Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7941: Protoss showdown! The treasure that Lin Xuan dropped?

Many people have seen the chase of the mad god.

They talked a lot, and felt that the mad **** was more auspicious.

After Jun Wentian and others came in, he almost fainted when he learned of this.

The Chaos Protoss is so unruly.

Send the peak true **** to chase the crazy god.

Their eyes were red and hateful in an instant.

Especially if they learned that before this. The Chaos Protoss also suppressed Jun Wushuang and others, and the Dragon Tianjiao.

This makes them even more crazy.

The hateful Chaos Protoss, are they bullying them in the Dragon Palace?


Jun Wentian was murderous.

It's not just him.

The pinnacle true **** of the sword dragon clan, the pinnacle true **** of the thunder dragon clan, and the pinnacle true **** of the fire dragon clan.

One after another shot.

In an instant, they killed the Chaos Protoss,

A war broke out between the two.


Those other people evaded one after another.

As for the other protoss, they sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Maybe, it's still possible to take advantage of the fisherman's profit.

Zhen Qianjue and others were also very worried.

As soon as he came in, he looked for Long Xian'er and others.

Fortunately, Long Xian'er and the others were not injured.

Before, Long Xian'er didn't care about Jun Wushuang, Mad God and others.

When Long Xian'er learned that the mad **** was being chased, she almost jumped with excitement.

This mad **** is finally going to fall.

The existence of the mad **** is like a sharp sword hanging above her head, threatening him all the time.

Make her look up.

Now, this nightmare is finally going to disappear.

She was still worried, she went to find it herself.

As a result, she found the dragon blood of the mad **** half way!

Apparently, the opponent was seriously injured.

She even discovered that there were some pills and treasures of heaven and earth near this dragon blood.

It should have been spilled when injured.

Most of the treasures of heaven and earth were shattered, and were torn to pieces by the power of the pinnacle true god.

Huh, what is this?

Suddenly, Long Xian'er found something near that dragon blood.

She picked it up, put it in her hand, and probed it carefully.

It was a palm-sized token, and it was extremely dark.

It's not gold or stone. I don't know what it was made of.

It was not broken.

You know, the random blow of the pinnacle true **** is destroying the world.

The power below the peak cannot be resisted at all.

However, this token was not destroyed.

It is enough to show how extraordinary its material is.

On the front of the token, there was an old ancient character written, and Long Xian'er didn't even recognize it.

She only saw the extremely complicated runes.

She turned it over and looked at it. On the back of the token, there was a dragon drawn.

The black dragon with its teeth and claws is lifelike.

Long Xuan'er took a look, then took a breath.

In a daze, she felt that this black dragon was alive.

This treasure is actually related to their dragon clan, how did this crazy **** get it?

Long Xian'er was surprised how could he have so many good things in him?

Regardless, the mad **** will definitely die anyway.

Now this token is mine.

Long Xian'er put it away.

Be prepared to wait for the desolate ancient ruins to study well.

the other side,

Fairy Jinghong was seriously injured, I am afraid it will take a lot of years to recover.

Although she was seriously injured, she was very happy.

That mad **** will undoubtedly die.

It's just that these peak elders of the Dragon Race are endlessly dying.

Still fighting with their Protoss to start a war.

An elder flew over and said that this place is not safe, so leave quickly.

People of the dragon race will soon be killed.

Long Xian'er followed the other disciples and flew towards the distance.

Finally, they came to a quiet place, and they entered into a valley.

The ghost of the empty valley here is a good place to hide.

The people of the Chaos Protoss stay here temporarily.

This evening, near the valley, a figure came, the people of the Chaos Protoss, like a great enemy.

They played a piece of artifacts, terrible rules, around 4 weeks.

Who they asked coldly?

In the darkness, a figure walked out.

When they saw only one person, the people of the Chaos Protoss were relieved.

However, Fairy Jinghong was stunned, her eyes were almost staring out.

She couldn't believe it, what did she see?

She saw the person in front of her, who turned out to be a mad god.

Impossible, how could you still be alive?

Those other people were surprised to learn that they were crazy gods.

Some people said that the senior sister can rest assured that he is definitely not alive.

He should be just a trace of remnant soul, wanting to come to you for revenge.

A trace of remnant soul, dare to come to us in front of us?

The other person sneered, raised his hand and shot a blow, and a giant axe phantom fell from the sky.

Killed to the front.

The figure in front was naturally Lin Xuan.

After he got out of the pool, he flew all the way.

Unexpectedly, I met Fairy Jinghong and others.

Looking at the phantom of the giant axe that rushed, he stretched out his palm and patted the void.

The void above his head, like a scroll, was torn apart by him.

The phantom of the giant axe was torn to pieces.

At the same time, Lin Xuan grabbed the cracked void and pulled forward forcefully.

The space near the valley shattered suddenly.

It turned into countless big cracks, and killed the people of the Chaos Protoss.

The man who shot before was immediately torn apart by the space rift.

In addition to him, several people around him were also swallowed by space cracks.

The screams sounded, cutting through the void.

Those people of the Chaos Protoss retreated madly.

Their faces were full of shock, so terrible power, it didn't seem to be a remnant soul.

He is still alive, he is really alive!

Fairy Jinghong has encountered the most terrible thing.

She snarled wildly. How could you be alive?

She wanted to break her head, but she couldn't understand.

Their pinnacle true gods, who personally chase and kill, how could they miss?

Lin Xuan sneered at the pinnacle true god, just want to kill me?

While talking, he walked forward.

His arm burst out with a metallic light, as if it turned into a divine sword.

With a wave of his hand, thousands of sword auras flew between the sky and the earth.

Block it quickly. Fairy Jinghong retreated in a hurry.

She was defeated by the opponent before.

Now facing each other again, she was terrified and afraid to challenge.

She spat out a pagoda with countless stars engraved on it.

The pagoda became bigger, and it was a thousand feet tall, blocking her front.

The other disciples also shot out one after another.

All kinds of artifacts emerge in endlessly, all around.

Boom boom boom boom!

A shocking duel,

Relying on the large number of people, they temporarily blocked the attack.

Fairy Jinghong was saying to pass a message to the elders soon.

The geniuses of the Protoss around frown, afraid that he will fail?

We have so many people, can we still beat him?

That's right, this kid, with good luck, was able to escape, pursued and killed by the pinnacle elder.

Otherwise, he would have died 100 times.

He is unlucky to meet us now.

We joined forces to suppress him.

Many of these people are newcomers.

He had never fought with Lin Xuan before, and naturally he didn't know that Lin Xuan was terrified.

Fairy Jinghong knew that no matter how many people there were, he couldn't beat the opponent.

Before, she took so many people, didn't they all get killed?

She didn't dare to She crushed a piece of jade pendant and asked for help.

People from the surrounding Chaos Protoss shook their heads, and one of them pouted even more.

This is a short-haired woman, she is also a genius of the Protoss.

Before, she looked up at Fairy Jinghong, she wanted to be someone like her.

But now it seemed that she was disappointed that this Jinghong fairy was so timid.

The short-haired woman said, brothers, let's work together to suppress the crazy god.

The other people nodded, and they joined hands to create a chaos monument.

This chaotic monument is formed by the aura of the Great Dao on their bodies.

Falling from the sky is enough to suppress everything!

Lin Xuan raised his head to look at the sky, watching this scene, laughing coldly and overwhelmingly.

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