Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7924: Fight 3000 Dao body!

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Feeling the horror of the Valkyrie Seal, Jingyun's expression also changed drastically.

He backed quickly.

His body turned into a cloud and mist, dodge non-stop.

Dodged the blow,

At the same time, he shot a sword.

Cloud Sword

Extremely ethereal, from different directions, slammed towards Lin Xuan.

The whole piece of void, all shredded.

The black space crack seems to be able to swallow everything.

Lin Xuan roared up to the sky, and the divine body displayed its power, and instantly shattered the void.

The powerful combat power shocked the world.

He used the dragon breathing method.

A phantom of a dragon, hovering over him, roared to the sky.

The dragon's claws protruded, and instantly passed through the void, slamming towards Jingyun.

The fast battle between the two.

After a few moves, Jing Yun's face was hard to see the extreme.

He found that no matter how he attacked? I can't help each other.

On the contrary, the opponent's attack was a fatal threat to him.

That is, his body is super strong, so he can avoid it.

If this continues, there is no way, he will eventually be hit.

Once hit, it will be severely injured, or even possibly, will fall immediately.


His face is hard to see the extreme.

He sent a message to the rear and joined hands together.

Behind, a man from the Chaos Protoss nodded.

His figure disappeared.


It's another, shocking duel.

But at this moment, the void behind Lin Xuan cracked, and a figure emerged.

This is from the Chaos Protoss, another strong man.

In his hand, there is a black dagger.

There are black runes all over it.

At the same time, there was a **** light and a monstrous blood evil breath, rushing straight into the sky.

When they saw this scene, the faces of the spectators around them changed drastically.

Unexpectedly, under the advantage of occupying a huge number of people.

The people of the Chaos Protoss would even choose to sneak attack.

It's over, this crazy **** is going to be dangerous.

This dagger was extremely extraordinary at first glance, and it was an incredible artifact.

The mad **** could not stop it.

No way, he is too arrogant, he wants to fight against the Chaos Protoss with one person.

Isn't this a foolish dream?

Don't say it's him, even the son of God can't do it.

With a bang, the black dagger landed on Lin Xuan's back.

This genius of the Chaos Protoss raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

I think how do you die?

However, the next moment, the smile on his face disappeared.

Instead, there was a touch of shock.

He found that his dagger had indeed hit the opponent.

However, the opponent's defense did not break open.

This is impossible!

His dagger is an extremely terrifying artifact, capable of shattering everything in the world.

But at this moment, he couldn't cut the opponent's body unexpectedly.

How strong is this Valkyrie Body?

Just when he was stunned, Lin Xuan's backhand was a palm.

With a bang, he shot the opponent out, and along the way, he turned into a blood mist.

With a flick of Lin Xuan's finger, a thunderstorm turned into a thunder dragon.

He swallowed the opponent's soul in an instant.


Moreover, they also killed the opponent.

The eyes of those who were watching the battle were almost staring out.

This mad **** is too strong,

Is this the legendary Valkyrie body?

Vulnerable. Lin Xuan sneered.

His Martial God Body has entered the fourth floor.

Ordinary artifacts can't hurt him at all.

What if the other party attacked? Even his defense can't be broken.

After killing this sneak attacker, he killed Jingyun again.

Without a few tricks, Jingyun flew out.

Jingyun retreated in embarrassment and retreated into the team.

He is ready to shoot together.

However, he hasn't said anything yet.

He discovered that Lin Xuan had actually killed them towards them.

Damn, this kid wants to be alone, do you single out 9 of them?

Just kidding.

Lin Xuan said loudly: Come together, a group of ants,

The people of the Chaos Protoss are mad, they are ready to join forces.

Jingyun roared and said: Stop, I haven't lost yet.

He is crazy.

This crazy **** didn't put him in his eyes at all.

He is also a top talent, and he also has his own pride.

Originally he wanted to join hands.

But at this moment, with this pride, he is ready to continue singles.

Of course, he has to play some, the real hole cards.

If you dare to underestimate me, you will pay the price.

He used the power of his blood, and a **** rune appeared on the center of his forehead.

His figure became misty.

Countless chaotic mists flew out from him and enveloped all directions.

In the next instant, in the mist, there was a shocking force after another.

Then, Jing Yun's figure walked out.

Everyone was stunned, and they realized that Jingyun was not alone.

At this moment, out of the fog, there are 3,000 figures.

Someone exclaimed: This seems to be the incarnation of chaos.

Not a general incarnation of chaos, this should be a secret method.

Jingyun said coldly: Boy, this time, how can I resist you?


With a roar, 3000 figures were killed together.

Every figure is real.

They all carried tremendous power to kill Lin Xuan.

Everyone is desperate.

If it is them, face such an attack.

It is estimated that they have died 10,000 times.

Lin Xuan laughed loudly: relying on you, you are too weak.

Not to mention 3,000, even 30,000 you are vulnerable.

He looked up to the sky and roared and used the technique of destruction.

The black rune turned into a sword aura and swept forward.

Wherever he went, those outside incarnations quickly shattered.

The 3000 incarnation is very scary.

They stand between heaven and earth, like 3000 gods and demons.

However, under the power of the technique of destruction, they disappeared instantly.

Before long, only dozens of avatars remained.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, a figure of a blue sky and white crane appeared.

He recognized the other person's true body in an instant.

He killed Jingyun at a very fast speed.

Jingyun was stunned: Are you kidding?

Incarnation of 3000, no one can recognize his real body, where is it?

No one can easily kill these 3,000 external incarnations.

However, the mad **** did it all.

Is this guy still a human?


Before, he felt that the opponent challenged his sister without knowing how to die.

But now it seems that the other party is really qualified to challenge her sister.

Even the other party is as unfathomable as her sister.

A touch of panic appeared in his eyes.

Don't dare to fight again.

He backed away quickly and said at the same time: I am Jinghong's younger brother.

You killed me, UU reading my sister, won't spare you.

In our hands, there are many disciples of your Dragon Palace.

You dare to move me, I can guarantee that they died miserably.

After listening to those people around, their scalp numb: This is a threat to the mad god.

I am afraid that the mad **** dare not make a move.

However, Lin Xuan still did not stop.

His fist was covered with black runes and turned into a fist of destruction.

One punch hit Jingyun instantly.

Jingyun's body was originally extremely ethereal.

However, under the power of the small destruction technique, it was quickly wiped out.

His face was desperate.

The other party is not even threatened.

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