Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7841: Goodbye Chaos Protoss! goddess!

"The son of God has an extraordinary bloodline, and his strength is definitely the top of the young generation."

"Among us, perhaps only Princess Xian'er can contend."

Zhen Shaoyue analyzed.

There was a lot of discussion,

None of them are opponents of the son of God.

After Jun Wushuang heard this, he also looked envious.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes: Is Tianyang God Child? I don't know how strong is it?

Can you let him go all out?

Son of God, he has seen it.

He was just curious about Tianyang Shenzi.

What he is more interested in is the legendary fire of God.

In the process of coming, he also learned that the so-called fire of God is also called the flame that never goes out.

It is a very magical flame, possessing supreme mysterious power.

This kind of flame can only be possessed by the land of God.

Moreover, even in the land of heaven, it is very difficult to meet this kind of flame.

Once met, it is a bad luck.

Tianyang Protoss has such a treasure, and the ranking competition is about to start.

How could it be possible to invite everyone with a big fanfare?

There must be a problem in it.

Perhaps the secret lies in the fire of God.

He asked: "I don't know, can we see the fire of God?"

As soon as these words came out, the other geniuses also looked forward to it.

Zhen Shaoyang said: "Elder, we want to go out and stroll around."

Long Tinglei nodded and said, "Go! Remember, you don't only represent yourself."

"You represent the dragon clan and always maintain the honor of the dragon clan."

"we know."

These geniuses nodded, and then left the hall and walked outside.


A sea of ​​people, very lively,

The corridors of the courtyards were filled with people.

These people are all talking excitedly.

Lin Xuan and the others could hear them far away.

"Have you heard? Tianyang God Race awakened a **** child."

"There is also a **** son on the side of the Demon God Race,"

"These are two gods."

"I don't know if other gods have awakened the gods?"

"On the side of the Chaos Protoss, there was a son of God before. He fell while Tongtianhe and was beheaded by Lin Wudi."

"Otherwise, I must be one of the top geniuses when I live now."

"You have to say that, I think Lin Wudi is even more pity."

"If he can live till now, he can definitely hit the top three."

"Even those gods are not necessarily his opponents."

"Yes, I think so too."

Everyone talked excitedly.

"Huh, what is that Lin Wudi?"

"He just didn't meet me, otherwise, I would slap him to death."

At this moment, an extremely arrogant voice sounded.

Hearing this, many people became angry.

Lin Wudi was the existence that they looked up to in their hearts, and it was the existence that stood high.

Swept an era.

Although they fell, they didn't allow Lin Wudi to be looked down upon.

"Who is it? What a big tone? Even the son of God doesn't dare to say such a big talk!"

"You little ants, are you questioning me?"

Suddenly at this time, a world-breaking force swept over.

The people around were immediately crushed and knelt to the ground.

Their complexion changed drastically, and there were several true immortal level existences, all vomiting immortal blood.

how is this possible? What kind of power is this?

Damn it, is there an old monster doing it?

They looked up with difficulty.

The next moment, they saw a young woman walking over.

This woman is very beautiful,

However, the breath on her body is very terrifying.

There are three thousand chaotic lights around her.

Every chaotic light can break the world.

Three thousand chaotic lights are enough to sweep everything between heaven and earth.

It was the arrogant of the Chaos Protoss, and the law on his body was so terrifying.

This bloodline is above everything else.

"I've seen it from a distance, God Child Tianyang. The other party's bloodline is nothing more than that!"

"Is it possible that this woman is also a **** child?"

Thinking of this, everyone's scalp numb.

far away,

In the void, some people came out, all the geniuses of the Chaos Protoss.

They are all **** and powerful,

They stood, behind the mysterious woman.

They were condescending, looking at the kneeling people below, and laughed coldly.

"How do you ants know the power of our Protoss?"

"Pick up your ears and listen, this is the goddess of our Chaos Protoss."

"What? It turned out to be the Goddess of Chaos!"

This is also a descendant of the King of God, and a direct descendant.

The son of the King of God, called the Son of God,

The daughter of the **** king is naturally a goddess.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the **** child, the Chaos God Race actually awakened a goddess.

Isn't it incredible?

It is indeed the legendary chaos family, and the background is terrible.

Everyone knows that it won't take long for this news to sweep across the heavens and all realms.

Shocking the world.

Beside the Goddess of Chaos, there was a tall young man who looked at the kneeling existence.

He said: "You dare to challenge the goddess, the sin deserves death."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and shot a chaotic storm.

The storm that destroys the world is enough to destroy everything.

Even if it is a great god, I am afraid it will be wiped out in an instant!

"No, spare my life."

"We were wrong."

"Too much deception, why do you do it?"

Begging for mercy, roaring, angry voice sounded.

The genius of the Chaos Protoss sneered: "Weakness is a sin in itself."

"Who made you ants?"

"I pinch a few ants to death, do I need any reason?"

Those kneeling were desperate.

But at this moment, a palm patted over, tearing all these devastating storms to A faint voice sounded: "You are also an ant in my eyes."

"Am I able to pinch you to death at will?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone took a breath.

Someone dare to challenge the Chaos Protoss, who is it?

They turned their heads and looked around, and they saw a group of people.

These people have big heads and powerful dragon shadows on their bodies.

As soon as he walked, he brought a powerful dragon.

Are from the dragon clan,

Moreover, it is from Taixu Dragon Palace.

This is also an ancient **** race.

The people around were shocked,

The kneeling man also raised hope.

Only the Protoss can fight against the Protoss.

The tall man opposite, also frowned

Unexpectedly, the person who came was also the Taixu Dragon Palace with extraordinary status.

But what?

He snorted coldly and said, "Taixu Dragon Palace, do you want to be our enemy?"

"Do you want to be the enemy of Chaos Goddess?"

These people in Taixu Dragon Palace were also dumbfounded.

To be honest, they have no plans to compete with each other.

That's a goddess,

It is the existence that makes them look up to.

Who dares to challenge?

However, someone dared to make a move,

Who is it, so innocent?

They turned around and looked around,

Soon they stared at the mad god.

"Damn it, this guy."

"Stay away from him, does this guy want to kill us?"

"Who does he think he is? He dares to challenge the goddess. I am really impatient."

Zhen Shaoyue walked out immediately and said, "Friends of the Chaos God Race, please calm down your anger."

"It's Mad God who did it. We are not familiar with him."

After speaking, she led people to the side and stood on the opposite side of the mad god.

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