Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7833: Top fairy sword

The purple fairy sword, spinning in the air, did not deliberately release any breath.

However, everyone is like a big enemy,

It seems that a sword aura can penetrate their bodies.

Those people were very envious, the grade of this fairy sword was too high.

Someone said: "How do I feel, this should be the top fairy sword among Dachengzheng."

"Yes, it is indeed the top of Dacheng."

The general Dacheng-level elders probably don't have this kind of fairy sword.

But now, Long Xian'er has it, which is really enviable.

With such a powerful weapon, Long Xian'er's strength might have to be doubled, right?

Worthy of being the little princess of the true dragon family, this treatment is too extravagant.

The people around are crazy with envy,

Even Zhen Shaoyang and the others are extremely envious.

Jian Tianchen's eyes were red,

As a swordsman, he naturally hopes to have a more powerful sword.

Although the sword in his hand was extraordinary, it was only a middle-grade divine sword among the great gods.

Although it can sweep the same level, but compared with the opponent's Zixia Immortal Sword, it is really far behind.

Everyone was envious,

There was only one person with a calm expression, and that was Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan glanced at Zixia Immortal Sword, expressionless.

The Feathered Divine Sword that Xiaoyao Hou built for him is probably higher than this level!

When you take it out, you won't scare these people to death.

Thinking of this, he shook his head slightly.

"Crazy God, what is your expression? Are you looking down on Zixia Divine Sword?"

Zhen Shaoyue snorted coldly.

Those other people turned around and looked around.

"No, is this crazy **** going to provoke again?"

Zhen Shaoyue snorted coldly: "Don't show yourself as if you don't care. In your heart, you should be very envious, right?"

Zhen Shaoyang also sneered: "I remember, you know how to use swordsmanship, right?"

"You don't have this kind of sword in your hand, right?"

"Just envy you, you won't have it in your life."

Long Xian'er grabbed the Zixia Immortal Sword even more, condescendingly.

She said: "Some people are hillbillies. I'm afraid I have never seen such a good fairy sword in my life."

"If you beg me now, I will be merciful."

"Let you get up close and feel the power of the fairy sword."

The people around were envious, so they could take a closer look at this fairy sword.

Lin Xuan smiled: "It's just a great sword, what's all the fuss about."

"I really don't want to see it."

"If it's your brother's king-level magic soldier, I would be a little interested."


Too crazy,

The other party didn't even look at Zixia Immortal Sword.

The opponent still dared to fight, the king-level magic weapon's idea

Find death!

Zhen Shaoyang and they are both angry.

Long Xian'er laughed.

She now feels more and more that the mad **** is not to be afraid of, and the other party is like a clown.

She said: "Don't be familiar with him, he is too far behind us."

"Our goal now is the Son of God, let's practice hard."

"At that time, I really want to take revenge, just slam him under the foot in the rankings."

These people no longer care about Lin Xuan.

Jian Tianchen, Lei Lie, they walked over, wanting to feel the Zixia Immortal Sword.

Those other people are talking about it.

Lin Xuan didn't bother to pay attention to these people, so he found a place and took a break.

At this time, his sound transmission bell rang again.

Lin Xuan glanced at it. It was a black bell, which should be news from the old housekeeper.

Lin Xuan found a remote place and took out the sound transmission bell.

Inside, the old butler's voice was extremely excited.

"His Royal Highness, got it!"

"We got that thing! I'll take it to you."

The old housekeeper was extremely excited.

Although Lin Xuan already knew what it was, he still pretended to be curious.

He asked, "Oh, senior housekeeper, what is that thing you said?"

The old butler lowered his voice and said, "This is a good baby. It took us a lot of effort to get it."

"I'm telling you, the heavens and ten thousand realms are not a few dollars."

"Lin Wudi, you know, that peerless kendo genius back then."

"If it doesn't fall, it should be extremely strong now."

"It's definitely a **** child level existence."

"What we got is the sword marks left by Lin Wudi when he was practicing."

"Lin Wudi is a swordsman genius, his swordsmanship is extremely terrifying. More importantly, he is the descendant of the Great Dragon Sword."

"In his sword aura, he possesses a big dragon sword, an invincible power."

"His Royal Highness, if you can comprehend a trace of invincible strength above that sword aura. It will be of great benefit to your combat effectiveness."

"You give me the space coordinates, and I will send them to you."


Lin Xuan pretended to be very happy.

Next, he gave the space coordinates to the old butler.

Then, he got up and walked away.

On the other side,

A group of people surrounded Long Xian'er, and the stars gongyue held her in the palm of their hands.

These people are all paying attention to the fairy sword,

They were shocked.

I really want to have such a fairy sword.

Jian Tianchen also looked envious, and took a deep breath before he asked: "How is your swordsmanship and creation?"

"Not much clue."

"What I want to create is the sword of water, and there is no good inspiration yet."

Having said this, Long Xian'er sighed.

Jian Tianchen said: "I heard that from the God Realm, there were a few stone tablets. There are Lin Wudi on them, and the sword marks left by them, the major Protoss races have been fighting frantically."

"If you can get Lin Wudi's sword marks, it will be absolutely beneficial for you to create sword Lin Wudi?

Long Xian'er looked strange,

She didn't know each other not long after she woke up.

Jian Tianchen said: "He is the descendant of the Great Dragon, and he is also a younger generation."

His big dragon sword is extremely sharp and indestructible.

But it is a pity that he was beheaded by the King of God in the Battle of Tongtianhe.

The Great Dragon Sword was also sealed in the Tongtian River, and even the King of Gods could not seize it.

Descendants of the Great Dragon Sword!

Long Xian'er took a breath, she knew how terrifying the Great Dragon Sword was.

As the descendant of the Great Dragon Sword, the opponent's sword mark absolutely possesses the invincible power.

There was a trace of fire in her eyes.

It seemed that the true dragon family had to get a piece of Lin Wudi's sword mark at any cost.

Long Xian'er said: "Tianchen, thank you for your news."

"If I really get Lin Wudi's sword mark, I will allow you to follow me and see."

"Really? Thank you Princess Xianer."

Jian Tianchen was extremely happy.

Zhen Shaoyue, Zhen Shaoyang and others are also excited.

They all follow Long Xian'er, and if Long Xian'er gets it, Lin Wudi's sword mark. They also have the opportunity to learn,

Their combat effectiveness can be improved.

far away.

Jun Wushuang is also extremely envious,

However, she knew she had no chance.

They and Long Xian'er are rivals.

I don't know, is there any chance for the mad god?

Thinking of this, Jun Wushuang turned and looked around, looking for the mad god.

Soon she saw the other side's figure.

She found the mad **** and seemed to be walking towards the distant valley.

She asked suspiciously, "Master Mad God, where are you going?"

Lin Xuan paused and said lightly, "Someone gave me a stone tablet of Lin Wudi."

"I'm going to get it."

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