Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7996: Magic tripod!

Devourers specialize in eating true gods, and no true **** dares to directly use their physical strength to compete.

Even the true gods of the peaks in front of them did not dare to directly contend when fighting against the **** worms.

But now?

The crazy **** actually caught the god-eater directly,

Is this too arrogant?

I am afraid I will suffer a big loss.

They are trying to remind that it is too late.

Lin Xuan's speed was very fast, and he immediately caught the Divine Devourer.

The five fingers closed, the God Devouring Insect collided, making a sound like the sky.

The power of the Valkyrie Body was terrifying, and the Devouring Worm couldn't hurt Lin Xuan.

Of course, Lin Xuan thought that it would be very difficult to kill the God-eating Insects only with the Martial God Body.

However, Lin Xuan has other cards.

In the palm of his palm, fragments of the Great Dragon Sword appeared, and they cooperated with the Martial God Body to show off their might.



The God Eater was crushed,

Lin Xuan released his palm.

From his palm, there was a black bug that fell down.

The body was broken, like scrap iron, falling to the ground.

The surroundings were quiet and terrible, and the disciples of Xiaoyao Villa almost stared out.

They stared at the scrap-like existence and sucked in cold air.

"This is a god-eater?"

"I'm struggling with the sky, am I not dreaming, am I?"

"The Devouring Worm was crushed by someone,"

"Also, crush it with bare hands."

"This has to be, what a power against the sky."

Xiao Yang:...

He didn't know what to say.

I was worried about the other party just now and felt that the mad **** was too arrogant.

In the blink of an eye, the mad **** completed the shocking move.

He felt nothing but shock.

After eliminating the god-eater, Lin Xuan quickly came to Xiao Yang's side.

He shot again and grabbed another god-eater.

Kill it.

Seeing this scene up close, Xiao Yang's eyelids jumped wildly.

Xiao Yu beside him was equally dumbfounded.

Both of them have a blank mind.

They worked desperately to stop a god-eater,

As a result, Lin Xuan was easily killed in seconds.

This gap is too big, right?

"Master Mad God, how did you do it?"

Xiao Yu asked curiously.

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Just squeeze it and it will break. Is it difficult?"

Xiao Yang, Xiao Yu:...

After that, Lin Xuan did not make any more moves, he continued to wait.

At the same time, cast pupil surgery for 4 weeks.

Just like that, three days passed,

Those god-eaters finally retreated.

The elder at the pinnacle came back, and saw that the others had not fallen, they were relieved.

Great, there are surprises but no dangers.

They are expected to go far away, where the war is even more terrifying.

I don’t know, what happened to the old ancestor?

I don't know, who is the opponent?

Suddenly at this moment, Lin Xuan's expression changed, and his reincarnation eyes shook again.

He felt that the second super power came, he was a half-step **** king.

Xiao Tianlei and others also sensed,

Their complexion changed drastically.

No, there are two and a half-step **** kings in this ancient ruin. The situation is troublesome!

Although Xiaoyaohou was powerful, it would be very dangerous to be besieged by two masters of the same level.

A little carelessness may even fall.

At this moment, a team also appeared in another position of the ancient ruins.

In these people, the devilish energy is overwhelming, and the leader is an extremely powerful man.

In his hands, there is a tripod,

This tripod is a magic tripod with a few magic shadows painted on it.

He sensed that the fighting aura in the distance also rose to the sky and killed him.

The fourth half-step God King appears! Lin Xuan sensed it instantly.

Those other people were also shocked.

They discovered that the half-step **** king that appeared this time had an extremely amazing devilish energy on his body.

It is a member of the Demon Race.

Xiaoyaohou was originally besieged by two mysterious figures, he was suppressed, and he was about to flee.

But at this moment, the powerhouse of the Demon Race came, and he exclaimed: "Hurry up and join hands."

"Xiaoyaohou, it was you!"

Holding the magic cauldron, the strong demon clan was surprised.

"Mo Dinghou, join hands together, I have a map in my hand."

Hearing this, Mo Dinghou grinned, and he rushed over quickly.

The tripod in his hand bloomed with ten thousand rays of light.

He and Xiaoyaohou joined forces and finally blocked each other.

Xiaoyao Hou breathed a sigh of relief, and in the next moment, he performed his unique skills.

Happy big mudra.

This is his fame and marvellous knowledge, but it takes a little time to display it.

Now, with Mo Dinghou restraining him by the side, he finally displayed this supreme genius.


A big handprint fell, and a mysterious figure was knocked out in an instant.

On the side of Mo Dinghou, he also displayed his fascinating knowledge, and his cauldron quickly rotated and became the size of a fist.

However, the power was extremely terrifying, and he penetrated another figure.

Two mysterious figures flew towards the distance.

They retreated.

Finally gone. Xiaoyao Hou breathed a sigh of relief.

Mo Ding Hou said: "What does your map record?"

"Let's go and explore together."

Xiaoyao Hou was careless.

He originally thought that with his half-step God King cultivation base, there should be no problem here.

Unexpectedly, this place is so terrible.

If this time, Mo Ding Hou does not come, I am afraid he will end badly.

Even if he does not die, he will probably suffer severe damage.

He is ready to join forces with Mo Dinghou.

"I also brought some people here. I brought them together and we went together."

Xiaoyao Hou sent a signal.

Xiao Tianlei and the others, who were waiting anxiously in the distance, were extremely happy after seeing this signal.

They said: "Go, go and meet the ancestors."

These people rushed over quickly, and soon came to the front.

They saluted Demon Dinghou: "Meet the demon predecessors."

Mo Dinghou also summoned some figures.

After the two sides converged, they set off together towards the distance.

This time, they followed the route marked on the map.

Although some dangers were encountered during the period, the two and a half steps of the **** kings joined forces to sweep everything.

After flying for nine days, they stopped.

They have come, deep in the ancient ruins.

Xiaoyaohou took the map and said, "Here."

He looked around.

It is a bit desolate here, although there are some mountains, but they did not see any treasures.

"Are you sure it is here?"

Mo Dinghou also frowned slightly, how did he feel that this old thing was lying to him.

"Go, look for it."

With a wave of his hand, the people of the Demon Race behind them flew in all directions.

The people on Xiaoyao Villa are also investigating.

Lin Xuan rose into the sky, a mysterious light flickering in his eyes.

Suddenly, he was taken aback,

He felt that the fragments of the big dragon sword shook.

The tip of the dragon's sword actually pointed to the ground.

Is there anything under the earth?

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and banged his fist downward.

His fist turned into a giant dragon, tearing the earth apart in an instant.

The roaring sound sounded, and the people around turned their heads to look.

"Crazy God, did you find anything?"

They asked.

"Not sure yet."

Lin Xuan shook his head, he was just guessing, and he continued to take action.

But at this moment, his fist seemed to hit something, making a sound.

The whole land shook.

Xiaoyao Hou, Mo Ding Hou, two powerful men, their eyes brightened.

They suddenly turned their heads and looked towards Lin Xuan.

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