Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7817: Nether ancestor! Hands and eyes open to the sky!

Lin Xuan entered, in the Nether Ancient City, and walked towards the Nether Ancient Castle.

He found that there were many people around the castle,

These people come from all heavens and all realms.

Lin Xuan didn't care too much either.

There are also many palaces and pavilions around the castle.

Most of those who came to the banquet lived nearby, and no one was able to enter the castle yet.

After Lin Xuan came, he walked directly towards the castle.

The guard in front blocked the way, and a middle-aged man said, "Sorry, son. The banquet hasn't started yet, you can't go in yet."

"Banquet? What kind of banquet?"

Lin Xuan was taken aback: "Is anyone here hosting a banquet?"

Didn't you come to the party?

The guards on the opposite side frowned slightly.

They said: "Then you can't go in."

The Nether Castle has an extraordinary status. It is said that the owner behind it is very terrifying, with hands and eyes extending to the sky.

No one dares to come here to go wild.

Lin Xuan wanted to say something, but at this time Fang, there was a roar from the void.

He turned his head and looked around, only to see a chariot coming from the sky.

Pulling the cart is a few strange beasts, extremely powerful.

They were fast, and in the blink of an eye, they came to the vicinity of the castle.

The guards in front no longer paid attention to Lin Xuan, but greeted him.

They respectfully bowed: "You Ruo Fairy, you are back."

The old chariot drove slowly in.

But at this moment, the two strange beasts pulling the cart in front of them let out an uneasy roar.

It seemed that a glance fell on them.

And this look was so terrible, they almost knelt down, and the whole tank shook slightly.

The surrounding guards were dumbfounded, and they turned to look at Lin Xuan.

They were dumbfounded: this guy wants to do it.

Just kidding, does the other party want to die?

Who dares to challenge the Nether Castle?

Even those Protoss did not dare to do it easily!

Inside the ancient chariot, Fairy Youruo also frowned slightly.

She opened the chariot and looked outside. For an instant, she stared at Lin Xuan.

She said coldly: "Who are you?"

The guard next to him didn't say anything yet, Fairy You Ruo was slightly surprised. "You have the power of Dragon Dao, are you from the Dragon Clan?"

"Should you come to the party?"

Long Xian'er wanted to hold a banquet after waking up in Nether Castle.

She also knew about this,

She even listened to the strong people in the castle and discussed it.

As Long Xian'er, under normal circumstances, he is not qualified to move and use the Heavenly Order Hall.

Long Xian'er's brother, Long Tatian, is the top arrogant of the dragon clan.

The other party is also from Dragon Palace, behind their Nether Castle, there is still some connection with Dragon Palace.

This time, it was to give the Dragon Palace a face to allow Long Xian'er to use the Heavenly Stage Hall here.

Just thinking about it, Lin Xuan said, "I'm not here to attend the banquet."

Fairy Youruo was taken aback for a moment: I didn't come to the banquet, what did that come for?

She hasn't reacted yet,

Lin Xuan stepped out and came to her.

"No, protect the fairy."

The guards around are crazy: Does the other party want to do it?

Even Fairy Youruo was stunned, she thought Lin Xuan would do it.

However, the next moment, she realized that it was not.

Lin Xuan stretched out his palm,

On his thumb, there is a ring.

The black ring has various runes on it.

Looking from a distance, above the ring, a black dragon appeared, spreading its teeth and dancing claws, lifelike.

You Ruo was stunned when he saw the black dragon pattern.

She stood up suddenly.

"You, you are..."

You are so frightened that you can't speak.

Several guards nearby rushed over, wanting to do something.

You Ruo quickly stopped.

"Stop, don't be rude."

After speaking, she saluted Lin Xuan.

She asked: "Dare to ask the son, where did you get this ring?"

"Now, this ring is mine. I want to see the master of your castle." Lin Xuan said.

"I see, son, please come with me."

You Ruo took a deep breath, and respectfully invited Lin Xuan into the chariot.

Then, the chariot flew into the castle.

The guards on both sides were blinded: what's the situation?

What is this young man sacred?

With such a big face, he can board Youruo Fairy's chariot!

Even, it can make Youruo Fairy so shocked.

Isn't it incredible?

You know, Youruo Fairy, that is the little princess of the old castle.

I can only say that this young man has an amazing background!

Wouldn't it be the son of a **** clan?

In fact, You Ruo was more shocked than these guards.

She has never seen this ring, but she has heard of it.

Her ancestor was the master of this castle.

She once heard from her ancestors that when she saw this ring, she must be polite.

You Ruo didn't dare to be careless, she hurriedly took Lin Xuan to see the ancestor.

"Youruo fairy, you are back."

Ahead, at the door of the ancient hall, stood an old man.

This old man is the old steward of Nether Castle.

Said to be a steward, but his position is very terrifying, equivalent to the elder of the martial family.

The specific matters of the castle are presided over by this old butler.

You Ruo said, "Butler Mo, where is the ancestor?"

"Master has just been practicing in retreat, so he won't come out in a short time?"

"For general things, don't bother him. What do you want? Tell me."

Although Steward Mo is a steward, he is also very strong.

He is a true **** of the pinnacle and he can handle ordinary things.

The ancestor actually closed up, isn't it a coincidence?

You Ruo thought for a while, and said, "Butler Mo, you should inform the ancestor."

"I want to take this young man to see the ancestor."


After hearing this, butler Mo turned his head to look at Lin Xuan, and looked at Lin Xuan carefully.

I found that the aura on Lin Xuan's body was not bad.

He nodded slightly

It's a genius, but the other party may not be qualified yet, see the master.

You know, even Long Xian'er, who will host a banquet here, is not qualified to see the master.

You Ruo walked over and whispered in Butler Mo's ear, "He is unusual."

"He came with the black dragon ring."

With a bang, all the tea cups in Butler Mo's hand fell to the ground.

His eyes widened, with an incredible expression.

He stared at Lin Xuan firmly,

The other party came with a black dragon ring!

He glanced at Lin Xuan's finger, and as expected, he saw a black ring.

Butler Mo's eyelids jumped wildly, and he said, "My son please."

His attitude is completely different from before.

Before, he looked at Lin Xuan just like an elder.

But now, he is like an old servant, leading the way.

Those warriors in the old castle were also stunned.

What's the situation?

The position of the old housekeeper in the castle is very high.

Those young masters and fairies dare not offend the old housekeeper.

But now, the old housekeeper is like an old servant, leading the way.

This is a qualification that only the ancestors have.

They all looked at Lin Xuan, very curious in their hearts.

Where is the other party sacred?

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