Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8060: 1 trick! Kill the pinnacle!

Qin Ziqian did not believe that she would be beheaded by Qin Ziruo.

How dare the other party do it?

Is the other party really betraying the family?

she does not know.

Because she has completely fallen.

The people from the Qin family around them were also crazy when they saw this scene.

Ziruo, what are you doing?

You actually do it to yourself.

She betrayed the family! Suppress him.

There were roars, and dozens of figures around him rushed over.

Qin Ziruo gritted her teeth, and she had no retreat, so she could only fight her back.

In her hand, there is this blue knife.

If Qin Zi is a top genius, the law of water is very powerful.

It now seems to be related to the Water Lingzhu.

But anyway? Her strength is absolutely top-notch.

At this moment, she raised the knife in her hand.

She wants to do something to the family.

However, there is a figure that is faster than her.

That is Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan rushed forward like a flash of lightning.

Those in the Qin family were angry: kill this kid first.

They shot together, the vast laws, overwhelming.

Endless magical powers swept through the wasteland and enveloped Lin Xuan.

I have a sword! Can cut the sky, the sun, the moon and the stars.

A loud voice sounded, and a brilliant sword aura burst out of Lin Xuan's body.

Swept in all directions.

The law of the sky was split open, and a group of figures flew out.

Their bodies were pierced and the wounds could not be recovered.

Their faces were full of horror.

What kind of sword spirit is this? It's too powerful.

This guy turned out to be a peerless sword god!

Could it be that he is from the Palace of Ten Thousand Swords?

The Qin family were all dumbfounded.

Let me deal with him.

A true **** at the peak rushed over quickly.

He had absolute confidence in himself, and he raised his hand to make a big seal.

This Fang Dayin turned out to be composed of two unicorns.

That power is amazing.

The two unicorns shone all directions, and Lin Xuan was enveloped in an instant.

Lin Xuan let out a cold snort, and raised his hand to be the World Destroying Black Dragon Spear.

He wants to fight quickly.

An illusory black spear appeared in the sky.

This spear is terrible, as if it can destroy everything in the world.

Lin Xuan urged, the fragments of the World Exterminating Black Dragon Spear.

This illusory shadow slashed toward the front, severely cut.

Do not!

The true **** at the pinnacle of the Qin family, his face turned green, he turned around and fled.

This force is too strong, this is a fragment of a magic weapon, surpassing the peak.

He just turned around, and the black spear enveloped him like a giant dragon.

His body was immediately penetrated and turned into a blood mist.

Not only him, but the place where he is, has been beaten into nothingness.

Destructive power swept towards 4 weeks.

The warriors of the Qin family were beaten out and their bodies kept shattering.

When this destructive force disappeared.

The true **** of the pinnacle has long since disappeared.

Not only that, there are more than 20 Qin family powerhouses who also fell together.

The remaining two dozen strong Qin family members had numb scalp and pale complexion.


They fled madly.

The opponent is really too strong, too strong.

Even the pinnacle true **** cannot withstand a single blow, how can they be opponents?

Lin Xuan was also pale, and the blow just now consumed most of his strength.

However, it is worth it.

After all, with his strength, it is easy to defeat the pinnacle.

But it is very difficult to kill the pinnacle true god.

Unless some hole cards are used.

In order to seize the opportunity, Lin Xuan did not hesitate to use his hole cards.

Although it consumes a lot of power, it kills a peak true **** in seconds.

As for the rest of these people, they are all below the peak.

Not to be afraid.

The next moment, Lin Xuan stuck out his palm, with an indestructible sword energy in his palm, and flew out.

Flew in all directions.

Under this peerless swordsmanship, there is no possibility for these powerful Qin family to escape.

Soon, they fell.


Lin Xuan waved his hand and put away the storage rings of these people.

Then he took Qin Ziruo and flew towards the distance.

If Qin Ziruo's brain was blank, he did not expect Lin Xuan to be so strong.

It turned out that the opponent had the power to kill the pinnacle elder.

She was right with such a person before, it was really looking for death.

It is already a miracle that she can live now.

This time, the speed of the two people was very fast.

Lin Xuan took out the genius treasure while flying, and took it quickly.

The power he consumes, and the rapid speed increase.

It didn't take long to recover.

At this time, they have also come to the Rock Spirit Mountain Range.

There is a vast mountain ahead, with very few buildings, just like a virgin forest.

Qin Ziruo pointed to one of the mountains and said: There is the Yanling Mountain Range.

The power of the Earth Element is very strong, and the Earth Spirit Orb should be there.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes.

According to what Qin Ziruo said before, here is their Qin family stronghold.

In addition, there is a powerful family, the Yanling family.

Fortunately, there is no princely level.

The strongest is also the peak true god.

The number is not particularly large.

After all, once there are too many masters. It will arouse the attention of other clans in God City.

The Qin family certainly didn't want to do this.

This also gave Lin Xuan a chance.

Lin Xuan landed downward, and with a wave of his hand, he took out a few weapons.

He killed many peak powerhouses, and he had many artifacts in his hands.

This time, he took out three weapons.

A tripod with thunder runes engraved on it.

An umbrella.

After the umbrella was opened, it was surrounded by countless clouds.

There is also a pagoda, which is the lock demon tower.

That tripod can suppress mountains and rivers.

The mist formed by that umbrella can cover all breath.

So Yao Tower can also lock the world.

Lin Xuan used these three pinnacle artifacts to lock the entire Yanling Mountain Range.

With a wave of his hand, the three artifacts turned into streamers and flew downward.

It came in an instant, a different direction.

The rules of the avenue above, falling down, enveloped the Yanling Mountains.

In addition, Lin Xuan also used the Eye of God.

Even the pinnacle true **** should not be able to find it.

Among the vast mountains, it was extremely quiet.

However, there are some underground palaces in the underground of this big mountain, which are connected together.

There are many figures in the underground palace.

There are some strong men wearing Qin's armor.

There are also figures with rocky lines on their bodies.

They are like stone men, responsible for guarding the Quartet.

And in the depths of this underground palace, there is a palace.

This palace is extremely old, I don't know what kind of rock was used to build it.

With a heavy force, it seems that anyone who comes here can't help but want to bow down.

In this ancient palace, there is this statue, which is very strange.

There is only one eye on his face, and this eye is full of mysterious breath.

At this moment, this eye suddenly turned quickly.

At the same time, there was an angry voice.

The ancient sound shook, and even the entire underground palace shook.

The people of the Qin family were stunned: What happened?

An elder of the Qin family rushed over quickly.

He looked at the ancient palace in the distance and said: No, the Earth Spirit Orb has changed.

He rushed over quickly.

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