Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7939: God king can't save you either! I said!

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Shocked the sky quickly, and disappeared into the darkness in an instant.

However, just after he left, a sword shadow appeared in the Chaos Pagoda!

This sword shadow is naturally Lin Xuan.

He used the trick of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain,

The one who stayed beside Jingmu was his clone.

And his true body has come into the Chaos Pagoda.

As soon as he appeared, Lin Xuan tried his best.

Thunder Rune, Vulcan Rune, and the small destruction technique, came out one after another, killing all directions.

The people of the Chaos Protoss were shrouded in monstrous power before they could react.

The scream sounded.

Lin Xuan made an all-out effort, and these people couldn't resist.

In an instant, someone was wiped out!

Lin Xuan and the fast speed came to Jun Wushuang and the others.

Jun Wushuang said: Go fast, the chains on our bodies are made of innate cold iron.

It's terrible, you can't break it.

Leave quickly and don't get caught.

On the other side,

Jing Cangqiong originally thought that he had found Lin Xuan's position and he could kill the opponent.

But after coming, he found that he had only killed a clone.

At the same time, he heard all kinds of screams coming from the pagoda.

His face became extremely ugly: Tune the tiger away from the mountain.

He was counted,

He desperately returned madly.

There is still a glimmer of hope in his heart.

The chains that trapped Jun Wushuang and others were so terrible that they couldn't break them.

As long as the other party delays, he can kill him back.

In the next moment, he can kill the opponent.

Mad God, you can't escape.

The terrifying breath swept over like mountains and seas.

Jun Wushuang and the others were going crazy in a hurry: hurry up.

They were bloodied and pale.

Especially Dragon Dance, being eaten by bloodthirsty centipedes, was extremely miserable.

She said: Run away, leave us alone.

They just tortured us, as long as you live, they won't kill you.

You go quickly.

Lin Xuan's eyes were red, these people were tortured because of him.

He snarled up to the sky.

In the next instant, an extremely cold light burst out in his eyes.

The palm of his hand fell like a divine sword.

In the palm of his hand, fragments of the Great Dragon Sword were even more integrated.

With a bang, he slashed with a sword, above the innate **** iron.

Boom boom boom!

The innate **** iron shook violently.

Jun Wushuang and the others are desperate: Lin Xuan is wasting time.

With the speed of the peak God of War, the next instant, he can kill him.

It is impossible for the other party to succeed.

But at this moment, a broken voice sounded.

There was a crack in the innate **** iron, and then it cracked.

how is this possible?

Jun Wushuang and the others were stunned.

Those people of the Chaos Protoss were also shocked.

Shocked Sky, who was still coming in madness, was also stunned.

what's the situation? The innate **** iron is broken!

How could the other party smash the innate **** iron?

What hole cards are there in the opponent's hand?

He is not clear.

His mad roar, the light of chaos, burst out with incomparable light.

This time, he was desperate.

He has never been so angry,

Facing a master of the same level, he would not be desperate.

Now, to deal with a little ant, he actually needs to work hard.

Regardless of all costs, crazy driving force. The speed has doubled again.

In the next moment, he came to the pagoda.

Jun Wushuang and others were desperate.

Although the innate **** iron was broken, they couldn't escape.

Facing the peak true god, they are not opponents at all.

There was not even a chance to resist.

No matter how strong the mad **** was, he couldn't resist it.

Lin Xuan's eyes also showed a bit of bitterness.

He does not regret doing this.

If Jun Wushuang cannot be saved, his heart will not be at ease.

Little thing, you should run again.

Shocked the sky with murderous aura, and his expression extremely hideous.

There was darkness all around, but he stared at Lin Xuan instantly.

He raised his hand and played countless laws of chaos, blocking it for 4 weeks.

He said coldly: This time, I see how you run?

This time, even if the King of God comes, it can't save you, I said!

Shocked the sky is really mad.

A little ant, he actually spent so much time.

Many disciples fell in the middle, and even he himself was injured.

This made him extremely angry and crazy.

After he intends to catch the crazy god, he must torture the opponent to death.

He even planned to refine the opponent into a puppet.

Let each other live in despair forever.

Son, leave us alone, you go, you go quickly.

Jun Wushuang and the others were pale.

They were seriously injured and there was no possibility of escape.

But Lin Xuan is different,

Lin Xuan took them, it was a burden.

But if Lin Xuan escaped by himself, he would definitely have a chance of life.

Don't worry, I will take you and leave safely.

Lin Xuan said in a deep voice.

The man in white, the woman in thunder, they are also crazy roar: catch him, you must catch them!

Jing Cangqiong shot, and with a big wave, covering the world.

Above the palm of the hand is the power of the Peak True God, no one can beat.

This time, he didn't keep any hands.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and prepared to use the breath of the big dragon sword with all his strength.

But at this moment, the mysterious palm appeared again.

He fell on the shoulders of Shocking Sky.

Startled with a cold snort and ignored it.

Before, he was attacked by this mysterious palm.

Although the throat will be crushed, it is not fatal.

He was ready to take down the mad **** first.

The big palm in the sky fell quickly, and Lin Xuan and others were about to be suppressed.

But at this moment, the pale palm with water droplets. But he suddenly shot and grabbed the shocking sky's throat.

With a click, he directly screwed off his head.

An extremely stern voice sounded, shocking the sky and being seriously injured.

The headless body fell down.

The head made a stern sound.

The big palm in the sky disappeared even more.

This scene was very sudden, beyond everyone's expectations.

The people of the Chaos Protoss were all frightened.

Lin Xuan's pupils shrank sharply, and he did not expect that such a thing would happen.

However, this is his opportunity.

With a big wave of his hand, he took Jun Wushuang and the others, and flew into the distance instantly.

Jun Wushuang and the others were completely frightened.

what's the situation?

Was the pinnacle true **** actually beheaded?

Besides them, are there any other masters here?

They are all blindfolded.

They had stayed in the pagoda before and didn't know the situation outside.

Lin Xuan has no time to explain.

In an instant, he rushed out of the pagoda and came into the darkness.

Lin Xuan shot a world and guarded Jun Wushuang and others.

Then, above the world, he condensed to form the eyes of reincarnation, looking around.

I don’t know what’s going on at the pagoda.

Inside the pagoda, Shocking Sky was still roaring crazily.

He did not fall, but this time he was seriously injured.

He was careless.

This time the mysterious palm is much more powerful than before.

Almost killed him.

In his head, endless light of chaos burst out, sweeping in all directions.

Cut to the mysterious palm.

Finally, he took the palm of his hand and withdrew it to Zhen.

The next moment, the head flew back onto the body.

The body that shocked the sky recovered again.

His face has become pale, even with injuries on his face.

He was extremely afraid,

Almost, he fell.

When I looked forward again, I found that Mad God, Jun Wushuang and others had gone.


With a roar of shock, he asked the people around him: Where did those people go?

The people around them said: Leaving the pagoda, entering the darkness, and never finding it again.

Want to leave here long ago.

Jing Cangqiong's face was gloomy, and he was about to leave the pool.

It's too dangerous to stand by the side of the pool.

The other disciples of the Protoss nodded quickly, and they didn't want to stay here either.

Even their pinnacle elders almost fell, let alone them.

Moreover, along the way, nearly half of the disciples had been killed by the mysterious palm.

The rest of these people were extremely frightened.

These people put away the pagoda and flew upward.

After flying for a long they did not leave the pool.

How could it be like this?

They are desperate.

Jing Cangqiong said: We seem to be lost and can't find our way.

This is not good news.

At the same time, under this endless pool, there is an ancient coffin.

The lid of the ancient coffin suddenly opened, and a figure sat up from it.

This is a figure stabbed with ancient swords, like a hedgehog.

He was badly injured, and he seemed to have fallen.

However, at this moment, a faint light burst into his eyes.

The ancient voice came from his body.

"I feel the breath of the big dragon sword!"

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