Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8053: Lin Xuan's reverse scale!

The Qin family were all dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, this elder of the Qin family would actually take the shot himself.

This elder is extraordinary.

In the pinnacle realm, he has stayed for many thousands of years.

Only one step away from the realm of princes.

The strength is extremely terrifying.

The disciples of the Qin family were all excited.

With such a powerful player, he can definitely catch the enemy.

This middle-aged man, named Qin Shan, is the ancestor of Qin Xingchen.

Before, he asked Qin Xingchen to fetch something.

Unexpectedly, Qin Xingchen would fall.

Is that thing lost too?

Something, he must find it back.

But after searching for a long time, he didn't find it, even, he didn't find any clues.

This makes his face extremely ugly.

He mobilized the power of the family, looking frantically.

Even if the God City is turned upside down, it will be found out.

Those family sects in God City are all blinded.

Why is the Qin family crazy again? What happened again?

Is there another genius who has fallen?


Who on earth is dealing with the Qin family?

At the same time, there are still some family sects angry.

Because the genius of their family has also fallen.

Everyone was even more shocked.

For a while, everyone was talking about it.

In the end, the Qin family did not find the enemy,

However, they still have clues.

This incident can be traced back to Jianling Lake.

Qin Xingchen, who borrowed the pinnacle artifact of the family elder, wanted revenge.

Qin Shan asked in person, what happened?

Soon, he got a lot of news.

It turned out that Qin Xingchen was injured in Lingjian Lake.

Although the shot was Fairy Lingshan, the enemy was Tianfeng Villa.

Those people in the Qin family were immediately angry.

The **** Tianfeng Villa dared to do something against their Qin family.

Do not live or die.

Someone immediately said: We send the strong to destroy them.

Some elders also said: Don't act rashly.

Although Tianfeng Villa is not at its peak, its heritage still exists.

Even if we attack aggressively, even if we win, the losses will be heavy.

Is it just that? I can't swallow this breath.

These genius elders of the Qin family became a quarrel.

Finally, they all looked at Qin Shan.

Qin Shan held the information in his hand, his eyes flickering.

He said: At that time, it was only three young people from Tianfeng Villa who went to Lingjian Lake.

Therefore, we do not need to deal with the entire Tianfeng Villa.

Take action on these three young people first, maybe things are in their hands.

If it doesn't, make the next step.

Fengming, Murong Qingcheng, and Lin Xuan.

The names of the three young men appeared in the void.

Includes portraits of three people, and some other information.

Qin Shan said: This matter, I don't need to do it myself.

let me do it.

A young woman came out.

She is the proud daughter of the Qin family and a descendant of Qin Shan.

She said: Patriarch, don't worry, this elder doesn't need to come forward.

Let me take action, think about it, can kill them by surprise.

Okay, leave it to you, and I will send someone to help you.

The ancestors can rest assured that soon I will be able to bring those three people back.

The corner of Qin Zhiruo's mouth raised a confident smile.

She moves quickly.

As a genius of the Qin family, she invited Fengming and Murong Qingcheng.

The location was set at Tiandao Tower.

Fengming and Murong Qingcheng had a discussion.

The Qin family must have been unkind.

However, Tiandao Tower should be considered a relatively safe place.

The Qin family should not dare to fool around.

So, they went.

In Tiandao Tower, they saw Qin Zhiruo.

This is a very quiet woman.

There was no terrible breath on the opponent.

However, every move carries a mysterious rhyme.

The two younger sisters are here, please sit down.

Qin Zhiruo smiled.

Murong Qingcheng sat down, they wanted to see, what would the other person say?

And use this to guess the purpose of the other party looking for them.

Serve tea.

Qin Zhiruo waved his hand.

A maid came up and brought the enlightenment tea.

Two cups of Lingcha were placed on the table, and the mist filled out.

Feng Ming wanted to ask, but at this moment, the void above their heads cracked.

A huge palm, holding a black pagoda, instantly enveloped the two of them.

not good.

Feng Ming's expression changed drastically, and Murong Qingcheng raised his hand with a palm.

The phantoms of two phoenixes bloomed in the heaven and earth.

However, it didn't work.

In an instant, the two disappeared,

They were taken into the black pagoda.

Fengming roared: Qin Zhiruo, are you crazy? Do you dare to kill us.

Unexpectedly, the other party dared to do something in the Tiandao Tower.

Qin Zhiruo's voice sounded inside the pagoda.

The two should not contend, this is the demon lock tower, which can lock the peerless great demon.

If you two come in, don't go out.

Don't say it's you, the pinnacle true **** can't leave.

Don't worry, I will not kill you now.

Tell me the whereabouts of Lin Xuan.

Lock the demon tower? Can't even the Peak God of War leave?

Fengming's expression was hard to see the extreme.

And Murong Qingcheng frowned.

The other party should not only target them, but also Lin Xuan.

It seemed that he was avenging Qin Xingchen.

Murong Qingcheng said coldly: I will never tell you, where is Brother Xuan?

You just die this heart.

Moreover, before coming, we also told the elders of the villa that they were here to meet you.

If we don't want to go back, the elders of our villa will never give up.

You Tianfeng Villa, what if you know?

Qin Zhiruo snorted coldly: Let alone an elder.

Even if it is your wife, who comes in person, it will not save you.

Of course, if you are obedient, hand over the things. I can do it online.


Fengming asked.

Qin Zhiruo said: Qin Xingchen stored the contents of the ring.

We didn't take it.

Feng Ming quickly explained.

If you didn't take it, it doesn't mean that others didn't take it.

Feng Ming was taken aback, and then exclaimed: You mean Lin Xuan, how is it possible?

How could he beat Qin Xingchen with such a weak cultivation base?

Even if he has a pinnacle artifact on his body, he can only protect himself.

The one who started it was Fairy Lingshan.

You are going to find a storage ring, you should go to Jianling Lake and look for Fairy Lingshan!

Don't worry, our Qin family will naturally go.

However, before that, I want to catch that Lin Xuan first.

After speaking, Qin Zhiruo put away the lock demon tower.

She said to the person beside her: But she spread the news.

In other words, Fengming and Murong Qingcheng disappeared after they met with me.

The people under his swift action,

It didn't take long for the news of UU reading to spread.

The people of God City were shocked.

Could it be that the Qin family is going to take action against Tianfeng Villa?

The elders of Tianfeng Villa changed their expressions when they heard the news.

Hurry up and find someone.

However, he was stopped by the Qin family elder.

All of a sudden, the city of God changed.

A depressed breath diffused out.

Everyone could see that the Qin family was about to fight back, and Tianfeng Villa might be unlucky.

On the other side, Lin Xuan also got news.

His face immediately became gloomy.

It is unforgivable to dare to act on Allure.

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