Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7823: Mad God! came back!

Taixu Dragon Palace, the atmosphere is a bit dull.

Long Xian'er was slapped in the face, and even taking them to Dragon Palace was laughed at.

The disciple of the Dragon Clan was very depressed.

They dare not complain about Long Xian'er, they can only complain about that mysterious son.

The real dragons were frantically looking for clues, but they couldn't find them either.

Who is that mysterious son?

Long Xian'er was mad: waste, a bunch of waste.

Go find it for me again, and use twice the strength, I don't believe it, I can't find that person.

The people under him continued to search.

But at this moment, another piece of news came, and the Dragon Race was completely shocked.

The entire Dragon Palace was boiling.

Mad God is back.

This news, like a thunderstorm, spread throughout the Dragon Palace.

The warriors of the dragon clan were all stunned.

Who? Mad God?

real or fake?

Didn't it mean that he was trapped in the ancient ruins?

Are you wrong?

Those elders also roared: nonsense.

When is it all? Still messing around with me here, hurry up and practice.

No, elder, really a mad god, he is back.

How about you go and see?

Those disciples gave crazy explanations, but no one believed it.

However, more and more news came, because many people had seen Mad God with their own eyes.

Mad God, walking on the streets of Dragon Palace.

He even greeted those disciples with a smile.

Those disciples were excited: it is Brother Madshen, he is back, he is finally back alive.

That's great, I knew that Senior Brother Crazy God would not fall so easily.

Brother Kuangshen, come on.

Lin Xuan's position in the Dragon Race is also very important now.

After all, he had turned the tide before, defeating the Star God Race and the genius of the Demon God Race.

It can be said that he is the top arrogant of the Dragon Race, and an existence that countless people look up to.

Before, the news that the mad **** was trapped and fell, came out, causing countless people to sigh and despair.

Unexpectedly, now the other party is back.

Those disciples were extremely excited,

Even the elders rushed out.

When they saw the young figure, they were shocked.

Mad God, is it really you?

They rushed over and probed carefully.

The members of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan were also alarmed, and Jun Wentian, Jun Wushuang and others rushed quickly.

When they saw Lin Xuan, they were also dumbfounded.

Jun Wentian's excited old tears run into tears: That's great, God bless.

Just come back, just come back.

People on the side of the true dragon clan were also blinded by the news.

what's the situation?

They had just been slapped in the face, and now there is another news that stuns them.

Their rival, the peerless enemy, the mad god, didn't even die, and was back.

Just kidding!

Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu, they didn't believe it, they also ran out to watch.

When they really saw the mad god, they only felt dizzy in front of them and almost didn't pass out.

Damn, how could this guy come back alive?

Didn't he enter, life is forbidden? How is his luck so good?

After Zhen Qianjue learned the news, he almost vomited a mouthful of old blood.

This news drove them crazy and depressed.

Long Xian'er also learned the news: What? Mad God is not dead?

For the mad god, she has never seen it.

In her eyes, the mad **** is an ant who does not know the height of the sky.

Dare to challenge her brother Long Tatian, the other party is really reckless.

It's just that the opponent has fallen, so she has no chance to make a move.

Now I hear that the other party is still alive, don't know why? Long Xian'er had a cloud of anger burning in her heart.

She was slapped in the face before and was on the verge of collapse in anger.

Now, I just met the mad god, and I can use the mad **** to release the anger in her heart.

She is ready for a good lesson, torture, this crazy god.

Thinking of this, Long Xian'er walked out of the main hall and flew quickly towards the distance.

On the other side, after Long Han got the news, he was even more struck by lightning.

His brain thundered, as if he had been struck by thousands of thunder.

Mad God is still alive!

Then the figure he saw from the back must be a mad god.

Crazy God has entered the Heavenly Order Hall!

Damn, what is going on?

Not only did the mad **** not die, but a blessing in disguise instead?

Such important news must be reported to the ancestors.

at the same time,

Xiaoyao Villa, Xiao Tianlei and others also got the news.

The crazy **** came back alive.

They quickly found their ancestors,

After Xiaoyao Hou learned about it, he was blinded.

Impossible? He didn't feel his clone.

What is going on?

He rushed to the Dragon Palace.

Dragon Palace, it’s been a long time since it was so lively,

Countless disciples and elders came out one after another and gathered together.

Thousands of eyes focused on Lin Xuan.

This is truly eye-catching.

When Long Xian'er came here, her face was extremely ugly, and she felt that she was being compared.

Her bloodline is supreme, she is Long Tatian's sister, she should be superior.

She should be eye-catching, she is.

However, she was slapped in the face before,

The shame was thrown into the Dragon Palace of the Ten Thousand Realms

Many people were secretly dissatisfied with her.

And now, everyone ignored her, everyone was surrounded by Mad God.

This makes her jealous and drives her crazy.

What is the other party? Why does the other party steal her limelight?

There was a trace of killing intent in her heart.

Fortunately, in front of everyone, this mad **** slammed under his feet.

In this way, she can save some face, but also some status.

Long Xian'er took a deep breath and walked towards Fang.

However, she hadn't taken a shot yet, and there was a vast force in the sky.

That is the power of the half-step true god.

When this force came out, everyone's scalp numb.

Long Xian'er's body was also stiff, and she didn't even have the strength to resist.

Meet the happy waiting.

The people around, seeing this scene, saluted.

They are no strangers to the breath of Xiaoyaohou. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

Xiaoyao Hou came, everyone took it very seriously.

Even the elder Qinglong came out, and Long Tingshan came out in person to welcome Xiaoyaohou.

Xiaoyao Hou did not care so much, his gaze fell on Lin Xuan.

He was surprised: Mad God, it's really you!

Before, he had all kinds of guesses, but at the moment he saw Lin Xuan, all the guesses were gone.

All he has is curious, how did the other party come out?

Jun Wentian said to the side: During the 200 years you were trapped. Xiaoyao Hou looked for several helpers to rescue you together.

After Lin Xuan learned these news, he bowed to the void.

Thank you, Senior Xiaoyao Hou.

Xiaoyao Hou sighed: No need to thank me, and I didn't help much.

You are trapped, this matter is also because of me.

I am curious, how did you come out? Didn't it mean that you can't get out of that place?

I sent a clone there, one guarding it, why didn't I feel your breath?

This matter is a long story.

On the way back, Lin Xuan had already thought of a statement.

He didn't tell here, he looked around.

Long Tingshan smiled and said: Let's go to Qinglong Palace for a description.

He invited Lin Xuan, Xiaoyaohou and others to the Qinglong Hall.

Jun Wentian also followed, and some peak elders were also very curious.

They went one after another.

Zhen Qianjue's face was gloomy, and he followed.

He wants to see how this crazy **** came out?

Long Xian'er was even more mad, the little ant in her eyes, she thought she could easily trample the opponent under her feet,

But now, she can't do it,

And this little ant was invited away by the elder Qinglong and the half-step **** king.

Is the other party's status so high?

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