Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7820: my brother! It's Long Tatian!

Nether Castle, Heavenly Stage Hall,

It's extremely lively here.

Surrounded by fairy music on the top of the head, everyone below congratulated, all kinds of gifts, piled like a mountain.

Long Xian'er sat on the main seat, her face full of arrogance, and there was a hint of happiness in her eyes.

This time, it really has face, the heavens and the world, come to visit.

The news will surely shock the world.

At that time, the geniuses of the Protoss will definitely learn about this matter.

Maybe she will be afraid of her,

This is what she wants to see most.

Victory without fighting is the most powerful method.

She just wants to establish her own power first, and let these people fear her and look up to her.

Just thinking about it, suddenly, another figure walked into the hall.

This is an old man, an old housekeeper,

After the old butler came in, he immediately shut down Jiu Tian Xian Yin.

The hall suddenly fell silent,

Countless people were in an uproar.

what's the situation?

They all looked up,

The fairy song in the sky has disappeared.

Who closed it? Are you looking for death?

Long Xian'er also frowned.

Someone dared to disturb her Yaxing, do you really want to live?

She said to the person next to her, "Go and see, who is it?"

Her voice is extremely sharp.

To find out who dared to turn off Jiu Tian Xian Yin, she must torture the other party to death.

A strong dragon from the side quickly rushed over.

Soon, he returned the same way,

His face became ugly.

He said: "It's the chief steward of the castle."

The people around, took a breath,

The steward of the castle has an extraordinary status.

He is a peak power.

No one dares to underestimate each other.

Zhen Qianjue, who was sitting on the side, stood up and walked forward.

He said: "It turns out to be the housekeeper, I don't know what's the matter if you are here?"

The butler said blankly: "Please change places."

What does it mean to change place?

Zhen Qianjue was taken aback for a moment, and the others were also staring at each other.

The old steward said: "We have already opened it, and the ground floor hall next to it, please drive there."

"As for the Temple of Heaven, we will take it back."

When these words came out, everyone was in an uproar: What happened?

Zhen Qianjue's face turned ugly.

Halfway through the banquet, is this being kicked out? This is hitting them in the face.

He was immediately angry.

He said coldly: "Butler, do you know what are you talking about?"

The butler was not angry after seeing too many scenes.

He said faintly: "We will apologize when it happened suddenly."

"We don't charge anything for today's expenses."

"At the same time, we will send a gift, and please make it convenient for you all."

This can be regarded as a step down the other side.

If the ancestor Nether came, he would not be so polite.

What steps, he slapped everyone out.

In his eyes, His Royal Highness is the most important.

The ancestor didn't know that the mad **** and Long Tatian had an enmity, and he was in the same blood as the real dragon, and was also a rival.

If you know it, it's probably not expelled, it's that simple.

Even if you don't kill Zhen Qianjue and others with the method of the old demon like Nether Ancestor. Will also torture each other well.

At this moment, the attitude of this old housekeeper is very good!

However, the true dragons do not think so.

They only feel that they have been slapped in the face, which is aimed at them.

Long Xian'er's face immediately changed.

The smile on her face disappeared, but it was replaced by a touch of coldness.

She said coldly: "Let me leave? This is impossible."

"Expenses, we can pay normally, and we can even give you twice as much money."

"You leave quickly, don't disturb my banquet."

The old butler shook his head and said: "This is not a matter of money, we must take back the Heavenly Order Hall."

"We are here to entertain a more honorable guest."

More distinguished guests!

Everyone was stunned.

Who can be more noble than Long Xian'er?

Could it be those gods?

Many people looked at the warriors of the Protoss.

At this banquet, the Protoss sent many people to come, is it possible that the Protoss came to slap her face?

The people of the Protoss also looked at each other.

Impossible, didn't they receive any news in this regard?

Long Xian'er's complexion changed, and she suddenly stood up.

She shouted coldly: "Who are you going to entertain? Is it more noble than me?"

Just kidding, she didn't want to be kicked out in public.

She wants to see, who is it? Dare not give her face.

What about the Son of God?

The old butler said: "Sorry, in the eyes of our master, he is really more noble than you."

"Princess Xian'er, please move to the ground floor hall."

"What if I don't go?" Long Xian'er's voice was like ten thousand years of ice, and she shivered with anger.

"Then don't blame us for being impolite."

The old butler clapped his hands, and behind him, there were countless men in armor.

These people, wearing black masks and black armor, are murderous.

As long as they give an order, they will act unceremoniously.

The expressions of those around him changed: Unexpectedly, the housekeeper dared to do it.

Is this going to tear your face completely?

Long Xian'er was also very angry and smiled: "Be bold, you're just a housekeeper."

"Have you been the master?"

"Do you know who I am? The master of your castle will never offend me."

The butler also laughed: "Sorry! This is our master's order."

"I'm here by order."

Long Xian'er is like a lightning strike.

It turned out that it wasn't the big butler who was instigating it, but the owner of the old castle who wanted to drive her out.

How could it be like this?

Her heart, UU reading gradually sinks.

Today, she invited people from the heavens and all realms, and the gods came.

If she was kicked out now, she would lose her face.

The heavens and the ten thousand realms would laugh at her.

Thinking of the consequences, Long Xian'er was almost mad.

She would never allow this to happen.

She could only move out the last rescue soldier, she said: "My brother, but Long Tatian."

"It's the king of the future."

"To offend me is to offend Long Tatian. Are you sure you want to be my enemy?"

"Enemy with the Dragon Race?"

The old butler said: "Our master said, no one can compare to the next distinguished guest."

"Give you ten seconds. If you don't leave, we will do it."

Between the heavens and the earth, the silence is terrible,

The old butler began to count down.

The people around were dumbfounded.

Even the people of the Protoss don’t believe it,

The other party even moved out Long Tatian, is it useless?

It seems that the Netherworld Castle is determined to slap Long Xian'er in the face.


These protoss people laughed secretly in their hearts.

People from the real dragon clan were so angry that they gritted their teeth. Some people said: I was fighting with him.

Zhen Qianjue's complexion changed drastically: Never, this old housekeeper is the peak **** of war, very strong.

Although there are many masters on their side, they can compete with the old housekeeper.

However, behind the old housekeeper is the owner of the castle.

That is the existence above them.

If the owner of the castle takes action, they will undoubtedly die.

Thinking of this, Zhen Qianjue came to Long Xian'er.

He bowed his head and said, "Princess Xian'er, let's go!"

"what did you say?"

Long Xian'er couldn't believe it.

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