Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7903: Where is the path of the king

But Lin Xuan and others have entered the ancient palace at this moment.

This palace is more mysterious than imagined.

After entering, they seemed to have come to the vast sea of ​​stars.

Lin Xuan found that he could no longer see the gods of Tianyang and the devil.

I don’t know, where did those two people go?

He shook his head, he didn't care, so let's take a good look.

Look at the next road, how to go?

Sitting cross-legged, Lin Xuan began to silently sense the strength around him.

Before long, he discovered that he seemed to have entered, a kind of fantasy.

This fantasy is deducing, the next possibility.

Lin Xuan possesses the power of immortals, unparalleled in ages.

His path is definitely different from others.

At this moment, he is deducing, his own path.

I don't know how long it took? He deduced more than a dozen roads.

As a result, it seemed impossible to reach the realm of God King.

Opening his eyes, Lin Xuan frowned slightly.

The power of the gods allows him to leapfrog the battle by a large margin, bringing infinite power.

It is also difficult to break through.

I don't know if this kind of deduction will become more effective after the strength is increased?

Lin Xuan flipped his hand and took out the Nine Dragon God Pill.

The next moment, he swallowed it, and ran the martial arts art and breathing technique.

Lin Xuan began to absorb the power of this pill.

Boom boom boom!

The dragon blood in his body boiled, sweeping across the sky, and dragon shadows appeared on him.

Lin Xuan began to absorb the power of the **** pill.

At the same time, he felt around again and deduced the next path.

On the other side, Tianyang Shenzi and Demon Godzi also came in.

They couldn't find it, and they didn't care about the other people.

They also began to deduct their own way of martial arts.

What they have to do is to surpass their parents.

All three of them are working hard in cultivation.

In an instant, ten years passed.

For cultivators, ten years is really a flash.

When Lin Xuan opened his eyes again, it was already ten years later.

The Nine Dragon God Pill possesses too much power.

Now that he has only absorbed part of it, he feels that his physique has increased.

The Valkyrie body goes one step further.

And more importantly, his dragon blood has changed.

Lin Xuan is different from the goddess and goddess in that he did not inherit the blood of the **** king.

And his own strength is strong, but also has blood.

Now this bloodline, under the action of the Nine Dragon God Pill, has become more powerful and mysterious.

In addition, Lin Xuan's immortal Taoism has also improved.

It can be said that the strength has been comprehensively improved.

According to this situation, wait for him to absorb more power from the Nine Dragon God Pill. He has the opportunity to reach 20 million gods and Taoisms.

At that time, he was able to enter, the second watershed of Dachengzhen.

Lin Xuan continued to deduct the road of martial arts.

This ancient temple is indeed very mysterious.

It allows Lin Xuan to attack the realm of the **** king in various ways.

Even if it fails, there is no loss.

No wonder here, you can increase your chances of becoming a **** king.

You know, outside, the realm is not enough, it is impossible to imagine the impact of the realm of the king, what is it like?

Even if the cultivation base is enough, it will be cautious to impact the realm of the **** king.

How dare to try at will?

Once you fail, it is a trivial matter that you cannot break through.

More importantly, there is a possibility of backlash and serious injuries.

It is even possible to fall into the realm.

There are even some half-step **** kings who fell in the breakthrough.

And in this mysterious palace, there are no such side effects.

Lin Xuan can boldly make various attempts.

In a blink of an eye, another three years have passed.

Lin Xuan has indeed made some progress and has some ideas.

However, he was not satisfied.

With this method, the chance of breaking through to become a **** king is too low.

He took out the mysterious ring and wanted to see if there was anything inside that could help him?

Checked it with Yuanshen.

Lin Xuan issued, this ring seems to have a mysterious power to prevent his detection.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, his eyes blooming with a biting light.

There is no one else here, he can cast the eyes of reincarnation.

When the eyes of reincarnation emerged, the power of the six reincarnations enveloped the mysterious ring.

The ring shook slightly.

In the next moment, Lin Xuan seemed to have fallen into a mysterious space.

He found that he had come inside the ring.

Inside is a space, just like a palace.

There is no pill, no weapons, but rows of bookshelves.

On the shelf, there are countless books and scrolls.

Lin Xuan was curious: Is it supernatural power? Is this too much?

He walked over, took out an ancient book, opened it, and was taken aback.

He discovered that these were not magical powers, nor immortal methods, but some records.

A strong man recorded all his experiences.

Among them, there are some insights of my own.

Lin Xuan looked curiously, the more he looked at it, the more shocked he became.

He found that this strong man is definitely not an ordinary person, this should be a **** king.

He was shocked, and the life record of a **** king definitely had a great effect on him.

Among them, there are some cultivation attempts and insights.

Lin Xuan can to confirm and infer.

Next, he spent a few years reading these ancient books.

He found that in the entire hall, except for the last bookshelf, he could not approach or open it.

He can read all the books on the other shelves.

After reading it, Lin Xuan had some new understanding of the realm of the **** king.

Before facing the **** king, he could only look up and knew that the **** king was very powerful.

However, he didn't know how powerful and mysterious it was.

Now after reading these ancient books, he has some new understanding.

Putting away the black ring, Lin Xuan continued to deduct it.

In an instant, decades have passed.

It has been almost a hundred years since they entered the ancient temple.

There are still various legends about the crazy **** outside.

There are also a number of new rising stars in the major Protoss.

Those geniuses before, within a hundred years, their strengths have also improved by leaps and bounds.

Between the heavens and the earth, the power of the ancients became stronger again.

There are even some legends that a new desolate ancient **** race is about to come.

Some people said: Some desolate ancient gods and ancient **** cities have already been opened.

There are even some people who have already entered.

It's just that, his people can't feel it for the time being.

Everyone was extremely excited.

They know that more geniuses, more powerhouses, will appear.

This is a golden age.

The world of great controversy.

I don’t know, which geniuses have risen?

Someone said: Crazy God and others, seems to have not come out yet, right?

How long will they be in it?

Has their current strength improved?

Will not have been caught up by latecomers, right?

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