Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7906: 1 palm kill

Lin Xuan is extremely domineering and extremely powerful.

The people of Dragon Palace are excited: the mad son is mighty.

Sun God Child is too arrogant this day, dare to be wild in our Dragon Palace.

Don't look at it, how good is it? It's stupid.

Even the elders nodded slightly.

Although the crazy **** started a little harder, but after all, it was on behalf of their Dragon Palace.

If they ignore it. Doesn't it make everyone think that their Dragon Palace is afraid of the Tianyang Protoss?

People from the Tianyang Protoss had extremely ugly expressions.

Especially Huo Tiance, vomiting blood with anger.

He is here to test the strength of the mad god, ready to suppress the mad god.

But I didn't expect that when they came up, the other party gave them a smashing power.

Abolished one of his followers,

Also shook him back.

It was just his random blow. But he could already feel the strength of the opponent's physique.

The opponent's Valkyrie body is really terrifying.

The followers around said: Brother Tiance, you don't need to worry.

It was the crazy **** who made a sudden move just now, and you were shocked because you were careless.


Another said: If you fight with all your strength, how could he be your opponent?

No matter how strong the mad **** is, it is impossible to compete with you, Big Brother Tiance.

Hearing these words, the people around started talking again.

Jun Wushuang and the others, can't stand it anymore, she said coldly: Are you challenging Young Master Kuangsheng?

Bold, presumptuous, dare to challenge the mad **** son, first ask us, do you agree?

Many disciples of the Dragon Clan stepped forward.

Staring at the people of the Tianyang Protoss, murderous.

Those other people were also shocked,

Are there so many people in Dragon Palace supporting the mad god?

It seems that the status of the mad **** is higher than they thought.

How did they know that the mad **** just took out the invincible stele.

The people of the dragon clan are very grateful and naturally want to defend the mad god.

The two sides confronted each other,

The two sides collided, and the monstrous might swept across.

Those people around have a numb scalp. They don’t know these two protoss. They want to fight hard, right?

Huo Tiance's face was ugly, and he brought not many people.

This is the territory of the Dragon Palace, it really fought, all of them would be unlucky.

It is impossible to leave like this.

He must pay back the loss he suffered before.

This crazy god, didn't he make a sudden move?

He must use his own way to treat his own body.

In his eyes, there was a bit of bitterness,

The next moment, he suddenly shot.

The palm of his hand was like a knife, and he slashed towards the front.

What he displayed was a peerless magical power, the Lihuoshen Sword.

The flame of the palm is the legendary fire from the sky.

This knife was a sneak attack, very fast, and it came to Lin Xuan in an instant.

As a result, everyone did not react.

Those people in Dragon Palace were taken aback,

They exclaimed.

Crazy son, be careful.

Damn, despicable, dare to sneak attack.

They are mad.


A earth-shaking sound sounded.

The knife fell on the crazy god, making a thunderous sound.

This sound swallowed everything,

Everyone changed their faces.

Did it hit?

The mad **** did not escape.

It's over, it must be hurt.

This fire plan is going to break the sky.

not good.

Those people of the Dragon Race also changed their complexions, and they quickly turned around and looked around.

If the mad **** was injured, they would never spare Huo Tiance and others.

Jun Wushuang paled with fright, and Jun Wentian and them were extremely nervous.

Long Xian'er and others in the distance sneered: won't be killed instantly, right?

Even if he doesn't die, he is seriously injured. If this mad **** is arrogant, he will suffer now, right?

In the place where Lin Xuan was, endless space cracks appeared, turning into a space of nothingness.

The elders of the Dragon Race hurriedly took action to disperse the nothingness.

A figure emerged, and everyone looked forward.

Then, they were stunned.

The elders of the Dragon Race were also shocked.

They found that Lin Xuan was standing there without backing up and vomiting blood.

The other side stood there like a heavenly pillar.

The other party's expression was extremely calm and deep, as if it had no effect.

what happened?

No, the cut just now was terrible! It's impossible for the mad **** not to respond?

They carefully looked towards the point where the knife fell.

The next moment, they were stunned, and they found that the crazy **** was unharmed.

At this moment, there was a brief silence in heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards, there were voices of cold breath.

Crazy God was not injured, he blocked the blow with his physique.

How strong is his divine body?

Even those of the Dragon Clan were dumbfounded.

Is the Valkyrie Body already so powerful?

The faces of Long Xian'er and others were extremely ugly.

The strength of the other party is beyond their imagination.

The most shocked was the people of the Tianyang Protoss, especially Huo Tiance, he was dumbfounded.

In that blow just now, he didn't keep the slightest hand, and he displayed peerless magical powers.

Even if you can't kill the opponent, you can also injure the opponent severely.

But now?

The other party was unharmed,

He didn't even open the opponent's defense.

How could it be like this? How could the opponent's physique be so strong?

Is the opponent's strength completely superior to him?

Thinking of this possibility, he almost collapsed.

He is not of this generation, he is considered to be of the previous generation.

His cultivation base is higher than those of **** children and goddesses.

There is no such thing as a mad How far has this mad **** arrived?

Lin Xuan looked forward and asked coldly: Is this your strength? It really disappointed me.

After speaking, Lin Xuan shot again.

The palm was lifted and cut towards the front.

The Wushen body, like a peerless divine sword, stuck to Huo Tiance's body.

With a click, Huo Tiance's body was shattered, and his blood was flying.

He was split in half.

Everyone was stunned.

Is Huo Tiance paperless? It was so vulnerable.

Some elders said: I am afraid that no one of the young geniuses is Huo Tiance's opponent.

This is a stronger person than the Son of God,

Can only say that the mad **** is too strong.

In the past hundred years, in the ancient temple, I am afraid that he has gained great fortune.

His strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, completely surpassing Huo Tian Ce.

After Lin Xuan succeeded, he did not stop there.

If the other party dares to provoke him, he will naturally make the other party pay the price.

With one step out, he arrived in an instant, in front of Huo Tiance.

Lifting the sole of his foot, he stepped on Huo Tiance's face.

If this is trampled, Huo Tiance, including the entire Tianyang Protoss, will be defeated.

Huo Tiance naturally knew the seriousness of the matter.

He roared, tried his best, and rolled towards the void.

Just dodge the blow.

He stood up in an extremely embarrassed manner.

He snarled frantically: Mad God, you are looking for death, and I will not spare you.

The supernatural power on his body quickly condensed, and he recovered from his injury.

With a wave of his hand, the treasure bottle behind it flew out.

Aquarius from the fire.

Kill me.

Thousands of brilliant rays of light emerged, and the fire from the sky flew out.

Turn into a sword from the sky and kill Lin Xuan.

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