Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7993: Apologize to the mad **** son!

Zhen Qianjue sneered again and again, and finally found a chance to suppress the opponent.

His big palm fell ruthlessly.

But at this moment, a voice came: stop.

Upon hearing this, Zhen Qianjue was disdainful.

Jun Wentian and other members of the Five Elements Dragon Clan, don't think about saving the crazy god.

"I asked you to stop, can't you hear me?"

Long Tingshan's face fell gloomy, and with a wave of his big sleeve, he stopped Zhen Qianjue's palm.

Zhen Qianjue came back to his senses: What? This is Longtingshan stopping!


He is a little confused,

He said: "Tingshan, do you want to do it yourself?"

Also good.

He stepped aside and let Long Tingshan take the shot himself.

In that way, the mad **** couldn't stand up even more.

Long Tingshan quickly came to Lin Xuan. He picked up the jade pendant and held it in his hand.

He asked cautiously: "Dare to ask the mad son, whose jade pendant is this?"

"It's mine, what's wrong?"

Long Tingshan's pupils shrank sharply, it was really the other's jade pendant.

He looked down at the jade pendant in his palm, and he saw the word Xiaoyao on it.

He got it,

This is the jade pendant of Xiaoyaohou, which was given to Lin Xuan by Xiaoyaohou.

He naturally heard about Xiaoyao Mountain Villa.

Lin Xuan tried his best to turn the tide and save Xiaoyaohou's face.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoyaohou even gave such an important jade pendant to the other party.

He dare not do it anymore,

This is the person Xiaoyaohou fancy.

Although he is the elder Qinglong, he is only the true **** of the peak.

In the face of a half-step **** king like Xiaoyaohou, he simply couldn't see enough.

"Master, this jade pendant must be collected."

Long Tingshan sent it back, and then said, "As for what happened to Long Wuqian?"

"I think this is a misunderstanding."

"My grandson is indeed a bit too rubbish. Young Master Crazy God, if you clean him up, it's good to him."

Hearing this, everyone in the hall was dumbfounded.

Jun Wentian and others stared wide-eyed: Has the crisis been resolved?

To be honest, they were really worried just now.

They have already figured out a way and are ready to ask other Qinglong elders.

Must bring out the mad god.

But unexpectedly, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

People from the true dragon clan are also blinded,

They couldn't believe it, their ears.

In a short period of time, why has Long Qianshan's attitude changed so much?

Zhen Qianjue even said, "Elder Tingshan, you can't be fooled by this kid."

"Be sure to take a good lesson and teach this kid."

Long Tingshan shook his head and said, "This matter is a misunderstanding."

"I won't blame the mad son."


Zhen Qianjue and others were dumbfounded: Are you kidding?

At first, this Long Tingshan was furious when he heard that his grandson had been injured.

Everyone knows that Longtingshan protects the shortest,

This time, he must take a good shot and avenge his grandson.

Why has it become a misunderstanding now?

There is something wrong, definitely something wrong, there is a problem with that jade pendant.

They looked at the jade pendant,

But at this time, Lin Xuan put the jade pendant away.

Zhen Qianjue and others did not see clearly, and they became even more curious.

What is the origin of that jade pendant?

Is it just a jade pendant to make Long Tingshan, the elder Qinglong, so afraid?

Damn, what is going on?

Long Tingshan said: "Okay, since it's a misunderstanding, then everyone should go away."

"Don't delay the cultivation of the mad son."

The people of the true dragon clan are all blinded,

They are almost vomiting blood.

This time, they got slapped again!

Do you want to leave dingy?

Even Zhen Qianjue gritted his teeth.

At this moment, a sedan chair in the distance flew over.

The four people are carrying the sedan chair, and it is Long Wuqian sitting in the sedan chair.

Long Wuque's face was pale, and he was still recovering.

Hearing that his grandfather wanted to teach the crazy god, he rushed over immediately.

He wants to see with his own eyes, the mad **** is suppressed.

When the crazy **** was still standing in the field, Long Wuque smiled.

It seems that he is not too late,

Next, he will torture each other.

He said: "Grandpa, this kid is the one who hurt me."

"You must not let him go."

Long Tingshan's face is ugly, this little thing, do you want to kill him?

However, the opponent came just right, and with a wave of his hand, he grabbed Long Wuque over.

He said: "Quickly admit your mistakes to the mad son."


Admit it!

"Are you kidding? Grandpa, are you always confused? You made a mistake, he admitted to me."


As soon as Long Wuque finished speaking, he slapped his face.

Long Tingshan snorted coldly, "Little things are getting more and more unruly."

"How many lives do you have? Dare to offend the mad son."

"Hurry up and admit my mistake, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Long Wuque is blinded: What's the situation?

He is here to avenge him. How did he become an apology?

What else did he want to say, but in Long Tingshan's eyes, there was a bit of bitterness.

He said, "Apologize to me."

After speaking, he kicked Long Wuque to the ground.

Long Wuque's body trembled. He knew that his grandpa was really angry.

If he dares to resist again, it is estimated that his grandpa can beat him to death.

He can only apologize obediently, and he said: "My mad son, I'm sorry, I shouldn't do anything to you."

In the main hall, everyone looked at this scene, dumbfounded.

Who can think of it, there is no shortage of dragons, and there is still an apology.

Moreover, it turned out to kneel and apologize,

It's incredible.

Jun Wushuang, Zhen Shaoyang and other young people were shocked,

They feel as if they are dreaming.

"I didn't take it seriously anymore. Also, UU Reading you were just being used as a gun. You are not the fault."

After speaking, Lin Xuan glanced at Zhen Qianjue and the others and sneered.

Long Tingshan also understood, he frowned and asked, "What is going on?"

Long Wuque didn't dare to hide it, and told the story.

"Damn it, it turned out to be the idea of ​​playing Shenlong breathing method."

He glared at Zhen Qianjue and said, "You are getting too much."

"I'm not here yet, apologize to the mad son?"

"What? We have to apologize too?"

Zhen Shaoyang and others were dissatisfied, even Zhen Qianjue's eyelids jumped wildly.

Are you kidding me?

As the aloof elder and the true **** at the peak, he bowed his head like a young junior.

He couldn't bear it.

Long Tingshan said, "What? You didn't even listen to me?"

"In this case, I can only invite you to the Azure Dragon Hall."

"At that time, Qinglongyin will rule."

Hearing the word verdict, the people of the real dragon clan changed a lot, and even Zhen Qianjue bowed his head.

He walked over and said, "Master Mad God, please forgive me, I'm always confused."

"In the future, I won't have the idea of ​​breathing techniques anymore."

Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu, Zhen Shaoyue and other young people also came over and apologized.

Lin Xuan waved his hand and said, "Only this time, not as an example."

"It depends on the face of Elder Tingshan and spare you."

Zhen Qianjue's teeth were crushed,

He turned and left quickly.

The members of the True Dragon clan left, Long Tingshan chatted with Lin Xuan again, and then left with his grandson.

After the wait was gone, Jun Wentian and the others were relieved.

Afterwards, they all looked at Lin Xuan and asked, "How did you do it?"

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