Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8072: Python bird prisoner phoenix! The dragon strikes back!

Lin Xuan sorted out the memory of the other party, and then began to act.

First, he grabbed the body that fell on the ground.

This guy will be the key.

This guy was a strong man who cultivated the power of the void when he was alive.

Everything that follows requires the power of the void.

Lin Xuan walked forward.

Soon, he arrived, where the Heavenly Phoenix Prince was in retreat.

However, Lin Xuan did not stop, still walking towards the front.

Soon, he stopped.

There is nothing here.

Lin Xuan probed it with reincarnation eyes, but found nothing.

But, according to the memory of the mysterious man, it is here.

Lin Xuan urged the body in his hand.

This body bloomed with void power.

The next moment, Lin Xuan discovered that a mysterious door had appeared in front of the earth.

The door to space!

It actually exists!

Lin Xuan was shocked.

The next moment, he took this mysterious body and entered the door of space.

At the same time, the Qin family.

Qin Shan found that the matter had failed again, shocked and angry.

The mysterious woman next to him said: The water in Tianfeng Villa is too deep.

I am not going to make another move.

Qin Shan said: I know.

He turned around, opened the treasure box again, and took out the second thing from the inside.

That is a mirror.

Qin Shan used the divine fire, the mirror absorbed the power, and a face unexpectedly appeared on it.

Qin Shan said to that face: I need you to help me.


In a certain hall of this God City, there was a person sitting cross-legged.

This man is wearing a black robe and there is a light in front of him.

This lamp is extremely mysterious, with black flames flickering on it.

At this moment, the black flame suddenly disappeared.

The black-robed man stood up suddenly, his face was ugly: What's the matter?

Did it fail?

Had it been discovered by the people of Tianfeng Villa?

It shouldn't.

The black-robed man was extremely surprised, and then became angry again.

Damn, lost a void body.

In the darkness, another old voice came.

Don't do it yet.

As far as I know, the people of the Qin family seem to be doing something to Tianfeng Villa.

Let's check it out first, let's talk about the reality of Tianfeng Villa.

I know.

The black robe nodded.

Tianfeng Villa.

Lin Xuan entered, inside that mysterious space gate.

Inside is a peculiar space, with many palaces and pavilions in front.

The surroundings are terribly quiet.

There is no single figure here, nor any breath.

It seems that no one has been here for many years.

Lin Xuan used the eyes of reincarnation to explore the surrounding situation.

After walking past some palaces, he was stunned.

Because he found that the scene ahead had changed.

The palaces in front suddenly shattered and turned into pieces of rubble.

It seems that there has been a big battle here.

Take a deep breath.

Lin Xuan secretly urged the power of the gods, covering his body.

At the same time, his palm is hard.

Once in danger, he will immediately sacrifice the big dragon sword.

After he was ready, he walked forward.

Entering into the ruins, I found that there were many fragments of weapons.

However, there were no fallen bones.

I don't know how the battle here came about?

Suddenly, he was taken aback, and suddenly accelerated.

He found that there was more breath ahead.

These breaths are extremely terrifying, as if they are about to break the ground.

This turned out to be the breath of chaos!

Lin Xuan was shocked.

The power of chaos is very mysterious.

Except for the Chaos Protoss, it is very rare in other places.

Unexpectedly, there is Chaos Qi here!

Could it be that this is related to the Chaos Protoss?

Lin Xuan frowned.

However, he quickly denied it.

This is just his guess, he has no clues or evidence.

The chaotic atmosphere here is terrifying.

Lin Xuan waved his hand and the Martial God Body exploded, tearing away the chaotic aura.

However, soon these chaotic auras rolled again.

Just like a sky curtain, blocking the way.

Lin Xuan could only use the power of the Great Dragon Sword.

With the invincible sword, cut away the chaos.

He discovered that after this chaotic atmosphere, there was an ancient palace.

This palace is too old,

Moreover, this palace is very strange.

He has no door, only a crack.

This crack seemed to be split by something.

These chaotic auras flew out from the cracks.

Lin Xuan couldn't see clearly what was inside the palace, he was going to go in and take a look.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Xuan used the Martial God Body to its extreme.

At the same time, he was surrounded by dragons with sword energy.

He seemed to have turned into a magic weapon, tearing everything apart.

Entered into that rift.

After entering, he didn't walk fast.

It is still extremely quiet here, there is no sound, no existence.

As if time had frozen.

Finally, he stopped again,

He looked forward, dumbfounded.

There is very little chaos here.

Lin Xuan discovered that there was a huge stone platform in the center of the palace.

The top of the stone platform is covered with Taoism, forming one after another, mysterious patterns.

And on this stone platform, there is a body.

This body is extremely large, releasing terrifying power.

Lin Xuan could only see the tip of the iceberg in this direction.

However, he cast his eyes on the sky, looked down from high above, and saw clearly in an instant.

This turned out to be a phoenix!

This phoenix, UU reading has a terrible breath.

If not, there is a chaotic atmosphere around, covering everything, it is difficult for Lin Xuan to stand here.

Because he saw it above the phoenix feathers.

They are covered with Taoism and magical avenue symbols.

This is not what shocked him most.

What shocked him most was that there were other things on this phoenix body.

The black thing, as huge as a chain, surrounds his body.

Had him tightly bound here.

At first, Lin Xuan thought it was a chain.

However, after a closer look, I found that this is not a chain.

This turned out to be a python,

Black python.

Lin Xuan took a breath.

Tianfeng Villa belongs to the Phoenix family and has existed since ancient times.

There is a huge phoenix here. Although shocked, it is reasonable.

However, this phoenix was actually trapped by a python.

This is incredible.

What kind of python? Able to trap, such a terrible phoenix.

Lin Xuan felt that even the elders of the Taixu Dragon Clan couldn't hold the other side down.

Lin Xuan was shocked: Is this the secret of Tianfeng Villa?

What is that mysterious man doing here?

He didn't detect it in that person's memory.

Obviously, it has something to do with the sight in front of you.


Suddenly, the chaotic aura around him shook.

The wind raged, and a huge force spread out from the stone platform in front.

To be precise, it came from the black python.

No, is this thing going to come alive?

Lin Xuan's expression changed.

At this time, Dalong also said: Quickly put away my power.

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