Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7891: Magic! I have it too!

Everyone thought that Lin Xuan was wearing one, super armor, to be able to resist the magic.

Only in this way can it be explained,

Otherwise, this crazy **** would be too defying.

The elder on the other side of the Chaos Protoss stood up.

He said: Seniors, the mad **** broke the rules of the game, please punish seniors.

Those half-step **** kings of the major protoss races became extremely solemn.

The two ancestors of the Dragon Palace said: We just didn't feel the power of the super armor in the crazy god.

The two explained to the mad god,

However, the other half-step **** kings did not believe so much.

Especially the ancestors of the Chaos Protoss stared at the crazy god, as if to see through the other party.

Lin Xuan frowned tightly, but he had a great secret.

Absolutely not, let these half-step **** kings explore.

He came out and said: Is it difficult to fight against the Divine Art?

The people around, rolled their eyes,

Even the peak elders are about to vomit blood.

This kid is too arrogant.

How difficult it is, it is as difficult as the sky.

The Goddess of Chaos sneered: Divine Art is beyond your imagination. With your own strength, you can't resist it at all.

You have no other means besides using Super Armor.

After Lin Xuan heard this, he laughed: Who said I can't stop it?

Divine art is powerful, but who told you that only you have divine art?

I have it too.

When these words came out, everyone was stunned.

They can't believe their ears.

God, what did I hear? This mad **** said that he also possesses magic.

Could it be that he used his own magic to block the small deprivation technique?

If this is the case, it is really possible.


The Goddess of Chaos sneered: Divine Art, but the secret technique of Divine King.

It is difficult for people under the **** king to perform.

I also rely on the blood of the **** king to be able to display a trace of power.

Who do you think you are? How can you perform divine magic?


The elders of the Chaos Protoss also didn't believe it.

They said: Seniors, let's explore the armor of this mad **** king.


Lin Xuan laughed again: What is impossible?

Do you group of frogs at the bottom of the well have such a low vision?

Do you think it’s impossible to do things you can’t do?

Too arrogant, right? Those people from other Protoss also frowned.

The chaos goddess's face sank: the other party is looking for death, right?

She dare to say that she is a frog at the bottom of the well.

She was murderous, and she said: Okay, I will use the small deprivation technique again. Let all the seniors see, how did you resist it?

The half-step **** kings of the major protoss were also staring at the crazy **** at this moment.

Does the opponent use the super armor to block it, or does it possess magical skills?

Soon they can tell the difference.

Those other people are also nervous.

The truth is about to emerge.

Zhen Qianjue, Long Tingshan and others, 10,000 people do not believe it.

On the other side,

Jun Wentian, Jun Wushuang, they became nervous again.

Being able to create peerless swordsmanship is already very defying.

However, the use of magic arts is even more against the sky.

Can Mad God really do it?


In the hands of the Goddess of Chaos, an ancient rune appeared again.

Her face became pale and her body trembled.

She exhausted the remaining strength and punched out this rune again.

This rune shuttles between heaven and earth, with mysterious power.

Wherever he goes, all vitality will be taken away.

In the next moment, this ancient rune came to Lin Xuan again.

Everyone's eyes widened,

And this time, Lin Xuan also made a decisive move.

In his hand, a black breath appeared, and he slashed forward, slashing hard.

This black breath carries the power to destroy everything.

It was cut instantly, on top of the ancient rune.

With a bang, the sky fell apart.

Lin Xuan is like an ancient god, blocking the technique of small deprivation.

Everyone was stunned,

The people of the Chaos Protoss were dumbfounded.

how is this possible?

The other half-step **** kings were also shocked.

They stood up one after another, and a biting light burst out in their eyes.

Staring at the black sword aura,

They exclaimed: It's really a breath of magic.

This mad **** also controls a kind of magic,

He can also show it.

It's incredible.

They were really shocked.

The two ancestors of the dragon clan looked up to the sky and laughed: hahahaha.

Crazy God, again beyond their expectations, this made them extremely excited.

They said: Everyone, the truth is already clear.

The mad **** was not blocked with super armor, but with his own strength.

The other ancestors were silent,

The ancestor of the Chaos Protoss snorted coldly.

His face was ugly to the extreme.

The most shocking is the Goddess of Chaos.

She thought that her most powerful trump card, once the magical skill was played, would be able to sweep everything.

Spike the crazy god.

But wherever he can think of it, the mad **** also has magic skills.

Moreover, it can also be displayed,

Block her power.

This makes her like a dream.

She uses her blood to display it. What does this crazy **** use?

Could it be that the other party's blood is also against the sky?

How does she feel that this madness is unfathomable? Is it more mysterious than the **** child?

Lin Xuan smiled and said: How?

see it? I also control a magical technique. U U Reading

I have the same power you are proud of.

I really don't know, what's so proud of you in front of me?

You are less arrogant. The chaos goddess gritted her teeth and said: It is also a magical technique, but there are also strong and weak points.

How much power can you display?

Having said that, she pushed with all her strength, the power of her own blood.

All the remaining power poured into the small deprivation technique.

The power of deprivation becomes even stronger.

Lin Xuan's face sank: OK, then I will let you see it. What kind of strength does the magical art I possess?

Lin Xuan roared up to the sky, and the power in his body broke out completely.

The dragon's blood boiled, and the power like the vast ocean poured into the little shattering magic.

The aura of destruction became more and more terrifying.

It seems to be able to destroy the heavens.

Lin Xuan had always felt the avenue before, and the small destruction technique he was using at this moment was beyond imagination.

He rushed forward,

It was suppressed in an instant, a small deprivation technique.

The chaos goddess was beaten back, blood tumbling, and cracks appeared on her eyebrows.

how is this possible? She was actually suppressed.

She didn't believe it.

I fight with you!

The power in her body began to turn into chaotic flames, sweeping through the sky.

It's useless.

Lin Xuan's expression was cold, urging his peerless swordsmanship.

At this moment, the art of destruction was integrated into the swordsmanship and turned into a sword of destruction.

This sword was cut down, and the void was cut in half.

Everyone just felt that their bodies trembled, as if they wanted it, and it would be wiped out.

The strong of the Chaos Race even exclaimed: Not good.

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