Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8048: 1 sword! Defeated Tianjiao!

The pinnacle **** said that he knelt, and the people around him were really frightened.

Who is this kid in front of me?

Lin Xuan withdrew the token and nodded in satisfaction.

His token was given by the **** king of Danfeng Pavilion.

The token represents the King of God, and of course the opponent dare not resist.

Get up.

Lin Xuan waved.

Fairy Lingshan stood up and looked at Qin Xingchen

She snorted coldly: Dare to be against the son, I think you don't want to live anymore.

She personally interrupted many bones in Qin Xingchen's body.

Qin Xingchen screamed, he was really desperate.

Forgive me, I dare not, I never dare anymore.

The only way to survive today is to beg for mercy, maybe, to survive.

On the other side, Murong Qingcheng and Fengming returned to the shore.

The two breathed a sigh of relief.

Fengming said: It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. We have to return to the villa quickly.

Murong Qingcheng shook his head and said: No, I have to wait for Brother Xuan here.

Fengming glanced in the distance and sighed.

Qingcheng, that kid, I am afraid it will be difficult to come out.

It's useless if you wait here.

Come back with me, if the Qin family kills, it will be troublesome.

Brother Xuan will definitely be fine, I believe Brother Xuan.

If you don't go, then I can go.

Fengming didn't say anything any more, she turned around and left.

She fled back to the villa at a very fast speed.

When she returned to the villa, she was completely relieved.

This time it was considered safe.

I don't know, how is that kid?

Fengming thought of Lin Xuan.

After all, this time, they were able to come out because of Lin Xuan.

Unexpectedly, there was a powerful artifact on that kid.

However, no matter how powerful it is, I'm afraid I won't be able to beat it, Qin Xingchen!

Once caught, the end will be very miserable.

Forget it, what shall I care about him? Don't I hate him very much?

Fengming snorted coldly, turned and left, she no longer thought about it.

However, halfway through, she gritted her teeth and said: Boy, you are still a man.

This time, I will help you again.

But can you hold it? It depends on your good fortune.

After speaking, Feng Ming quickly searched for other elders.

Take them and go to Lingjian Lake to rescue people.

After listening to the other strong people in the villa, their expressions also changed.

how? Provoked the Qin family again?

They set off quickly, hoping to have time.

They arrived at Jianlinghu at the fastest speed, saw Murong Qingcheng, and stayed there.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Qingcheng, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, they met with Murong Qingcheng and looked at the lake.

One of the elders said: Has the kid not come out yet?

Murong Qingcheng shook his head.

To be honest, she also had a trace of worry in her heart.

Another senior sighed: I am afraid it will be difficult to come out.

Fengming said: Shall we go and take a look?

They discussed it and prepared to take a look.

But at this moment, the divine ship in front shook suddenly.

Then, a figure was thrown out.

This figure is very miserable.

He flew towards the shore like a kite with a broken wire.

Along the way, countless blood was shed.

Someone was thrown out.

The people on the shore exclaimed.

No, that kid.

Feng Ming also exclaimed.

The elders of the other villas also sighed: They are still a step late.

It looked like the injury was very serious, and it might even be abolished.

Murong Qingcheng was also extremely nervous: How could it be like this?

She quickly looked forward, and the next moment, she was stunned.

Not only her, Feng Ming, and the other elders were all stunned.

They found that this was not like Lin Xuan who was thrown out.

Fengming said: How do I feel like Qin Xingchen?

what? Is this impossible?

The elders of the villa had their eyelids jumping wildly.

Who dares to do something to the Qin family?

These people, killing together, are just contending.

Never dare to do anything to Qin Xingchen.

Those other people on the bank didn't believe it.

They felt that Fengming must be wrong.

However, when this figure fell on the ground, they were all dumbfounded.

They were extremely frightened, and everyone's brains were blank.

They discovered that this miserable person was really Qin Xingchen.

How could it be like this?

Qin Xingchen is the young master of the Qin family, a top genius.

At this moment, it was so miserable.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it if they were killed.

These people at Tianfeng Villa were even more dazed: Could it be that the kid did it?


Fengming shook his head.

She said: Even Lin Xuan possesses a peerless artifact.

I'm afraid this can't be done either.

Damn, what happened?

She couldn't wait to come immediately to the **** ship ahead, wanting to see everything clearly.

Murong Qingcheng beside him was relieved.

She smiled again.

Brother Xuan, there is no danger, she is relieved, she doesn't care about the rest.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, a few more figures were thrown out.

They all landed on the shore like a kite with a broken line.

Those people around were shocked again when they saw this scene.

They discovered that these were all geniuses who participated in the martial arts tea party.

Moreover, they are all followers of Qin Xingchen,

There are even a few geniuses of the Qin family.

These people were all thrown out.

God, this is fiercely hitting the Qin family in the face.

Feng Ming and others were even more shocked.

At this moment, countless people all looked at the divine ship ahead.

Finally, they saw two figures appearing on the **** ship.

A man, with his hands on his back, stood proudly, unharmed.

It's Brother Xuan.

Murong Qingcheng smiled.

Fengming and the others were almost staring.

Could it be that Lin Xuan really did it?

This kid, unexpectedly so powerful, is a hidden genius.

Before they all looked away.

Those spectators around were also exclaimed.

But at this moment, someone said: No.

Look at the woman next to me, I seem to know her.

She seems to be Fairy Lingshan, she is the master of Lingjian Lake.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Lin Xuan.

Sure enough, I saw a woman with an umbrella.

On the opponent, there is the breath of the peak true god.

I know what's going on. Fengming said: It must be Fairy Lingshan, moving his hand.

She is very strong, surpassing Qin Xingchen.

Moreover, his identity is very strong and he is not afraid of the Qin family.

Only she dared to do it.

After listening, the other elders nodded.

This explanation is acceptable to them.

It’s just Fairy Lingshan, why did he do something to the Qin family?

Could it be because of Lin Xuan?

At this moment, they saw Lin Xuan and stood beside Fairy Lingshan.

They were extremely shocked. UU reading

What kind of magic power does this young man have? Can Fairy Lingshan do it?

Humph, little white face.

Fengming hummed.

In her opinion, it must be because Lin Xuan is handsome.

Fairy Lingshan will do it.

After all, he is still a guy who feeds on his face.

The geniuses who fell to the ground, screaming, were dumbfounded.

It was indeed Fairy Lingshan who threw them out.

However, it was not Lingshan who did it, but Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's strength is too strong, sweeping everything.

Don't these people in Tianfeng Villa even know?

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