Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7867: The power of Valkyrie! King over the world!

Mad God, the reason you can get to this point is because you are lucky.

But, unfortunately, in the face of absolute strength, luck is useless.

I will step on you in front of everyone.

Zhen Shaoyang was murderous.

Lin Xuan glanced at him and shook his head slightly: You can't, you are not my opponent.

Let alone you, even Long Xian'er is not my opponent.

I advise you to surrender obediently, so as not to be seriously injured and affect the next ranking.

You are less arrogant, my strength is not what you can imagine.

I am much stronger than I was hundreds of years ago.

Before, although I lost to you, but this time, I will not lose again.

Speaking of this, Zhen Shaoyang roared to the sky, and the flames on his body swept out.

Behind him, a flaming sun appeared.

In the sun, a fire dragon hovered, and a hot breath swept out.

After feeling this power, the people around all exclaimed.

This power is even more terrifying than the flames of the Heavenly Sun God Race.

Except for Tianyang Divine Child, who can overwhelm the other side. Others are difficult to contend with Zhen Shaoyang in terms of flame power.

Worthy of being a top arrogant, this is the existence second only to the son of God.

I am afraid that in this battle, the mad **** will fall into a bitter battle.

Countless people turned their eyes to the mad **** again, wanting to see how the opponent resisted?

Lin Xuan stood there, his expression extremely calm.

He cast a glance forward, expressionless.

The power of this flame is indeed very strong.

But so what?

Compared to him, it's too far behind.

Seeing Lin Xuan's breezy look, Zhen Shaoyang was completely angry.

Damn it, what pretend to be?

With a roar, he rushed over quickly, carrying the Eight Desolation Divine Fire, descending from the sky.

What a terrible flame power, countless people are terrified.

Even the people of the Tianyang Protoss are facing the enemy.

In the face of such flames, no one dares to be careless.

However, Lin Xuan didn't care and let the flame fall on him.

The next moment, Lin Xuan made a move.

He stepped out one step at a time, and the power in his body broke out completely.

The roar of dragons resounded throughout the world.

Long Dao Wu Shen Jue!

Mysterious laws emerged on the body.

Behind Lin Xuan, a figure appeared, like a peerless martial god, suppressing the world.

In the next moment, that figure stepped out in one step, and a supreme force swept out.

The nine heavens and ten earths, the heavens and the world, all shook violently.

It seems that I can't resist this force.

Those spectators around also had scalp tingling.

They trembled and couldn't help but want to bow down.

What kind of power is this? It's terrible, high above, just like immortality.

How could Lin Wudi have such a mighty power?

With a click,

On the real dragon clan, most of the disciples knelt on the ground.

Zhen Shaoyue has just recovered from some injuries.

She could feel the power of this Valkyrie, she was also crushed and fell to her knees.

The body trembled.

Not just them.

Demons, Star Gods, Xuanbing Gods, many young geniuses.

All were overwhelmed by this force, crawling on the ground.

Only those gods and goddesses, and a few top geniuses, can still compete.

There was also a hint of shock in their eyes.

This Lin Wudi is so terrifying,

Is this the other party, the real power?

Long Xian'er gave a cold snort, and a fairy sword appeared behind him.

The purple sword aura cut through the void and confronted the **** of war.

On the other side, the Chaos Goddess has 3000 Chaos Light on her body, contending with heaven and earth.

The goddess of Xuanbing, the goddess of Tianyang, the emperor, and Wutian, etc., also used the blood law.


On the ring, Zhen Shaoyang couldn't resist Ben.

The sacred fire on his body was extinguished in an instant.

His body seemed to be shrouded in a big mountain.

A force wants him to surrender.

No, I must not kneel down and block it for me.

Zhen Shaoyang roared frantically.

However, everything is in vain.

With a boom,

Lin Xuan waved his hand, and the power of the Valkyrie rose again.

Zhen Shaoyang thumped and fell to the ground, breaking the ground.

The people of all heavens and ten thousand realms looked at this scene, dumbfounded.

At this moment, the world is terribly quiet,

What did they see?

Zhen Shaoyang, an extremely powerful top talent! Kneel to the ground.

But Lin Xuan didn't make a move at all.

Just let the other party kneel and surrender just because of the breath on the body?

What kind of power is this?

This definitely surpasses the second echelon, which is the strength of the first echelon.

It turned out that the mad **** did not rely on luck to become the first echelon.

In addition to his luck against the sky, his strength is equally terrifying.

It can even be said that it is unfathomable.

Countless Tianjiao looked at Lin Xuan's figure, their scalp numb.

The opponent is like a peerless **** of war, sweeping the world.

It was terrible, they couldn't resist the breath of the opponent.

How could he be so strong?

Isn't he the son of luck? How do I feel that his strength is not weaker than the **** son?

Where is his limit?

Originally, I was thinking about shooting him, but now it seems that fortunately I didn't do it.

Otherwise, it will end badly.

Some top talents in the second echelon were dissatisfied with Lin Xuan and his dissatisfaction.

They felt that UU reading Lin Xuan was just lucky and wanted to challenge him.

But now? They gave up their ideas one after another.

See how miserable Zhen Shaoyang is, they don't want to end up like this.

Zhen Shaoyang knelt on the ground, his teeth crushed.

How many bones in his whole body are broken? Divine blood dripped continuously.

His eyes were red: How could it be like this?

He was the hardest hit,

Before, he vowed to make the other person look good.

In his opinion, the mad **** can contend with him.

But after a hundred moves, he will definitely be knocked to the ground.

However, in reality,

He knelt when the opponent didn't make a move.

It’s worse than killing him.

This is worse than losing.

This is the Protoss Ranking Tournament, and the people of the heavens and all realms are paying attention.

He knelt, even completely ashamed.

Zhen Shaoyu, Zhen Shaoyue and others were also frightened.

Long Han was even more frightened,

In his mind, various pictures about Lin Xuan appeared again.

Lin Xuan is practicing peerless swordsmanship,

Lin Xuanjin entered the heavenly hall.

He had long known that the other party was extremely extraordinary, even, he had said it countless times.

No one believed him, and regarded him as an idiot.

Now, do these people believe it?

But it's too late.

Long Xian'er's expression was so ugly that she couldn't say that Zhen Shaoyang was a waste.

Because the power displayed by the mad **** is really strong,

It's so strong that even she has to take it seriously.

It seems that other people can't be counted on, she has to take action personally to defeat them.

Now you know the gap between us! Lin Xuan looked forward and said coldly.

Then, with a wave of his big sleeve, he directly shot Zhen Shaoyang out.

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