Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7851: Crazy God is lucky!

Even the elders of the Tianyang Protoss were blinded.

They also wondered, how could the flame go out?

Although this is false fire, it is still terrifying.

How could the opponent be killed so easily?

The half-step **** king of Tianyang Protoss said: the so-called virtual fire. It is the real fire of God, the flame condensed through the void.

This kind of flame is very scary, but it has a shortcoming, that is, it is unstable.

Some flames are very strong, close to the fire of God.

However, some false fires are very weak.

It looks very strong, but in fact, it can't even compare to the average Shenhuo.

The virtual fire in the hand of that mad **** is very likely to be a very weak one.

It turned out to be like this.

After listening to those elders, they understood, and they gave Tianyang Divine Son a voice.

After hearing this, Tianyang Shenzi was also relieved.

He had some doubts, is the strength of this crazy **** surpassing him?

It seems that the other party is just lucky.

Long Xian'er was also extremely excited, she smiled triumphantly.

Hahahaha, it turned out to be so.

what's the situation?

The Goddess of Chaos and the others were all stunned: Is Long Xian'er crazy by the stimulation?

Long Xian'er smiled and said: Everyone, I know what's going on?

It turned out that Long Xian'er had a mysterious treasure called Ting Lei Shi.

It was a fist-sized stone with the shape of an ear carved on it.

Long Tinglei gave it to Long Xian'er.

This treasure can listen to the sound of all things and the thunder in a silent place.

Long Tinglei gave it to Long Xian'er to let Long Xian'er use this treasure.

Listen to the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and feel the life of all things.

It's a bit like the wooden fish given to Lin Xuan by Long Ting Chan.

Just now, Long Xian'er used this thunderstone.

Hearing the conversation between Tianyang Divine Child and the elders.

I also learned that these fires were not real fires of God, but false fires.

She also learned about the shortcomings of Xuhuo.

Others didn't know, they asked: What happened? What false fire?

The faces of the people of the Tianyang Protoss changed drastically. They wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Long Xian'er told her what she had heard.

Then said: False Fire is extremely unstable.

Some virtual fires look strong, but in fact they are very weak and vulnerable.

The virtual fire that this mad **** faced was like this.

In other words, he is not strong, he is just lucky.

It turned out to be such a thing,

There is even real fire, the saying of virtual fire.

A series of exclamations sounded.

After hearing this, the Goddess of Chaos snorted coldly: I can't extinguish the fire of God. Let alone you, it was just good luck.

The goddess Xuanbing no longer paid attention, she shook her head and said: Luck is only temporary.

Next time, the mad **** will have no such good luck.

Wu Tian also sneered with disdain: a person who got here by luck is not qualified to be compared with him.

Emperor Zuo knew Lin Xuan's strength.

However, no matter how he explained it, those around him would not believe it.

Long Xian'er was even more proud, and the worries in her heart were swept away.

She gloated and said: Crazy God, you are nothing but that.

I was almost fooled by you,

What qualifications do you have to stand with us?

Get off quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude.

Those who watched the battle below also exclaimed.

Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu, Zhen Shaoyue, they all laughed.

The mad **** came down quickly, you are not qualified to be side by side with Princess Xian'er.

You are only lucky enough to enter the first echelon.

You are not qualified by strength alone.

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, they were really nervous.

Now it seems that this crazy **** is nothing more than that,

It's just luck.

They don't care.

Even they think it's just that they are a little lucky.

Otherwise, they will also be able to obtain the Sacred Fire Order.

It turned out to be luck?

The demon lunatic and others also frowned tightly.

Jun Wushuang was also stunned.

The ups and downs made her stunned for a while.

Her brain couldn't react a little.

Even Lin Xuan was slightly surprised: Is this a virtual fire?

No wonder he always felt that it was not as scary as he thought.

It turned out not to be the real fire of God.

This is the fire of God, just the power projected.

But this kind of flame does possess extremely powerful power.

Lin Xuan just absorbed a little, and he felt that his flame rune was a little boiling.

He is ready to absorb a little, so he will find a place to refine it.

Once fully refined, his flame rune can be upgraded again.

His strength can also rise to the next level.

As for luck or something, these people are too stupid.

Soon it will be the real ranking match. When that happens, these people will know, is he lucky?

Long Xian'er aimed at Lin Xuan, but the others ignored Lin Xuan.

They looked at the **** son of Tianyang,

The goddess Xuanbing said: What do you mean by Tianyang Protoss?

Take a false fire to lie to us?

The Goddess of Chaos also snorted coldly: Yes, explain clearly, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude.

Tianyang's face was extremely ugly.

He did not expect that Long Xian'er could hear the conversation between him and the elders.

Also said it,

In fact, they were caught off guard.

He looked at Long Xian'er, with a biting murderous intent in his eyes.

But soon it was hidden,

This is not the time to do it.

Let's solve the immediate crisis first.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the anger in his heart.

He said: Although it is only a virtual fire, it also has part of the power of the fire of the heavens.

It will take a long time for the fire of God to fully appear.

Besides, didn’t you guys say it before? Shenhuo Ling, with the supreme road, is worth spending a lifetime to understand.

This can't fool you.

Well, in order to show our sincerity, you can take away the sacred fire order

Hearing this, the goddess Xuanbing, they were happy.

Being cheated by the other party makes them very angry.

But if they can take away this kind of sacred fire, it will be of great help to their strength.

Long Xian'er was very happy, and she didn't want to stay here anymore.

She could feel the eyes of the elders below, as if to eat her.

She took the magic fire order, turned and left.


Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu and others also left with them.

Before long, Long Xian'er stopped.

She exclaimed: The breath of Shenhuo Ling is weakening.

What's happening here?

The others were also stunned: What is the conspiracy of the Tianyang Protoss?

The God Child of Tianyang said lightly: Void Fire is the projection of the real fire of God.

If you get too far away, the power of the virtual fire will weaken.

If you want to comprehend, don't be too far away from our Protoss.

Otherwise, the Shenhuo Ling will disappear.

How could it be like this?

Long Xian'er was taken aback,

Do I have to stay here to comprehend it?

That's too unsafe.

Goddess of Chaos, Goddess of Xuanbing and others also frowned.

The elder of the Tianyang Protoss next to him said: Don't worry, Goddess, we won't do it.

If you are really worried, you can ask the powerhouses of your Protoss to come and guard.

The Goddess of Chaos nodded, and she decided to stay.

Goddess Xuanbing and Wutian were also preparing to stay, and they contacted the powerhouse of the Protoss.

They said: The Protoss Ranking Tournament will be held in the land of heaven, so it's better to stay here.

Anyway, within a few years, the ranking competition began.

Emperor, are you staying here?

The **** son Tianyang looked towards the emperor seat,

As for the mad god, he ignored it.

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