Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8088: Michiko's clothes! Hematemesis of the royal family!

The Quartet was shocked when he said this.

Lin Xuan is too crazy, right?

Taking away the treasure box, he even wanted to suppress Daozi Qingxuan.

This is, hitting the face of the Qingxuan clan.

The elders of the Qingxuan clan were murderous.

They roared: This kid is dead, he dared to come out, I slapped him to death.

No one can save him from heaven and earth, I said.

Mrs. Owner, their scalps are numb,

They still underestimated Lin Xuan's arrogance.

However, Lin Xuan's strength is indeed very strong, even Qingxuan Daozi is not an opponent.

It's just a pity that their Tianfeng Villa's background is not good enough to be Lin Xuan's patron.

If Prince Tianfeng was not injured, it would be fine.

But now? Who can guard Lin Xuan?

Even if they have a top-notch formation.

But what's the use?

Formation, unable to leave the villa.

After hearing this, Daozi Qingxuan was also dumbfounded.

You are dreaming!

He roared frantically.

Make him a follower? Let him bow his head to surrender? Don't be kidding.

You might as well kill me.

is it? I fulfill you.

Lin Xuan continued to wave Shura's blade and slew forward.

This time, in addition to the power of Shura, Lin Xuan also used the power of the technique of destruction.

The two forces merged and wiped out the vitality of Daozi Qingxuan.

Daozi Qingxuan let out a miserable roar, he wanted to escape.

However, it simply cannot be done.

Lin Xuan cut the void directly, and the opponent had nowhere to escape.

After a stick of incense, Qingxuan Daozi finally bowed his head.

Stop, I surrender, I am willing to be a follower.

In the face of life and death, he still chose to surrender.

Give up the defense of the soul and let me plant the power of the soul.

Lin Xuan displayed the eyes of reincarnation, using the power of heaven.

Condensation formed, a rune, imprinted on the opponent's soul.

Now, with a single thought, he can wipe out the other party.

Daozi Qingxuan fell to the ground, silently recovering from his injuries.

This time, it hit him too hard.

His face was completely lost.

He actually became a follower, this is a prisoner!

He swears that this hatred must be avenged,

It's just not now.

He is now in control of his life and death, and he must endure it.

After going out, the united elders will take revenge together.

The elders of the Qingxuan clan were even more murderous when they saw this scene.

They gave an order: As soon as Lin Xuan came out, he would immediately do it.

Never let the other party go.

Inside the ruins, the other people were stunned.

They are like dreams,

Was the extremely powerful Daozi Qingxuan also defeated?

Lin Xuan is too strong!

This is definitely a top talent.

Existence like a monster!

Mengdie was aside, staring blankly,

Soon, she smiled.

She came to Qingxuan Daozi and said: Welcome, join the team of followers.

Daozi Qingxuan almost vomited blood out of breath.

I endured it and returned it a hundred times.

Lin Xuan put away the blade of Shura, took out the treasure box, and started to inquire.

He asked about Earth Spirit Orb.

Earth Lingzhu said excitedly: Yes, it is the power of Jin Lingzhu.

Lin Xuan put it away.

Now, it's not the time to investigate, wait until you go back, and then investigate carefully.

Next, he was looking for the Fire Spirit Orb.

Lin Xuan gave Mengdie and Qingxuan Daozi all orders.

Let these two people search for the fourth and fifth, two stone gates.

If you find it, notify him immediately.

Lin Xuan controlled the life and death of the two people, so naturally they did not dare to resist.

They left obediently.

Those other people also dispersed in a rush.

No one dared to be an enemy of Lin Xuan.

In an instant, two days passed.

On this day, Mengdie unexpectedly sent news again.

She said: Son, I have new discoveries.

I did not find the beads you mentioned.

However, I found a good thing, Vulcan Pill.

I'm not an opponent. There are too many masters of Vulcan Pill.

After Lin Xuan heard this, his eyes lit up, and the pill was also what he needed.

He said: Wait, I will ask Qingxuan Daozi to help you.

Be sure to win the Vulcan Pill.

After Mengdie heard it, she was very happy.

Although Daozi Qingxuan was defeated, his strength was very strong.

Except that Lin Xuan can suppress the opponent. The rest, really few people, can suppress Daozi Qingxuan.

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At this moment, Mengdie is inside the fourth stone gate,

There is a huge pill furnace here.

There is a pill inside with the extremely terrifying power of the fire.

This is Vulcan Pill.

In addition to Mengdie, there are dozens of masters here.

Among them, there is a woman named Luo Qingyi.

She is also the genius of the Qingxuan clan, and she is a goddess.

More importantly, she is the younger sister of Daozi Qingxuan.

She looked towards 4 weeks and said coldly: You leave now.

My brother is Qingxuan Daozi, he will come soon.

When he comes, you will undoubtedly lose, and may even go to hell.

If you leave now, you may live.

Hearing this, some people really left.

They dare not make enemies with Qingxuan Daozi.

However, some people stayed.

Among them, there are people from Shengtian Pavilion and people from Ten Thousand Swords Palace.

There are people from the secret gate.

Their strength and background are very strong.

They laughed: Before Qingxuan Daozi came, we would definitely be able to resolve the battle.

Hands on.

These people began to scramble wildly.

Luo Qingyi was mad.

Mengdie also joined the battle.

The war broke out completely, very terrible.

I have to say that Luo Qingyi is also very powerful.

There were three flying swords in the opponent's hands.

These three flying swords are extremely powerful artifacts.

Cooperating with each other, with the power of one person, there are several strong people who can actually resist.

Even Mengdie was cut by the opponent with a sword.

But fortunately, this is a multi-party powerhouse fighting.

For a while, no one can succeed.

At this time, it came from a distance, and a powerful breath Then, a road map fell in the air.

The power of the avenue above is really terrible.

Many people were shot and flew out instantly.

No, it is Daozi Qingxuan, he is here.

The people of Shengtian Pavilion exclaimed.

The people of Tianjimen, Ten Thousand Swords Palace, also retreated.

Daozi Qingxuan is too strong, they dare not fight with him.

They retreated to a distance, avoiding Dao Tu's attack.

They turned around and looked around and saw Daozi Qingxuan landing in the air.

He stood in the void and looked around.

He said coldly: Fire God Pill, I want it.

Who is not convinced?

The surroundings are terribly quiet,

But soon, someone snorted coldly.

In heads-up, we are not opponents.

But with so many of us, can we still beat you?

The one who said this was a genius from the Holy Heaven Pavilion.

Daozi Qingxuan said coldly: You can try.

The genius of Shengtian Pavilion looked at the Heavenly Secret Gate and the people in the Palace of Ten Thousand Swords.

He said: Together?

The other two martial artists nodded,

The next moment, they joined forces.

8 strong men came out together,

This lineup is extremely powerful.

When Luo Qingyi saw this scene, his expression changed.

She flew over and said: Brother, I will help you.

Mengdie also came over and said: Join hands together.

Luo Qingyi next to him was surprised: Who is this woman?

Are you with his brother?

Qingxuan Daozi said: No need to join hands, I'm all alone.

There was a fire in his heart, and there was nowhere to release it.

Now that someone dares to challenge him, he will never forgive, these guys.

With a cold snort, he rushed over instantly.

He wants everyone to know that he is amazing!

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