Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7830: The power of destruction

Lin Xuan used the technique of destruction and easily killed this monster.

Lin Xuan was very satisfied with this, and he continued to practice.

And after this monster beast, there are some monster beasts, smelling the wind.

This time, the number was very large, and they shot Lin Xuan together.

On the other side,

In the forest, there was a figure who fled back embarrassedly.

This person is Long Han.

Long Han was also cultivating before, and he killed a lot of powerful wild monsters.

Not long ago, he provoked an opponent that could not be defeated.

That monster beast was so terrible, it wounded it with just one move.

Long Han could only escape back.

After all his life, he finally returned to this fringe zone.

He was relieved: it was terrible.

Although it was only the Azure Dragon fantasy realm, the injuries he suffered were so real.

Applying the law of the road, he is ready to repair his injury.

Suddenly at this moment, he heard a terrible roar from a distance.

More than one monster is roaring,

It sounds like there are dozens of them.

Long Han was stunned. This is a marginal area. How could it be possible to have so many wild monsters?

He was very curious, and flew forward quietly.

After crossing several mountains, Long Han looked forward.

The next moment, he was stunned.

He found that there were more than a dozen behemoths there, and let out an angry roar.

The evil spirit on his body swept the heavens.

And among these strange beasts, there was a figure, an extremely young figure.

The young man, sitting there cross-legged, seemed to be practicing silently.

Long Han recognized at a glance, this was a mad god.

He was stunned,

Is the other party always on the edge?

This mad **** seems to have never taken a shot.

I didn't make a move during the previous test, and now I came to the Azure Dragon Fantasy Realm, and I didn't make a move.

Is it possible that, as those people said, the mad **** was abolished?

Thinking of this, Long Han was extremely excited.

He smiled.

It seems that this crazy **** is not very lucky.

In this marginal place, it could be surrounded by dozens of monsters.

Next, the other party will be unlucky.

He has to watch the opponent lose with his own eyes.


Dozens of monsters came to Lin Xuan and killed them together.

Lin Xuan frowned slightly, and he opened his eyes again.

Then, with a wave of his finger, a black lightning flashed over.

This black light cut through the void and fell on dozens of monsters.

As long as the monster beasts shrouded by these black rays of light began to shatter.

It didn’t take long before it was gone,

The whole process was silent and silent.

Very weird,

When Long Han watched this scene, his eyes barely came out.

His body was trembling, what did he see?

With a wave of the mad god, dozens of powerful wild monsters were wiped out.

What is this method? It's too bad!

Damn, who said that the mad **** was abolished?

Long Han really wanted to slap that **** to death.

Is this abandoned?

He felt that the mad **** was even more unfathomable.

No, you have to quickly tell Long Xian'er and the others that this crazy **** is very strong, much stronger than they thought.

Be sure to guard against each other.

Thinking of this, Long Han turned and left.


Under the towering trees, Lin Xuan destroyed these wild monsters.

He sighed, this place can't stay for a long time, it has to be changed.

His figure flickered, and there was a flash of thunder rune under his feet.

His speed was so fast that he turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

In the vast mountains, a cave was opened, and Long Xian'er and others were resting inside.

When Long Han came back, Zhen Shaoyue cast a glance.

She frowned and said, "Where have you been? Why did you come back so long?"

Long Han said: "Something happened before and was chased by a monster beast."

"This is not the point, I found a big thing."

"Listen to me."

Long Han's expression was extremely solemn.


Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu and others all opened their eyes.

Even Long Xian'er frowned slightly.

Her voice was cold: "Say quickly, don't waste my time."

Long Han hurriedly said, "I saw the mad god."

what is this?

The mad **** naturally entered the blue dragon fantasy realm. Isn't it normal to see him?

"You shot him?"


Long Han said: "I saw from a distance that the mad **** was besieged by dozens of powerful wild monsters."

"As a result, that crazy **** would kill all the wild monsters in a flash."

"His strength has become even more terrifying than before. We must be careful."

"what did you say?"

Zhen Shaoyue was shocked after hearing this.

More than a dozen powerful monsters were killed by a single move.

Are you kidding me?

Zhen Shaoyang even coldly snorted, "Long Han, you are really disappointing."

"Did you have a shadow in your heart after being defeated by the mad god?"

"You must be dazzled, you are wrong."

Nonsense. Long Xian'er was also angry, isn't this a waste of her time?

Dozens of powerful wild monsters can be solved by the mad god?

Are you kidding me?

Even if it was her, she wouldn't be able to kill in a flash!

The wild monsters here are not weak.

Long Xian'er didn't believe it at all.

Zhen Shaoyang also said, "You said before that the mad **** appeared in the Heavenly Order Hall."

"I think you are really confused recently."

What else does Long Han want to say.

Long Xian'er snorted coldly: "You have made progress recently, but you are not so fast."

"If you refuse to do this again, I'll report to my ancestors and drive you out."

"You are not qualified to stay by my side."

Hearing this, Long Han's expression changed, and he hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Princess Xian'er, I was wrong, I will practice hard."

He dared not talk about the crazy **** He sighed in his heart, what he said was the truth, why didn't these people believe it?

Zhen Shaoyu came here alone, and talked about Long Han for a while, making Long Han a little confused.

Now he doubts, is he dazzled? Mad God is not so powerful.

In a blink of an eye, another few months passed,

The strength of everyone has improved.

Lin Xuan has also become even more unfathomable.

In the past few months, he went out every month and returned to Long Tingchan.

Listen to the sound of the other party's wooden fish to temper your own Dao laws.

He felt that this kind of cultivation method was faster, and he wanted to stay here all the time.

However, Long Tingchan said: With your current cultivation level, the sound of this kind of wooden fish is heard too much, and it is not good for you.

You should enter the Azure Dragon Fantasy Realm and practice well.


Lin Xuan can only agree.

In an instant, two years passed,

Everyone came out from the blue dragon fantasy realm.

The breath of these people is much stronger than it was two years ago.

This made those Qinglong elders extremely satisfied.

It is worthy of being a top talent, and in a short time, his strength can be greatly improved.

Of course, this has a lot to do with their guidance.

These powerful elders usually retreat.

Or go out and explore the ancient ruins.

Young disciples, wanting to meet them, can be said to be as difficult as heaven.

And now? They spend a lot of time pointing out these geniuses personally.

The strength of these geniuses will naturally increase substantially.

Of course, these geniuses refer to Long Tingshan, Long Tingshui, and Long Tinglei.

It does not include the crazy gods under Long Tingchan and others.

Those people are probably far behind.

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