Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7888: Create new swordsmanship! Shock the audience!

Everyone thought that Lin Xuan was going to lose.

He even displayed his peerless swordsmanship, but he still failed to defeat the Chaos Goddess.

If this continues, sooner or later it will be defeated.

Lin Xuan laughed: Who told you that these are all my swordsmanship?

The Goddess of Chaos snorted coldly: I have seen your peerless swordsmanship many times.

You have used all the sword moves that Long Xian'er used, and that's all.

Do you still have hidden sword moves?

Other people are also talking about it.

Even Long Xian'er snorted coldly: How could it be possible that there are hidden sword moves?

She had only so many sword moves in total, and this crazy **** couldn't have more than her.

Lin Xuan smiled: Don't compare me with waste like Long Xian'er.

I have already said that this sword technique was created by me, and I can continue to create it!

The goddess of Chaos didn't believe it, she urged the **** of open axe and killed it.

She felt that the mad **** was crazy,

Long Xian'er didn't believe it even more.

She wants to see if the other party can create new sword moves?

Those other people also stared at Lin Xuan with widened eyes.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and raised his arm.

In the palm of his hand, there was an extremely terrifying thunder burst.

Then, a sword cut out,

This sword is almost reaching its limit.

With the power to destroy everything, like a thunder dragon, resurrected.

That supernatural power was shocking, and it was no weaker than the previous peerless swordsmanship.

Everyone discovered that this is really a new move.

With a clang,

The Thunder Dragon sword aura fell on the Sky Open Axe, making a sound like the sky.

The opening axe was shaken.

how is this possible?

The Goddess of Chaos was stunned: Is this really a new sword technique?

This is a sword technique she has never seen before, and its power is not weaker or even stronger than before.

Could it be that the previous peerless swordsmanship was really created by the other party?

For a while, she was stunned.

The people of the heavens and worlds were also in an uproar.

Isn't it incredible?

Long Xian'er's complexion changed drastically, with a trace of despair in her eyes.

This is impossible.

Fake, it must be fake!

It was this crazy **** who was lucky enough to show it by accident.

I don't believe him, he can still perform new sword moves.

Lin Xuan was not very satisfied with this sword.

He continued to shoot, fighting with Kaitian God Axe.

Gradually, everyone discovered that Lin Xuan's thunder sword aura became more and more terrifying.

Finally, it turned into a peerless sword.

This sword is even more terrifying than the previous Jianqi Thunder Dragon.

This sword, when it fell, opened the god's axe, it was split and flew out.

This power is not bad.

Lin Xuan nodded in satisfaction.

This sword is considered a creation.

Those other people were dumbfounded.

They completely believed that this peerless sword technique was definitely created by Lin Xuan.

They witnessed the process of Lin Xuan's creation of swordsmanship.

This sword, from the very beginning, until now, is extremely terrifying.

The whole process is very short,

However, every sword is progress.

Every sword is more perfect.

More importantly, Lin Xuan combined his physique with kendo and the power of thunder.

Perfectly blended together.

What kind of talent is this?

Lin Wudi was nothing but that!

No, I feel that even Lin Wudi should not be so strong.

A series of exclamations sounded.

Long Xian'er stayed there completely, her confidence collapsed again.

It turned out that swordsmanship was really created by the opponent.

It turned out that what she learned secretly was the opponent's swordsmanship.

It is ridiculous that she still looks down on each other,

Thinking about it now, she is such an idiot.


She spewed out a mouthful of old blood, and her whole person became extremely weak.

Zhen Qianjue and the others were also dumbfounded, they were severely beaten in the face.

The talent of the mad **** completely surpassed their imagination.

Long Tingshui and other Qinglong elders were also shocked.

Even Jun Wentian and others were frightened.

It turned out that what the mad **** said was true.

The other party is not bragging, the other party is telling the truth.

They underestimated each other.

This time, even the two half-step **** kings were shocked.

They stared at the mad god, with bright light blooming in their eyes.

Peerless genius,

This is not weaker than Long Tatian's existence.

Their dragons really found a treasure.

They smiled openly.

The face of the chaos goddess is extremely ugly.

The other party really deduced the peerless swordsmanship even more terrifying.

It would be extremely detrimental to her if this continued.

No, I can no longer give the opponent a chance to create swordsmanship.

She shot decisively.

The next moment, the Goddess of Chaos attacked again.

This time, she soared into the air, reaching out and grabbing the god-opening axe.

The power of blood on the body broke out completely.

One after another, the power of the **** king emerged from her.

Although very weak, it makes everyone's scalp numb.

The bloodline of the **** king is so terrifying.

This god-opening axe descended from the sky, like an ancient god-king resurrected.

Enough to cut everything between heaven and earth.

Lin Xuan used the Thunder Sword to contend with it.

The arm turned into a thunder dragon, soaring into the sky, tearing through the sky.

This time, this sword was actually suppressed.

Lin Xuan's arms shook violently.

The Chaos Goddess was condescending and said: It's useless.

Although your sword is terrible, it is still not my opponent.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly: I said, my swordsmanship is not over yet, I can still create new swordsmanship.

He strikes again,

This time, he integrated the technique of destruction. UU reading

He is ready to create the sword of destruction.

The technique of destruction is even more terrifying. When this force appears, everything will be destroyed.

At the beginning, Lin Xuan's physique was a bit unbearable.

This sword had just been shot, and he himself was injured.

It didn't take long for him to fuse the two forces together and strike a shocking sword.


A black sword aura appeared in the void like a crack in space.

Slashed to the front and landed on the God-Opening Axe.

This time, there was no sound of thunder.

However, the Kaitian God Axe unexpectedly appeared large cracks.

Damn it, stop me.

The chaos goddess roared wildly,

Above the axe, countless chaotic breaths appeared.

However, it is still useless.

The axe split in two,

The upper part actually started to disappear.

When that sword aura disappeared, everyone was stunned.

What is this method? It actually smashed the Kaitian God Axe.

This is broken, is the blood of the **** king?

It's incredible.

Everyone was stunned,

The dragons, the people of the Chaos Protoss, were also stunned there.

No one could have imagined that Lin Xuan could play such a powerful sword technique.

The goddess of Chaos flew out, vomiting blood, and a crack appeared on the center of her eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, she was actually injured when she exerted her blood strength.

The horror of the sword just now exceeded her imagination and suppressed her blood.

She couldn't believe it.

Lin Xuan shot again.

Another black sword aura flew forward.

The Chaos Goddess didn't dare to contend this time, turned around and fled.

Everyone was shocked.

The goddess escaped, this is the first time.

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