Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7901: Protoss first! Mad God!

Does anyone want to challenge me? Lin Xuan looked at the Quartet and said coldly.

At this moment, 4 weeks of silence is terrible,

No one dares to fight.

Just kidding, God Child Tianyang was defeated so badly, and the defeat was so miserable, how could anyone dare to make another move?

Seeing no one dared to fight, Lin Xuan turned back and walked off the ring.

The people in Dragon Palace are extremely excited. So far, Lin Xuan has won without any defeat.

This must be the first place!

This result was completely beyond their expectations!

Jun Wushuang, Huo Yi, Shui Yi, they roared to the sky excitedly

Jun Wentian was in tears.

The surprise that the crazy **** gave them was too great, and their line was about to rise.

The people from the real dragon clan were hit. Everyone has panic and despair in their eyes.

The next game continues.

It didn't take long for everyone to face off.

Those half **** kings of the dragon race stood up,

They said aloud, now the ranking is announced.

First place! Dragon Palace! Mad God!

There was a brief silence between the heaven and the earth, followed by a volcanic eruption.

That voice went straight for nine days!

Shocks, shouts, and screams, like the shocking waves hitting the shore.

The people of the heavens and worlds are extremely excited,

The mad **** is absolutely deserved the first place.

People of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan! Excited.

The face of the true dragons is as gray as death!

Zhen Shaoyang, Shaoyue and the others have fallen to their knees. They are now extremely afraid, for fear that the mad **** autumn will settle accounts.

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Long Xian'er had no gods in her eyes, and she was hit the hardest.

She had never put a mad **** in her eyes before, but now, she wants to look up to each other.

The elders such as Zhen Qianjue are also terrifyingly dark. They can already see that a peerless genius is rising.

This is an existence not weaker than Long Tatian!

The ancestors of the dragon clan smiled, they were so happy.

People from other Protoss sighed again and again,

Those top geniuses were frightened and unwilling.

I am afraid that in the future, they can only look up to each other.

Damn, Chaos Goddess gritted her teeth.

Tianyang God Child is even more murderous,

The two were extremely unwilling, but they were helpless.

Ranked second is Tianyang Shenzi.

Third, the devil son.

Fourth, the goddess of chaos.

The goddess of Chaos didn't even enter the top three. When she saw her ranking, she almost spewed out her blood.

What a shame.

Long Xian'er is even more nervous, can she enter the 5th place?

Soon, the fifth place came out, the goddess Xuanbing.

Long Xian'er, shaking her body, fell to the ground, her face pale.

Didn't she even get in the top 5?

She only ranked sixth.

This ranking is very good when placed in the heavens and ten thousand realms, but compared with the crazy god, it looks eclipsed.

Seventh, the emperor.

Eighth, no heaven.

Ninth, Ye Xiao.

Tenth, eat water.

Two of the ancient soul clan actually entered the top ten, which also surprised everyone.

Next is the ranking after 10, and the others are also watching nervously.

Among them, Jun Wushuang ranked 15th.

This ranking completely exceeded her expectations,

You know, before, she estimated that she was not even qualified to go in the first 30.

Now it's ranked in the top fifteen,

Thanks to the stone stele given to her by the mad god.

Lin Xuan no longer pays attention to the remaining rankings

I don’t know, how much is the first reward?

Lin Xuan began to look forward to it.

Speaking of which, he can get three rewards.

One is the top ten award.

One is the top three rewards.

There is another one, which is the first reward,

The three rewards are additive.

Soon, the top 100 were all finished.

Among the top ten, the Dragon Palace and the Ancient Soul Race have two each.

Since Longgong Lin Xuan ranked first and had the greatest advantage, it could be said that he was the most profitable Protoss.

The other protoss were extremely envious. They felt that the mad **** was the second Dragon Tatian and was about to sweep another era.

Next, everyone looked forward to it again.

Don't know what the reward is?

Various rewards were issued,

Those who make it to the top 100 of the ranking will be rewarded.

Rewards vary

The higher the ranking, the more precious the reward.

Everyone is looking forward to the top 10 and even the top three rewards.

For the top ten, you can choose an ancient treasure.

Choose from the first place.

Boom boom boom.

Before, the ring of their battle slowly opened, and an ancient palace floated out of it.

From the palace, some rays of light flew out, these rays of light were suspended in 9 days, and in each light, there was an ancient treasure.

There are weapons, battle armor, pills, magical powers, secret collections, etc.

The grades are very high.

Some even don't even have the Protoss.

Countless people looked at the treasures in the sky, their eyes were red.

Those other people were also very excited, everyone looked at the mad god.

As the first place, Mad God is qualified to be the first choice.

This is the advantage.

Even if there is the best baby in it, I am afraid it will be selected by the mad god.

Those geniuses behind the mad **** also became nervous.

They already have the goal they want, but for fear of being taken away by the mad **** in advance.

Lin Xuan raised his head and looked at the treasures floating in the sky.

He squinted his eyes.

He shouldn't need weapons and armor.

His martial arts body is not weaker than those magic weapons, and at ease, he also prepared a feathered fairy sword for him.

As for the law of magical powers, Lin Xuan doesn't need it now.

Lin Xuan controls the Vulcan rune, Thor rune and the small destruction technique,

With these three powers alone, he is only just getting started, and it is worth his time to study.

He really has no spare time to practice other supernatural powers.

After thinking about it, he thinks the pill is the most suitable for him.

His current cultivation base is indeed a bit low,

The other **** sons and goddesses are 25 million to Shinto text and he only has 18 million.

If he also owns 25 million, it is estimated that he can kill the goddess and goddess in seconds,

Even when the time comes, the Peak True God will not be his opponent.

Therefore, Lin Xuan put the goal on the **** pill.

The number of sacred pills in the front is actually quite a lot, and each one looks extremely magical.

But Lin Xuan doesn’t know what exactly it does.

He has to choose the one that suits him best.

Suddenly at this moment, he was taken aback, he looked at one of the pills, and he felt a familiar breath on it.

Even when he looked at the opponent, the dragon power in his body was a little boiling.

Lin Xuan was slightly surprised, what kind of pill is this?

He stared at each other while performing breathing

The pill in front suddenly turned, and the phantom of the nine-headed dragon appeared on it, spreading its teeth and dancing claws, and roared.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan was surprised, and with a wave of his hand, he immediately grabbed the pill.

Others were shocked when they saw this, and even a half-step **** king exclaimed: Nine Dragon God Pill!

Unexpectedly, among the treasures this time, did the Nine Dragon God Pill also appear?

The eyes of those of the dragon race are also red,

Nine Dragon God Pill, the legendary pill,

It is said that the blood of nine dragons condenses and is formed, which is of great help to the dragons!

They all want one in their dreams,

Don't talk about them, even the eyes of the elders like Long Tingshui are red.

Even the two ancestors were shocked, they took a breath,

This crazy god's luck is too good, right?

Can actually meet the Nine Dragon God Pill!

After the opponent takes it, I am afraid that both the dragon blood and the power of the dragon will undergo earth-shaking changes again.

I don't know, how terrifying the other party will be in the future?

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