He looked down at everything. He looked at Lin Xuan and frowned slightly.

He felt that Lin Xuan's cultivation base had not even reached the second watershed.

Such a person is considered good in other families.

However, in front of him, there is no difference from the ants.

Such a person, dare to challenge him?

He shook his head and said, "Dragon, is there really no one?"

Greedy Wolf also let out a cold snort, with a biting killing intent in his eyes.

Absolutely not allowed, someone challenged their Star God clan.

He looked at Lin Xuan and said, "Who are you? Who are you in the ranking?"

"My name is Mad God, and I have no rankings for now."

Lin Xuan did not rank, he told the truth, because he hadn't had time to make a move.

Greedy wolf and others were angry when they heard: What? No ranking.

An unnamed person, dare to challenge them and die.

What is the other party? Dare to challenge the throne? Is it impatient to live?

Greedy Wolf also sneered disdainfully, unwilling to make a move.

The opponent is too weak,

However, he would not spare the other party.

He said: "A Fei, you can do it."

A Fei, is the weakest of their ten geniuses.

However, it is more than enough to deal with an unknown person.

A Fei shrugged helplessly, he walked over with the starry sky giant sword on his back.

He looked at Lin Xuan and said, "I persuade you to give up your defeat obediently."

"This way you can suffer less pain."

Lin Xuan smiled.

He said: "You are also a swordsman, I have seen your swordsmanship, there are too many flaws."

"You are not my opponent at all."

Everyone was in an uproar: This crazy god, really dare to say.

A Fei is also angry, he rarely gets angry, but at this moment, he is really angry.

"I wanted to solve you but since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

He drew the starry sky sword behind him, and the stars on his body bloomed, shining for nine days.

He will do his best to injure the opponent.

Lin Xuan stretched out a finger and said faintly: "If you can block my move, I will give up."


Crazy to the extreme!

Can you kill A Fei with one move?

The people of the dragon clan became nervous.

The geniuses of the Star God Race were completely angry.

Although A Fei is the weakest on their side, but on the Dragon Clan side, he is very aloof.

They don't believe that this crazy **** can kill with a single move.

To die.

A Fei roared even more, he rushed quickly, and the starry sky giant sword in his hand fell fiercely.

Xing Yao nine days!

The mysterious starlight, accompanied by the giant sword, quickly cuts down, enough to split everything between heaven and earth.

Before, A Fei had defeated many dragon geniuses. In the end, he was defeated by Jun Wushuang.

His strength can be described as terrifying,

However, Lin Xuan dismissed it.

He stretched out his finger and clicked forward.

Although it was a finger, under the power of the Martial God Body, this finger was even more terrifying than the Divine Sword.

In an instant, he penetrated the world and shattered the stars.

This finger pointed on the starry sky giant sword,

With a clang,

Like thousands of thunders.

The starry sky giant sword was shot and flew out instantly,

A Fei also flew upside down.

His arms shattered and turned into blood mist, half of his body was covered with cracks.

He fell outside the ring, vomiting blood.

Everyone looked at this scene, dumbfounded.

Mad God really defeated A Fei with one move!

Moreover, he just waved his fingers gently.

too strong!

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