Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7880: Long Xian'er, you can't!

Long Xian'er looked ahead with a smile on his lips.

She snorted: Fight with me, you are still too far away.

Turning around, she was about to leave.

But at this moment, in the broken void behind, a palm suddenly appeared.

There was a metallic light on the palm.

Every finger seemed to have turned into a sharp sword.

It easily broke through the void and shredded the voice attack.

And towards Long Xian'er, killed.

what's the situation?

The people around were shocked to see this scene.

This is the Valkyrie Body.

Mad God was not defeated.

He is fighting back.

Countless people exclaimed.

The people of the true dragon clan were also shocked: how could it be possible? This kid is still alive?

How did he stop that sound?

Long Xian'er stopped abruptly.

She turned her head, with a hint of weirdness in her eyes.

Haven't you lost yet?

It was beyond her expectation,

But what?

The opponent even dared to fight back, let's find death!

She continued to urge the real dragon to roar,

Another ancient voice of the sky moved forward and killed.

However, this time it was useless.

These mysterious voices were like paper in front of Lin Xuan.

It was torn apart in an instant.

Those five fingers, like five immortal swords, pierced through the world and slew towards Long Xian'er.

He came in an instant, Long Xian'er's side.

The five fingers formed a cage, covering Long Xian'er.

Find death, get out of here.

Long Xian'er was extremely frightened. She didn't expect that her true dragon roar could not help her.

You know, the real dragon roar is an attack by the soul.

It's impossible to completely block the opponent based on physical fitness alone.

You have to use the power of the soul.

But now?

With just one palm, the other party completely broke her true dragon roar.

This shocked her too much.

Apparently, she underestimated the Wushen body.

She destroyed the magic art with all her strength and slammed at those five fingers.

When hitting it, it was like hitting five big mountains, making a sound like the sky.

Five fingers, shaking violently,

However, it is not broken.

Instead, they began to close together and slaughtered towards Long Xian'er.

When Long Xian'er felt this breath, her complexion became extremely ugly.

At the moment of crisis, she displayed the secret technique in the True Dragon Art, True Dragon Transformation.

Her figure disappeared into the void and appeared on the other side.

Only then did it escape, the five-finger attack,

Come to a safe place.

Long Xian'er's complexion was a little pale.

It was so dangerous just now, I almost got hurt.

The people of the real dragon clan are also afraid.

They said: Princess Xian'er, please use your peerless swordsmanship and kill him in seconds!

Long Xian'er killed the past, but she did not use peerless swordsmanship.

That is her hole card, which is used to deal with the goddess.

In her opinion, dealing with mad gods is a little overkill.

She doesn't believe it. With her own strength, why can't she help each other?

With all her strength, she used all kinds of supernatural powers and techniques, and breathing techniques to kill Lin Xuan.

The battle between the two was earth-shattering.

I have to admit that Long Xian'er is really strong, and he can even compete with Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan did not use his magical runes and swordsmanship.

Since the other party displays the power of the dragon clan, he also displays the power of the dragon clan.

His martial arts body is not weaker than anyone.

Lin Xuan used the ancient breathing method to cooperate with his peerless body to contend with the opponent.

In a blink of an eye, the two battled hundreds of moves.

Lin Xuan became more and more courageous as he fought, and his physique bloomed with more brilliant light.

He transformed into a humanoid soldier, and rushed forward in an instant.

My hands tore open countless magical powers,

Finally, grabbing Long Xian'er's shoulder.

Tear off one of the other's arms.

Long Xian'er screamed and went back.

Is she hurt again?

This time, she did not completely escape.

Because Lin Xuan came again,

At the feet of Lin Xuan, a mysterious step emerged.

The speed reached the extreme, and in an instant, he came to Long Xian'er again.

With another punch, Long Xian'er's body turned into a blood mist.

With a scream, she once again used the real dragon to escape.

So tough, so shocking.

The people around were stunned.

It feels that these two people are not like a game, but are fighting a life and death battle.

Both of them displayed the physique and supernatural power of the dragon.

Every trick, every style, is terrifying to the extreme,

It really opened their eyes.

Those of the real dragon clan are also extremely nervous.

Long Xian'er was obviously suppressed,

But why don't you use the peerless swordsmanship?

They don't understand.

How did they know that the sword technique was not created by Long Xian'er.

It is the sword of others.

Once Long Xian'er used the sword technique, it showed that Long Xian'er admitted that he had lost.

At least in the duel of Long Dao power, she lost.

Her pride does not allow her to lose.

Not only must she win the final victory, she must win everything.

She wants to suppress the mad **** comprehensively in terms of physical dragon blood and supernatural powers.

This is the reason why Long Xian'er has been reluctant to use his peerless swordsmanship.

The battle continues.

Long Xian'er's broken body recovered,

This time, she turned into a real dragon and killed it.

The huge body enveloped the entire world, completely enveloped Lin Xuan.

The monstrous Longwei fell, and everyone's scalp numb.

Is this Long Xian'er desperate? Will Lin Xuan also turn into a dragon?

The Ssangyong Controversy, UU reading, this scene is estimated to be rare for millions of years.

Lin Xuan did not transform into a dragon shape, he still remained in a human shape.

His Wushen body does not need to transform a dragon.

Compared with the other party's huge body, Lin Xuan was small, like an ant.

His power is getting stronger and stronger.

He used the Shenlong breathing method, and after several times, he finally performed it, a Shenlong breathing method.

His power has increased exponentially.

With a wave of both hands, it pierced into the huge real dragon like a divine sword.

With another wave of his hands, the real dragon, which was ten thousand feet long, was cut in half.

The dragon's blood fell, and Long Xian'er screamed so hard that endless dragon scales were scattered everywhere.

Everyone looked at this scene and was shocked.

Who could have imagined that Lin Xuan actually severely injured Long Xian'er.

With dragon blood in the sky, Lin Xuan looked forward and said in a cold voice: I have said that, you are nothing but that.

What other means? Come on all on display.

In the dragon blood, Long Xian'er's crazy voice came.

Mad God, I want you to die.

Long Xian'er was really angry, she had already exerted her magical powers and the power of Long Dao with all her strength.

Still can't help each other,

On the contrary, his own injuries became more and more serious.

If this continues, she will undoubtedly lose.

It seems that she is indeed inferior to the opponent in the Dragon Dao competition.

This made her suffer.

Has she been compared by the mad god?

Her identity and blood, so precious, she lost to an ant.

It makes her jealous, makes her crazy,

However, she will not admit defeat.

The final victory must be hers.

At this moment, Long Xian'er finally displayed his peerless swordsmanship.

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