Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7947: Ancient dark matter! Who can resist?

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Everyone was very excited, with Tianyang God Child taking the lead, absolutely foolproof.

They followed the **** son of Tianyang, and a group of people entered the palace.


Lin Xuan shook his head slightly when he saw this scene.

These idiots! Really self-righteous.

However, he did not plan to abandon this palace.

He discussed with Jun Wentian and the others, and they also walked in.

This time, inside the palace, there is no such thing as before, and treasures are piled up like a mountain.

There are some secret rooms in the side halls around, but most of them are closed and sealed.

You need to break the formation above to get in.

Many people laughed when they saw this scene.

It seems that this time, it should not be a trap.

They continued to do it.

The laws of various artifacts flew out again, slamming into those formations.

Let's do it too.

On the Dragon Palace side, Jun Wentian and they also acted.

Lin Xuan also shot, and the Martial God Body burst out with a bright light.

His fist is even more terrifying than a divine weapon.

Every punch fell, the world broke.

However, after a few punches, he frowned again: something is wrong!

something wrong.

He said to the people in Dragon Palace: Don't do it first, I feel that it is still a trap.

Jun Wentian and others were taken aback after hearing this.

To be honest, with their strength, what is the trap?

However, they still believed in Lin Xuan.

After all, Lin Xuan was amazing, and he had some hole cards beyond their imagination.

Jun Wentian said: Stop first, wait a minute.

The people in Dragon Palace stopped.

Other gods, as well as those from the heavens and worlds, laughed when they saw this scene.

Did the people of Dragon Palace give up?

The crazy **** said that there was a problem with this formation, and the people in the Dragon Palace did not dare to make a move.

It's really ridiculous.

So many pinnacle elders did not find any problems.

What can he discover when he is a small, great god?

I admit that the mad **** is strong. In the battle of the gods, no one is his opponent in the younger generation.

But he was nothing more.

He has no experience in detecting treasures and cracking formations.

Listen to him, that's stupid.

The elders of other Protoss sneered, thinking that Jun Wentian and others were too stupid.

Long Xian'er also came, and when he saw this scene, he gave a cold snort.

She didn't believe the words of the mad god.

After waiting for a while, they didn't find out, what's the danger?

Even the other elders in Dragon Palace frowned.

Is what the mad **** said true? Maybe they are too nervous.

They were ready to shoot again, but at this moment, screams came.

Before, those who attacked the formation were all shrouded in the formation.

Even some people's power, unconsciously, consumes a lot.

Damn, get out of me, break the formation.

Crisis is a trap.

A series of exclamations sounded,

Those Protoss people fought back.

Jun Wentian and others were shocked when they saw this scene.

The true gods at the peak have cold sweat on their faces.

Fortunately, they listened to the words of the crazy **** and did not do anything.

Otherwise, they now estimate that it will end badly.

Crazy God, how did you discover it?

A pinnacle elder of the sword dragon clan asked curiously.


Lin Xuan's answer is simple.

Those true gods at the peak can't laugh or cry, they certainly don't believe it.

This answer is too perfunctory.

There must be a secret in this crazy god.

Of course, they did not ask too much.

We rewind.

They took these young disciples back quickly.

However, at some point, the gate of the palace had already been closed.

A deep and hoarse laughter rang: I want to leave, don't you think it's too late?

With this sound, a whirlpool appeared in the void.

Flying out from inside, an ancient coffin.

There was a figure sitting on top of it, pierced with divine swords.

It's the sword demon.

Damn, it was another trap he set up.

What does this guy want to do? Is he the guardian of this ancient ruin?

Exclaimed one after another, and angry voices sounded.

The true gods at the peak are also murderous.

They said: Your methods are terrible. But we are so many true gods, connected together, the power is beyond your imagination.

The true gods at these peaks before were all injured and their strength greatly reduced.

But they recovered quickly.

Most of these true gods come from the Protoss, and they have profound backgrounds.

Some of them carry all kinds of magical elixir.

Some have mastered the bloodline secret method,

Once desperately, the power that broke out was beyond imagination.

The sword demon laughed coldly: In the last palace, you were all injured. Even if you can recover, you can't recover your peak.

You now have at most 70% power.

Seventy percent is enough, we are crowded.

The elder of Tianyang Protoss, snorted coldly!

Besides, you are alone, can you stop it?

Close your hands obediently and let us leave, you can still have peace together.

Otherwise, don't blame us for suppressing you and leaving you in smoke.

That is, we are not afraid of you.

If the **** son of Tianyang casts the fire of heaven, you will not threaten us at all.

Sword Demon, if you dare to come, are you not afraid of the fire of God?

With a wave of the Tianyang Godzi, you have to escape.

Those young disciples and geniuses around Tianyang Divine Child sneered again and again.

They are not afraid of the sword demon at all,

The Sword Demon cast a glance at the Tianyang Divine Child.

Poker face.

The fire of God is terrible.

But even the fire of the gods the size of nails, want to scare him away?

Are you kidding me?

These people are stupid and ridiculous.

Seeing that the sword demon was silent, the people of the Tianyang Protoss thought the other party was scared.

They are even more proud.

They are ready to do something to drive away the sword demon.

But at this moment, the Sword Demon snorted coldly: Who told you that I am alone this time?

As his voice fell, there was another roar in the void.

Then, a black shadow came out of the void.

The people of the Protoss are extremely nervous: Is there anyone else?

who is it?

Soon, they saw the figure in the sky.

A figure resembling a black mist, vaguely recognizable, this is a fox.

So familiar.

Many people frowned.

Someone exclaimed: Isn't this, the dark sky fox before?

Everyone took a breath, and the true **** at the pinnacle quickly understood the situation.

They were extremely surprised: they didn't expect that there would be such a strange beast here.

This is dark matter.

Fortunately, there is only one, not many in number, and the realm is not too high.

Otherwise, it's really a headache.

Jun Wentian said: Everyone should be careful.

Dark matter is extremely terrifying.

Once hit by dark matter the consequences will be disastrous.

Even if it is a minor injury, it is as difficult to wipe out the dark matter.

He said loudly: Everyone, let's join hands and seal this dark celestial fox.

Then, solve the sword demon.

The other pinnacle gods nodded, they really didn't want to fight alone with the dark sky fox.

These people joined hands and walked out, with dozens of peak figures standing between the sky and the earth.

The powerful breath swept the sky like a vast ocean.

They played a series of laws and powers, swept across the sky and the earth, and killed the dark sky fox.

The Sword Demon watched from the side, but didn't make any moves at all.

These people are so ridiculous.

Who told you, the dark sky fox has only a little dark matter?

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