Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8092: I respect kendo!

Brother, don't worry, we will definitely help you.

Those disciples of the Ten Thousand Swords Temple, quickly moved into action.

On them, rushed out one after another sword aura.

Formed a great array of peerless.

Baili Changge stood at the center of the formation.

Countless kendo power poured into him.

He seemed to have gained a new life, and once again rushed out of his body, extremely powerful.

He roared and killed Lin Xuan.

When the people around saw this scene, they exclaimed.

No, are you going to join forces to attack?

It's so despicable. Mrs. Owner, when she saw this scene, she was very angry.

The elders of the Ten Thousand Swords Temple said coldly: Winners and losers.

Who said we must be singled out?

As long as you can obtain the Fire Spirit Orb, at all costs.

At the same time, they had another idea, that is, Lin Xuan must be abolished.

This kid's kendo talent is so good that it puts pressure on them.

And the other party is not from their Ten Thousand Swords Palace.

They don't allow it, and the other side grows up.

what should I do?

The wife of the owner is almost crazy,

The great elder next to him was also pale.

He said: We have no choice, we can only trust Lin Xuan now.

I hope he has a strong hole card.

Dare to come?

Lin Xuan was also angry, his backhand was a palm.

This guy dared to confront with his bare hands.

Is he crazy?

With a bang, Lin Xuan's big hand slapped on the sky full of sword energy.

He made a sound like the sky, and then Lin Xuan's palm returned.

Those around him were shocked again.

What is the physique of this kid? It's so tough.

Does his palm incorporate artifacts? Why is it so powerful?

The long song of Baili sneered after being blocked.

Shot again.

Now he is different from before, he has integrated the power of the formation.

At this moment, he is extremely powerful, he is invincible.

Kill kill kill.

While roaring, he killed Lin Xuan.

I have to say that the Baili Long Song at this moment is indeed very strong.

However, the weakness is also obvious,

This is an external force after all.

After breaking the formation, Baili Changge is not to be feared.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan's figure shook, and he displayed his tactics.

His speed is reaching the extreme.

He dodged in an instant, Baili Changge, and entered the Ten Thousand Sword God Formation.

Stop him, stop him quickly.

Baili Changge was stunned, Lin Xuan's speed was beyond his imagination.

That was several times faster than the average God of War.

The power he gained after hard work can never be interrupted by the opponent.

However, it was too late,

Lin Xuan was like a humanoid soldier, rushing into the formation.

Thousands of sword auras appeared on him.

Wherever he went, the sword gods of the Ten Thousand Swords Palace kept falling down.

In a blink of an eye, 36 sword gods fell.

Ten thousand swords burst into pieces.

The Quartet was terribly quiet, and they were frightened.

Baili Changge screamed: No.

He felt that the power of the formation on his body disappeared at a fast speed.

Demon, this guy is a demon, how could he be so strong?

Baili Changge collapsed.

He is the top sword **** of the Sword God Palace.

Although it is not the first sword god, it is the top group.

Except for the prince, which can give him a fatal threat.

The other peaks are true gods, even if they can surpass him.

However, it is impossible to completely override him.

But now? He was really scared.

Lin Xuan came to the opponent and asked coldly, surrender or die?

Baili Changge chose to escape.

Lin Xuan pointed out a brilliant sword energy. Like a giant dragon, it instantly slapped a hundred miles of song to the ground.

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After that, Lin Xuan waved his sleeves, and thousands of sword auras penetrated the opponent's body.

Nailed the opponent to the ground.

Baili Changge was hit hard, and his eyes were horrified.

He said: Our elder is outside.


Lin Xuan cut off an arm of the opponent.

You dare not kill me, otherwise, you will die if you go out.

Our Ten Thousand Swords Palace has a true King of Gods.


Lin Xuan's sword penetrated the opponent's forehead.

This time, even the opponent's soul was penetrated.

Baili Long Song is really scared.

Lin Xuan said: I don't need to kill you, but I will destroy you.

Do not!

Baili Changge's face was full of panic.

I surrender, I surrender.

Abolishing him is more terrible than killing him.

The son, one more follower. Ying Wu and Mengdie are like dreaming.

The rest of those people are even more crazy.

Shengtian Godzi's scalp was numb, he looked at Qingxuan Daozi.

He asked: Did you fail like this?

Daozi Qingxuan said: I was not convinced before. But now, even Baili Changge was defeated and suppressed.

What can I do if I lose?

After speaking, he looked at the **** son of the gods.

He smiled and said, you are the son of God, with the blood of the king.

Don't you want to challenge him?

Humph! You are not a good person.

The **** son of God turned around and left.

If he won, Lin Xuan won.

Outside, Mrs. Zhuang couldn't believe it when she saw this scene.

And the elders of the Ten Thousand Swords Palace really vomited blood.

How dare he make Baili Wentian surrender?

The **** thing will never spare him.

When he comes out, the old man will do it himself!

Cramp him and peel him.

I want him to die!

Those other people were also shocked. They really opened their eyes today.

Damn, this guy is so strong.

Absolutely not, let the other party grow up.

Qin Shan was even more murderous.

As for Lin Xuan, he has already begun to act.

He walked forward, to the stele.

The flame power on the stone tablet swept out, forming a fire area.

When those people around felt the flame power, their scalp numb.

They turned around and left.

Those people outside can't see it either.

Those flame stones, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com blooms with a mysterious light, preventing all exploration.

But Lin Xuan felt great pressure inside.

The power of Shenhuo here is extremely terrifying.

However, it just happens to temper his divine body.

Today, his Martial God Body is already the fifth stage, the pinnacle level.

If you want to improve again, you need more power.

This divine fire can just temper the divine body.

Lin Xuan came, staring at the Fire Spirit Orb in front of the flame stone stele.

The next moment, he put out his big hand and grabbed it forward.

It was at the moment when he wanted to catch the Fire Lingzhu.

An extremely terrifying flame power appeared on the fire spirit orb.

Afterwards, a huge claw was formed and shot towards Lin Xuan.

The two attacks collided.

Lin Xuan was lifted off by a huge force.

Those outside are still waiting.

Several followers stood there silently.

I don't know, how is Lin Xuan?

If Lin Xuan loses, then they will be free.

Just thinking about it.

Suddenly, a figure flew upside down, everyone was stunned.

They looked carefully and found that it was Lin Xuan.

They were dumbfounded, what's in it? It was able to fly Lin Xuan.

Baili Changge, Qingxuan Daozi and others were also excited.

Great, this Lin Xuan was finally suppressed.

However, Lin Xuan shook his body and rushed into the stele again.

The next moment, the earth-shaking voice sounded, and there was a peerless battle inside.

Not long after, another figure was shot out.

Everyone looked again.

They were dumbfounded.

This time, it was a unicorn who was shot out.

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