Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7805: The Law of the King of Gods!

Next, these people shot with all their strength, wanting to go deeper into the earth.

If they guessed correctly, there is a sacred tree here.

The sacred tree with the supreme treasure is very wonderful, and the whole body is full of treasures.

For example, leaves, branches, and even roots all have magical effects.

As long as you can get some, you will benefit endlessly.

The war broke out in an instant, and the battle was more terrifying than they thought.

The number of wooden people below is very large and continuous.

In an instant, it overwhelmed everyone, and everyone seemed to be swallowed.

Go all out.

The demon lunatic roared and displayed the demon body, the monstrous devilish energy swept the wasteland.

Mo Wangyue and Mojie, they are also frantically attacking.

On the other side, Lin Xuan also shot.

He displayed the sword of the heavens.

With a wave of his hand, the 20th heaven fell, and the earth was sunk instantly.

Countless wooden people were beaten into powder.

Boom boom boom,

The sky is falling apart, and the world is like a scene of destruction.

In the distance, those warriors who were still resting also felt it.

They rose into the sky, looking into the distance,

What a terrible fighting atmosphere.

It’s the madman, the mad **** and others are doing it,

Could it be that the two sides fought?

The people of Xiaoyao Villa are extremely nervous,

Xiao Yang, Xiao Yu and others rushed over.

Absolutely not, let the mad **** suffer.

When they arrived, they were stunned. They found that it was not the two sides fighting.

Crazy gods, devil lunatics, they are fighting with a group of wooden people.

There are many wooden people in this group, and their individual strength is also very powerful.

At this moment, a heavy siege was formed, completely covering the mad **** and others.

"Go and help."

Xiao Yang and the others rushed down immediately.

They are all geniuses, well-informed, and they understand in an instant.

Below the earth, there is another world,

Maybe it's another treasure.

More and more people joined the battle, and in the end, even the peak powerhouses were not calm.

They also came over, they shot and swept everything,

Those wooden people were solved instantly.

These peak powers, set the way ahead, and the rest quickly follow.

Soon, they came under the earth.

Before they could explore anything, some vines rushed out from under the earth.

This time the vines are much stronger than those wooden people.

A total of more than a dozen vines were killed instantly, the true gods of these peaks.

This time, the true **** at the pinnacle was also on the verge of an enemy, and they met an opponent.

They were shocked, a vine, there is the peak power.

What exactly do you have below? Don’t you really own a sacred tree?

However, the sacred tree above the ground disappeared,

Is it possible that only the roots are left?

But even the roots of the trees should have strong vitality.

Maybe there are treasures of life.

Thinking of this, everyone shot wildly.

After a long battle, it finally attracted a more terrifying existence.

Two mysterious figures emerged, shattering the world.

This is exactly the two mysterious beings who had previously attacked Xiaoyaohou,

They are two half-step **** kings.

The true **** at the pinnacle couldn't resist it at all, was blasted out instantly, vomiting blood.

Xiaoyaohou and Mo Dinghou, who were still digging the gold mine, changed their expressions when they felt this power.

They rushed over immediately.

They also sensed the changes under the earth before,

They did not take action.

It should be no problem if you want to come to those top strong players.

If they really find the treasure, it will not be too late for them to discuss the distribution.

Unexpectedly, this time, he actually attracted a half-step God King.

They must take action,

Otherwise, everyone else will be wiped out.

Two mysterious figures stood in the air.

They stared at Xiaoyaohou and the others, and said, "Leave quickly, and spare you for not waiting."

"The baby here, you are not qualified to take it."

"Leaving, what are you kidding?"

Xiaoyao Hou gave a cold snort.

Mo Dinghou even took out his own divine tool, with a biting light flickering in his eyes.

He said: "Not only the gold mine, we have to take it away. We also have to take away the treasures under this earth."

After speaking, he shot,

The war is even more terrifying.

This battle lasted a total of five days,

Five days later, the world was beaten through.

Everyone also saw the scene under the earth clearly, there were indeed tree roots there, forming an underground world.

Those wooden people are all formed by the condensation of tree roots.

No wonder they are endless, and there are so many.

Everyone also discovered that among the roots of the tree, a channel was formed.

Don't know where to go?

Someone tried to rush over, but was blocked by mysterious power.

Two mysterious figures retreated.

They came to the side of the aisle and said coldly: "Get out of here, or you will definitely die."

"No one can stop me." "Mo Ding Hou snorted and rushed forward quickly.

The magic cauldron in his hand burst out with a monstrous light.

However, what is surprising is that the two mysterious people in front of them did not stop at all.

Instead, each stepped back and gave way.

This scene is very strange,

Mo Dinghou was also awe-inspiring: Is it possible, is there any trap?

However, he is bold and talented.

What if there are traps?

He was not afraid of it.

He can push everything horizontally.

Seeing that he was about to enter the passage, the next moment, in the passage, there was a mysterious force that instantly knocked him out.

Mo Dinghou spewed out a mouthful of old blood, and he half-kneeled in the void, his body was covered with cracks.

The people around were shocked when they saw this scene.

No, the half-step **** king was injured.

What kind of power is there in that channel?

Is it possible that there is a sleeping **** king?

Thinking of this, their scalp was numb and they kept backing away.

Xiaoyaohou was also taken aback, he was frightened and did not dare to take action.

He came to the side of Mo Dinghou and asked, "What's the situation? Do you know who is making the shot?"

"It's the power of law."

Mo Dinghou took out a pill and swallowed it.

Then he said: "In the passage, there is an extremely powerful law power."

"It should be the king of God who stayed."

Upon hearing this, Xiaoyaohou's face was extremely ugly.

Mo Ding Hou continued: "I feel a little restriction in that law."

"It seems that I am too old to touch the law."

Upon hearing this, Xiaoyaohou frowned: The power of the law is terrible.

There are some powerful people who use their own rules to form a world.

This kind of world will become a world of laws, with its own rules.

Only with the existence of the rules can it not be attacked.

Otherwise, everyone else will be attacked by the law.

For example, there are often some ancient ruins and palaces, there will be a special rule.

That is the age limit, or the cultivation base limit.

Unexpectedly, there are legal restrictions here.

Xiaoyao Hou thought for a while, and let some people from Xiaoyao Villa walk over.

Let them try it and see what the age limit is?

After a try, no one can get in.

Xiaoyaohou's face is hard to see the extreme!

The two mysterious people beside them smiled, "Don't bother."

"To tell you the truth, only people under ten thousand years old can enter."

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