Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7908: Go to the wild! Beware of the mad god!

On the other side, the Chaos Protoss.

Inside an ancient palace, the Goddess of Chaos opened her eyes.

She also learned that the ancient ruins were about to open.

However, she did not intend to go.

She was defeated before, and she didn't even enter the top three, which made her suffer.

Over the past hundred years, she has practiced like crazy.

Now, it was the critical moment of cultivation, and she couldn't leave yet.

What she cultivated was an extremely terrifying magical power.

Once successful, her strength will change drastically.

After hearing these elders of the Chaos Protoss, they said: Goddess, you can cultivate with peace of mind.

We will send Jinghong.

Hearing this, the Goddess of Chaos nodded.

Jinghong, she knew, was one of her sisters, she was very powerful.

There should be no problem going to the party.

These elders of the Chaos Protoss found Jinghong.

Jinghong is a very sassy woman.

She has a slender figure and wears a battle armor.

On her forehead, there is a mysterious chaos rune.

She is not a person of this generation, she should be a person of the same age as Huo Tiance.

Upon hearing the explanation from the elders, Jing Hong said: Don't worry. I will definitely bring back the treasures in the ruins.

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If I meet that crazy god, I will teach him well.

An elder of the Chaos Protoss said: Be careful. That crazy **** is very strong.

A hundred years ago, he was able to rank first among the Protoss, showing that his talent and strength were all top-notch.

A hundred years later, he became stronger,

It is said that he defeated Huo Tiance before.

Huo Tiance's trash is not my opponent at all, and I can easily kill him in seconds.

Although this mad **** is strong, it is still not my opponent.

The elders can rest assured.

Several elders nodded.

This time, not only sent Jinghong.

They will also send other strong disciples of the Protoss to go together.

I think it shouldn't, what's wrong.

They know that Jinghong is not only powerful.

There is this extremely terrifying fairy in his hand.

This fairy artifact comes from the last era.

The power is mysterious and unpredictable, once it is displayed, no one can beat it.

The land of God became lively again.

This time, everyone came for the ancient ruins.

Some mysterious light suddenly appeared in a certain mountain range in the heavens.

Formed a vision of heaven and earth.

The mountains split apart, and the whole emptiness seemed to be torn apart by a pair of big hands.

An ancient ruin emerged.

It is suspended in mid-air, blooming with a mysterious atmosphere, and hundreds of millions of creatures look up to it.

The people of the heavens and all realms are boiling,

They came quickly.

One after another, old chariots dashed between the sky and the earth.

There are also various artifacts, fairy artifacts, haunted from time to time.

In the end, even the genius disciples of the Protoss came.

They discovered that many of those geniuses who participated in the Protoss Ranking Tournament had come.

There are even some of these genius brothers and sisters who belong to the previous era.

The strength of these people is even stronger, and they are almost approaching the true **** of the pinnacle.

They saw a chaotic monster soaring between heaven and earth.

On the back of this monster beast, many figures stood.

One by one, like innate creatures, aloof.

Everyone knew that they were members of the Chaos Protoss.

One of them, a slender woman, stood at the forefront.

His eyes were piercing, looking down at Eternal Age.

This should be a genius hadron sent by the Chaos Protoss.

Everyone felt that the Shendao pattern on the opponent's body was extremely terrifying.

Some people even recognize that this is Fairy Jinghong,

It is said that the strength far exceeds the previous Huo Tiance.

Fairy Jinghong was also famous in those days.

Unexpectedly, it appeared again now.

Others saw the boundless sea of ​​fire flying and turning into a world of fire.

In that world of fire, a man of magical power appeared.

He is like the **** of the sun, controlling all fires.

Everyone exclaimed: It's Tianyang Shenzi.

I feel that the flame aura on his body is stronger.

He is ten times stronger than a hundred years ago.

This cultivation speed is too terrifying.

They also saw the goddess Xuanbing and some other top geniuses.

For example, Wu Tian, ​​Emperor Zuo and others also came one after another.

There are even some strong people who have never seen before.

There is a man with a yin and yang picture flying in the void.

The powerful yin and yang breath is enough to shred everything.

The strength of this person is no weaker than the genius of the Protoss.

This shocked everyone.

There are also a few mysterious figures, they don't even know the origin of each other.

Some people speculate that it is possible that a new protoss has arrived.

Or, some new **** cities have appeared.

In short, the origins of these people are absolutely extraordinary.

Taixu Dragon Palace, these people from the Dragon Clan are also preparing.

They will also go to the land of heaven.

Mad Shrine,

Lin Xuan opened his eyes.

He stood up and looked into the distance.

I don't know what kind of good fortune he can get this time?

In 400 years, he will fight Long Tatian decisively.

His current strength, although very strong, is not enough.

However, he believes that 400 years is enough to make his strength advance by leaps and bounds again.

Lin Xuan walked out of the Mad God Palace and found that there were already many geniuses waiting outside.

Mad **** son, you are out.

Many people came over.

Today, Lin Xuan has an additional group of followers,

His mad **** palace is extremely lively.

Before these people, most of them were surrounded by Long Xian'er.

At this moment, they all came to him and became his followers.

This drove Long Xian'er and the people of the real dragon clan crazy, but there was no alternative.

Lin Xuan took a look and found Jian Tianchen, Lei Lie, Huan Meng, Long Yin and others in the distance were also here.

Each of these people has a strong breath and excited eyes.

Obviously, they are ready to show their talents.

Not only these young disciples, but also the elders of the dragon clan, are here.

A powerful figure appeared in the void.

Lin Xuan looked at it again and found that the real dragon clan was not there.

Jun Wushuang said next to him: The true dragon family, Long Xian'er and others have already left early.

Lin Xuan nodded.

Now, he is Long Xian'er's nightmare, and Long Xian'er probably dare not see him.

It is normal to leave early.

Let's go then.

Lin Xuan waved his beater and took everyone to the land of heaven.

Long Tatian can't come out, Long Xian'er is defeated, and the genius of the Dragon Clan is already headed by him.

A group of people rose into the sky In the sky, there was an old chariot full of dragon patterns.

Everyone boarded the chariot, tore open the void, and flew into the distance.

There is a city in the land of God, the nearest place to the ruins of the deserted ancient ruins.

This is a very old city, handed down from the ancient times, called Tianyun City.

There are many family sects in Tianyun City.

Although these family sects are not comparable to the ancient gods, they are also very powerful.

Especially the line of the city lord of Sky Cloud City is even more terrifying.

City Lord Tianyun himself is the true **** of the pinnacle.

Their blood is also terrifying, dating back to the ancient times.

It even has a great relationship with the Protoss of the Desolate Period.

When the people from the heavens and all realms came to Tianyun City, they all kept a low profile.

Even the people of the Protoss did not dare to make a move easily.

After all, there is a strong man here.

The opponent cooperated with the veins of Tianyun City, and the power was beyond the peak of the **** of war.

On this day, in the city, a group of figures rose to the sky.

These people are wearing white robes and flashing with cloud brocade runes.

The mysterious atmosphere of the avenue swept the sky.

They rose into the air, looking into the distance.

Among them, there is an old man who is even more immortal.

He sits on top of a cloud of mist, extremely ethereal.

The people around were shocked,

This is the lord of Sky Cloud City,

Control the entire Sky Cloud City. Cooperating with his own cultivation base, he can exert a super combat power.

Unexpectedly, did the other party also come out?

It's incredible!

You know, even the people of the ancient **** race, after they came, they couldn't see each other.

At this moment, the other party came out for whom?

How do you feel, who seems to be greeted by the other party?

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