Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7847: God palm! Break the world!

The devil was defeated, beyond everyone's expectations.

For a while, the world was terribly quiet, and no one dared to try.

A genius of Tianyang Protoss said lightly: What are you still hesitating?

What if it fails? You know, this is a golden opportunity.

Some elders, who have lived for tens of millions of years, may not be able to meet them.

When we met, we were still hesitating.

If you don't come, then I will come.

This genius of the Tianyang Protoss has taken action.

His strength is also very strong, also the second-tier team, but unfortunately, he also failed.

After the failure, he said excitedly: Although lost. However, I feel that fighting against the fire can make my physical strength stronger.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Next, a few people from the Tianyang Protoss took action, and they failed.

However, they all said that in the course of the battle, the strength became stronger.

After going back, the physique can be improved.

After listening to those other people, their eyes lit up, and it seemed that even if they failed.

In short, it is good to compete with Shenhuo.

Those other people tried,

Even some geniuses outside of the Protoss also shot.

After trying one after another, the vast majority of people failed.

Some people were even beaten out as soon as they approached.

In the end, these people were desperate, it was too difficult.

During this period.

Lei Lie, Jian Tianchen, Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu and others all tried.

The results all failed.

Jun Wushuang also shot and failed.

They feel that no one seems to be able to succeed.

On the side of the Demon God Clan, Mojie and Mo Wangyue also failed.

The Star God Clan, Star Tiger, Greed Wolf and others, also failed.

Someone said: It's too difficult, it's impossible, it's something to be done.

A group of ants, if you can't do it, do you think no one can do it?

At this time, the Goddess of Chaos came out.

She said: Keep your eyes open and see how I captured the Holy Fire Order?

She moved forward and rushed quickly.

In her body, an endless chaotic light appeared, opening up the world and resisting the sky full of flames.

In the next instant, he came to the front of Shenhuo Ling, and he stuck out a chaotic palm.

Break the ground.

A cold voice sounded.

This palm is enough to break through the heavens and all things, and seems to be able to evolve the heavens of the universe.

In the next moment, this palm grabbed the Shenhuo Order.

The goddess of chaos stands tall between the sky and the earth, holding the divine fire order.

Countless people watched this scene, dumbfounded.

It succeeded!

Did it succeed so easily?

Is this the power of the goddess?

too strong.

The geniuses of the second echelon were stunned.

They originally thought that no one could succeed.

Unexpectedly, people in the first echelon would succeed so easily.

The people of the Chaos Protoss cheered.

Goddess mighty.

What is this, is it difficult? The goddess Xuanbing also walked over, showing the sky full of ice, and confronting the gods of fire.

Before long, she also grabbed a magical fire order.

Someone succeeded again, again a goddess!

Those people around, shocked again,

The gap is really too big.

These goddesses, goddesses, let them look up.

The people of Xuanbing Protoss cheered.

Next, Long Xian'er also shot.

Looking at the two goddesses, so relaxed, they caught the Shenhuo Ling.

Long Xian'er felt that he could too.

When she started, she was almost beaten out and almost spewed out of old blood.

Fortunately, she was suppressed,

She was stunned: How could she be so tough?

Now she knows why those geniuses in the second tier will lose.

Because this magic fire order is really terrifying.

She didn't dare to show the slightest carelessness and use all her strength to fight with her.

Even in the end, he performed a secret method, which increased his strength in a short time.

Only then did he grab a piece of magic fire order.

Holding the divine fire order, Long Xianer's face was a little pale.

Hearing the cheers of the dragons below, Long Xian'er felt that everything was worth it.

Without her, I am afraid that the Dragon Clan would be crushed and unable to raise his head.

She maintained the face of Dragon Palace.

Now, she is Dragon Palace, the first person in the younger generation.

She wants to create the glory of her brother.

Thinking of this, Long Xian'er raised his chin high.

She is so strong. Jun Wushuang looked at this scene with great envy.

Although during this period of time, she had comprehended Lin Wudi's sword mark, and her combat effectiveness had been greatly improved.

However, it is not Long Xian'er's opponent, and it can't even be compared at all.

Seeing Long Xian'er's success, Jun Wushuang looked envious.

Lin Xuan next to him said lightly: Is it difficult? Why are you so excited?

Upon hearing this, Jun Wushuang didn't know what to say.

Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyue and others were also angry.

Boy, you're too clueless, do you know how difficult it is?

If you have the ability, you can also seize a magical fire order.

Zhen Shaoyue sneered: I'm afraid he has no chance at all. I guess he will be beaten when he approaches.

Jun Wushuang said: Lord Crazy God, let's forget it. In case of injury, it would be uneconomical.

Today's situation is very clear, and only the first echelon can succeed.

People below the first echelon are absolutely impossible to succeed.

No matter how strong Lin Xuan is, he cannot succeed.

Instead of this, it is better to accumulate strength.

After all, besides the first echelon, there are many strong players in the second echelon.

The geniuses of the major Protoss are endlessly emerging.

If you are injured now, you will be in trouble.

Don't worry, it's just a magical fire order, it can't hurt Lin Xuan said with a smile, as if he didn't put the magical fire order in his eyes at all.

Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyue and others gritted their teeth angrily.

They said: There is a kind, you go.

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes: Why do I need to explain to you when I have been acting in my life?

He didn't do it right away, because he always felt that the Sun God Race would not be so kind.

He is waiting.

Those other people don't think so. They think that crazy gods are bragging.

Before, their attitude towards the mad **** had changed a bit.

Now it seems that the other party has some strength. However, there is still a big gap compared to the goddess and goddess.

At this time, the emperor came over and said: Crazy God, don't you make a move?

Lin Xuan said: Don't you think there is a problem?

He stared at the **** child Tianyang and said: Whatever the matter, you have to wait for the other party to do it first.

If the gods of Tianyang all shot, it shows that the problem should not be big.

If Tianyang Divine Child still does not make a move, then Lin Xuan must consider whether he wants to make a move.

In case this Tianyang Protoss is frantic, they will catch all these gods in one go.

That would be troublesome.

Then I have to shoot. The emperor walked over, with a piercing light in his eyes.

He couldn't believe that Tianyang God Race would dare to do it together with so many people.

Look, someone is going to shoot again,

Is the second echelon of people.

It is the emperor of the Star God Race.

It seems that the Star God Clan has not awakened this time.

This Emperor is currently the strongest of the young generation of Star Gods.

I wonder if it can succeed?

I see no show,

Didn’t all the demon lunatics and others fail before?

I am afraid that this Emperor will not succeed.

Didn't you see that crazy **** dare not make a move?

Under the Son of God, there are all ants.

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