Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7984: Lin Xuan's power!

The star world shattered and split into two halves, Xinghu was dumbfounded.

He roared frantically: This is impossible, how can you break my star world?

He is really crazy,

No one can do it except the Emperor.

Now Lin Xuan has done it too,

How could he not be shocked?

Those around him were also dumbfounded.

The people of the Star Gods are stupid,

They looked pale like greedy wolves.

It seems that losing to Lin Xuan before was not accidental.

The opponent is really too strong.

The opponent is much stronger than Zhen Shaoyang and others.

The dragons still have such a genius, why didn't they play before?

Greedy Wolf wants to break their heads, but they don't understand.

Even the eyes of the emperor were filled with a mysterious light.

He stared at Lin Xuan, wondering what he was thinking?

On the ring, Lin Xuan looked at Xinghu and said: Do you want to continue?

You are not my opponent.

Damn, don't be proud, I haven't lost yet.

Xinghu roared wildly, he was really angry.

In her body, the light of the stars turned into flames, flying continuously.

The broken world flew towards him, and then merged with him.

Xinghu's body changed.

After merging with the world, he was no longer a human form, but a tiger.

He is like a sacred beast, carrying the power of endless stars, killing quickly.

The powerful breath revived, as if the peerless beast of the ancient period was resurrected.

The Star God Race Greed Wolf and the others exclaimed when they saw this scene.

No, is Xinghu going to work hard?

They had never seen Xinghu so embarrassed.

I have to say that Xinghu is really powerful, with strong power and blood.

At this moment, it is integrated with the world of stars, and its power is even higher.

This is close to the power of the Emperor.

Xinghu looked ferocious, he roared: I think how do you resist?

The endless fire of stars has swallowed Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan stood proudly, with a piercing light in his eyes.

He is like a peerless divine sword, murderous.

Although shrouded by peerless magical powers, he didn't care at all.

The next moment, he roared up to the sky, he said: Let you see the real power of the Martial God Body.

Become a dragon.

Lin Xuan used the Martial God Body to its extreme, with a metallic light bursting out of his body.

He seemed to have turned into a metal dragon, rising into the sky.

At the same time, an extremely powerful breath erupted from him and swept the world.

This power is really terrible,

As soon as he appeared, the faces of those around the spectators changed drastically.

The artifacts in the hands of those geniuses trembled.

Even the elders exclaimed again and again.

Boom boom boom!

Two beast-like figures collided between heaven and earth.

The storm of destruction swallowed everything, and everyone could see nothing.

They can only hear the roar of dragons and tigers.


In the end, a dragon roar resounded through the world, completely overwhelming the tiger's roar.

The stars in the sky were dim, and those stars gradually turned into black holes.

Countless people saw this scene and exclaimed: the winner is divided.

People of the Star Gods' complexion changed a lot: Did Star Tiger lose?

Will even the fire of the stars go out?

Seeing this scene, Old Monster Sikong waved his sleeves and tore open the sky storm and rescued Star Tiger.

The star tiger at this moment was pale and was seriously injured.

If Old Monster Sikong doesn't make a move, he is likely to be wiped out.

Well, this battle ends here.

Old Monster Sikong said in a deep voice.

Everyone was in an uproar, and even the half-step God King shot.

This shows that Xinghu really lost.

And it is life-threatening.

Everyone looked at Lin Xuan, shocked.

Can this mad **** not only defeat Xinghu, but even kill Xinghu?

It's incredible.

The people of the dragon race became excited: great.

Those powerhouses in Xiaoyao Villa also grinned.

The true gods at the peak such as Xiao Tianlei and Xiao Tianyun were very happy.

Finally saved the face of the Dragon Race, this mad **** is really unexpected.

But Xiao Feng and Xiao Chen's two young masters were completely frightened.

They knelt and watched the battle.

Is this the waste they look down on?

They were still preparing to suppress each other, are they impatient?

Thinking about it, it's really scary.

They walked around the underworld.

To apologize, we must apologize, we must strive for forgiveness from the mad god.

The two young masters are extremely scared now.

The people from the real dragon clan looked even more ugly.

The stronger the mad god, the more uncomfortable they are.

It's just that now, the opponent is acting on behalf of the Dragon Clan, and they are helpless.

Don't worry, it's not the final battle. Zhen Shaoyang said: He is definitely not the opponent of the Emperor Throne. In the end, he still lost.

After he loses, I will challenge him.

Then, in front of everyone, defeat him!

Hearing this, the people of the real dragon clan breathed a sigh of relief.


On the ring, Lin Xuan stood with his hands behind.

The breath on his body is still tyrannical, as if to break the sky.

The Emperor also came over, and he had to take action.

He said: Before the successive battles, I will give you an hour to restore your strength.

He didn't want to take advantage of others.

A stick of incense is enough time. Lin Xuan really needs a break,

The opponents I defeated before were very strong.

Next, the throne he has to face is even more terrifying.

He must face it at his peak.

Xiaoyao Hou even said: Come, give the crazy **** the magic medicine for recovery.

After listening, everyone was very envious.

Xiao Tianlei personally went to the treasure to fetch the magic medicine and hand it to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: Thank you very much.

After taking the magical medicine, the strength Lin Xuan consumed increased at an extremely fast speed.

Less than a stick of incense, he returned to his peak state.

He stood up and said: Okay.

Everyone was excited, even Boss Sikong and Xiaoyaohou were nervous.

This battle is not only the battle of young people, but also concerns the two of them.

It even concerns the face of the two gods.

They take it very seriously.

Behind the emperor, an endless starry sky appeared, and a vast breath filled it.

As if crossing the time and space of the ancient times.

His voice sounded: To be honest, my goal is Long Tatian.

One day, I will compete with him.

I didn't expect that there would be a second person who cultivated the Martial God Body.

Okay, let me learn in advance the power of the Valkyrie Body.

The people of the Dragon tribe were shocked when they heard it, but they didn't expect that some people would take Long Tatian as a target.

This dream is really big enough.

Lin Xuan laughed: By coincidence, my goal is also Long Tatian.

In less than eight hundred years, I will have a showdown with him.

At that time, you must come to watch the game.

This time, the Star God Race was dumbfounded.

Even the old monster Sagong had a strange expression.

This little guy is really interesting.

After the Emperor heard this, there was no nonsense, he took action.

The starry sky above his head fell, and the endless starlight turned into various divine artifacts, sweeping across the wild.

Although it was only a phantom, the killing power was terrifying.

Star sword, star sword, star tripod, star pagoda.

Pieces of phantom artifacts, with mysterious power, enveloped Lin Xuan.

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