Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7886: Blood Rune! Break the Valkyrie!


The power of the two collided again, and the sky fell apart.

The figures of the two were swallowed again,

Everyone became nervous.

The people of the Chaos Protoss said coldly: It's useless. No matter how strong the martial **** body of this mad **** was, it couldn't resist it.

This time, our goddess, but displayed the blood rune.

That's right, that is a rune condensed from the chaotic blood, the power is unparalleled in the world.

No one can stop it, unless it is the blood rune of other goddess and goddess.

Countless people were in an uproar when they heard this.

It seemed that the mad **** was going to suffer this time, and the martial **** body was about to be injured.

When Long Xian'er and others heard the news, they became excited.

Great, this mad **** is finally about to get hurt.

Jun Wushuang and the others are extremely worried.

I don't know if Lin Xuan will use that kind of peerless swordsmanship?

They stared straight ahead,

However, they did not see the peerless sword light.

Just heard the thunderous sound.

It seems that this mad **** will only crack the peerless swordsmanship, but he will not use it.

Then he is dead.

A round of discussions sounded.

Suddenly, Long Tinglei's expression changed and he stood up suddenly.

He stared forward, his eyes almost staring out.

The disciples around asked: Elder, what's wrong?

Long Tinglei is the elder of Qinglong, good at Thunder Road.

whats the matter? Can you shock the other party?

Long Tinglei looked at the broken void ahead, shocked.

He said: The terrible thunder power, who is displaying the power of thunder?

The power of Thunder?

Those around him were shocked, and it was absolutely a peerless divine thunder that could shock Long Tinglei.

They also looked forward and looked carefully.

Soon, they discovered that in the sky full of nothingness, thunder lights appeared.

Roaring like a thunder dragon, they tore everything to pieces.

Everyone finally saw clearly,

Lin Xuan stands tall on 9 days.

One foot stepped on, blocking the Chaos Goddess' Chaos Rune.

how is this possible?

The people of the Chaos Protoss were all dumbfounded.

They just said that the chaotic rune is unparalleled in the world, and only other goddess and goddesses can resist with blood runes.

Recommend an app, it looks like the old version of the book chasing artifact is resurrected, and the source book can be exchanged for the source artifact!

Otherwise, it can't be stopped at all.

But now?

They were slapped severely,

Mad God blocked it.

They stared at the sole of the foot carefully.

I found that there was an extremely terrible thunder power coming from the sole of the foot.

Above it, there is also a Thunder Rune.

What rune is this? Can actually contend with the blood rune.

Could it be that the blood of this mad **** is also so against the sky.

The people of the Protoss were shocked,

Long Tinglei was also stunned.

Looking at the ancient thunder rune, he was shocked.

As a master of Thunder Road, he could see at a glance the extraordinary of this Thunder Rune.

How could this mad **** possess such a magical Thor rune?

Long Tinglei’s eyes were red,

He was extremely jealous.

As the elder Qinglong, he does not have this kind of magical rune.

Those other people were shocked when they saw this scene.

Even Long Xian'er was dumbfounded.

why? why?

Why does this crazy **** have so many hole cards?

The luck of this crazy **** is so good!

Damn it, it's really disgusting.


Lin Xuan lowered his head and looked at the scene below.

He smiled and said: Is this the power of your blood? It's just that.

If you only have these powers, then you can give up.

The face of the goddess of chaos is hard to see the extreme.

She didn't expect that even the blood rune could not help each other?

Just kidding.

She is ready to gather more blood runes.

She didn't believe that the other party's Thor runes could be stopped.

On her finger, the second blood rune quickly condensed.

The earth-shattering supernatural power swept through the wilds,

All the popular blood tumbling.

Lin Xuan frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

He will not give the opponent a chance to fight back.

His figure flickered, and he disappeared.

The next moment, he came behind the chaotic goddess and blasted out with a punch.

The chaos goddess wanted to hide, but it was too late.

Her shoulder was shattered, and half of her body was cracked.

She flew out all over.

Countless people were stunned when they saw this scene.

The people of the Chaos Protoss were all scared stupid.

Is their goddess actually injured?

The goddess of chaos is roaring, and the blood is boiling to mend the injury.

She turned around with a palm, the monstrous palm, and slammed towards Lin Xuan.

However, Lin Xuan's figure disappeared.

At Lin Xuan's feet, a Thunder Rune appeared, making his speed almost to the extreme.

In an instant, he came again, in front of the Goddess of Chaos,

Another punch fell.

The chaos goddess dodged in a hurry.

She just avoided, Lin Xuan's figure appeared behind her again.

In this way, the Goddess of Chaos became extremely embarrassed.

Finally, she was hit by a punch,

Her body was directly penetrated.

Too slow, your speed is too slow.

Your defense is also not good enough to stop my attack.

Lin Xuan's voice rang in the ears of the goddess of chaos.

His figure is erratic,

In a blink of an eye, he hurt the chaos goddess again.

The chaotic blood of the chaotic goddess fell down.

She was half kneeling in the air, embarrassed to the extreme.

She never thought that someone could make her so crazy.

She was not attacking, but was there blankly.

When those people around saw this scene, they exclaimed: Has the Chaos Goddess been beaten?

Is she going to lose?

Who can imagine that Lin Xuan is so strong?

Lin Xuan was ready to smash the opponent out.

She continued to push the Thunder God Rune, cooperated with the Martial God Body, and slew the opponent.

In the next moment, he came to the top of the opponent's head, and fell again.

His feet, like a coiled dragon, smashed the void with indestructible strength.

The Chaos Goddess still did not dodge, Lin Xuan shook his head.

The opponent's chaotic body is an unstoppable power.

But at this moment, the Goddess of Chaos raised her head.

She smiled, her smile extremely cold. U U Reading

The chaotic blood that fell by her side suddenly shook.

Turned into a ball, the fire of chaos rose up into the sky and slew towards Lin Xuan.

Boom boom boom!

Lin Xuan's soles shook violently, and the thunder rune was shrouded in flames.

Not only that, the remaining chaotic blood, like a hidden weapon, fell on him.

Pierce his body.

Lin Xuan was injured and flew out.

When the dragon people saw this scene, they were shocked.

Who could imagine that Lin Xuan, who had the upper hand, would be injured?

The Valkyrie Body was broken, is it incredible?

The people of the Chaos Protoss became excited: Great, the goddess fought back.

We know that Goddess will not fail.

The chaotic goddess stood up, and the chaotic blood around her shook immensely.

Her expression became extremely cold.

She looked forward and said: Do you really think that I can't help you?

It's just that there is a price to pay.

I admit that you are strong and can make me so embarrassed, you are still the first.

But you irritated me completely,

You have to bear my anger.

The goddess of chaos walked forward.

The surrounding chaotic blood quickly followed.

Spinning around her, spinning releases the power of terror.

Another few drops of chaotic blood rushed forward.

Every drop of Chaos Divine Blood turned into a terrifying Chaos Rune.

Fell by Lin Xuan's side.

Lin Xuan was shocked again and withdrew, and even her Martial God Body had cracks again.

The blood of the **** of war also fell.

Lin Xuan frowned tightly: What a terrible bloodline power.

Is this the blood of the king? Sure enough!

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