Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8098: Lin Xuan, have you seen the Great Dragon Sword?

Hearing what Lin Xuan said, everyone was dumbfounded.

Desolate, can't believe my ears.

What is this kid talking about?

You dare to say that Xie Longyuan was wrong, too bold.

No, to be precise, this is a matter of life and death.

Xu Changsheng next to him was also dumbfounded.

Brother, let you give inspiration, not let you slap your face.

Xu Changsheng regretted it and brought Lin Xuan here, this guy was even more arrogant than him.

No, he has to do something to resolve this embarrassing situation.

He hurriedly said: Lin Xuan, this is the magic weapon that Senior Xie spent a lot of effort to build.

Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand.

After speaking, he looked at Xie Longyuan again and said: My brother, I don't have much knowledge.

I have never seen a few magic soldiers, and he can't believe what he said.

Xie Longyuan was expressionless, he asked in a deep voice: Why did I say that I was so wrong?

In fact, he was still very angry.

It's just that he wants to listen to what the other party said first. Is it reasonable?

Lin Xuan said: There are all kinds of weapons in the world.

No matter how peculiar this weapon is.

In fact, they are all acceptable.


but what?

Xie Longyuan asked.

Xu Changsheng's heart was also mentioned.

He was really scared, Lin Xuan said surprisingly.

Lin Xuan said: But it's a pity that Senior is not, aimlessly creating a magical weapon.

The divine sword in front of me was completely different from the divine sword that predecessors thought in his heart.

It can be said that the magic sword you built is just rubbish.

Xie Longyuan's expression became completely gloomy.

Xu Changsheng's expression also changed: I rely on it, it's getting too much.

I said it was wrong before, so forget it,

Is it now rubbish?

This is to be thorough and offend Shenbing Pavilion.

This is fiercely hitting Xie Longyuan in the face.

Xu Changsheng just wanted to turn around and leave now, he really didn't want to know Lin Xuan.

Huang Wuchen beside him also sneered.

It's really a guy who doesn't know how high the sky is.

This Lin Xuan is too arrogant.

I really thought that with the sword charm, he defeated the prince. Don't you put everything in your eyes?

The other party also underestimated the Shenbing Pavilion.

The Shenbing Pavilion is not comparable to the princes.

Offending Shenbingge will end badly.

Xu Changsheng came to Lin Xuan, took him and left.

He also whispered: Run quickly, otherwise, you won't be able to escape at all.

Lin Xuan said: Why are you leaving? Am I wrong?

This is rubbish.

Xu Changsheng cried and fell to the ground.

He almost roared: Brother, I beg you, don't say anything. OK?

Going on, let alone Lin Xuan, it is estimated that even him will be thrown out.

Xie Longyuan's face was already dark and terrifying.

He also felt that Lin Xuan did not know how high the sky was.

He snorted coldly, and a terrible force emerged from him.

Lin Xuan muttered: Did I say too much?

However, he continued: if I guessed right.

Senior, want to imitate the dragon sword.


Xie Longyuan was taken aback, with infinite surprise in his eyes.

Xu Changsheng and the others were also stunned. They really didn't see this.

Xie Longyuan's heart was shocked.

That's right.

The reason why his sword is in the shape of a dragon.

It is because he was built according to the legendary dragon sword.

The Great Dragon Sword is one of the five swords in the world, the most mysterious, and the main attack.

It is the magic sword that countless people want to get.

However, the big dragon sword is too mysterious.

There are only a few people in the heavens and worlds, billions of years, who have gained the power of the great dragon sword.

Xie Longyuan wanted to imitate a big dragon sword.

He checked countless ancient books and read countless legends.

Just created this dragon-shaped sword.

He nodded and said: Yes, I built it according to the legendary dragon sword.

Lin Xuan sighed, and it was exactly the same as he guessed.

He continued: In that way, Senior was really wrong.


Xie Longyuan didn't understand.

Lin Xuan asked: Have you seen the Great Dragon Sword before?

Xie Longyuan shook his head.

However, he said: I have read countless ancient books and legends.

So, this is what you created according to your imagination. Lin Xuan continued: The dragon sword is indeed a dragon, but it is not so exaggerated.

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Senior thought a little bit.

Moreover, the appearance of the sword has remained the same since ancient times.

As a top swordsmith, senior should naturally know the truth.

Because the shape of the sword is the most suitable for attack after countless years of verification.

The Great Dragon Sword, as one of the five swords in the world, is naturally no exception.

Although, the big dragon sword is in the shape of a dragon.

However, its appearance is similar to other Excalibur.

A peculiar dragon shape like you looks mighty.

However, it has lost the most basic characteristics of the sword.

No one else has seen the Great Dragon Sword, but Lin Xuan is the descendant of the Great Dragon Sword.

Lin Xuan naturally knew what the Great Dragon Sword looked like.

The body of the Great Dragon Sword is similar to other swords.

It will not be curved.

Because in that way, the attack power will not be strong.

When Lin Xuan saw the strange dragon shape in front.

He knew immediately that the other party had gone wrong.

It turned out to be like this.

After Xie Longyuan listened, he gave an initiation.

To be honest, he had doubted before.

However, when he wanted to come, the world's five swords, the most mysterious, might surpass everything.

Therefore, he created a strange sword.

Unexpectedly, it was self-defeating.

Confused, I am really confused.

Xie Longyuan sighed.

As a swordsmith, he has built a sword for a lifetime. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

There are quite a few divine swords made by him alone.

He didn't expect, in the end, he still thought wrong.

From Dao Zhi Jian, he didn't even think about such a simple question.

This time, thanks to Lin Xuan.

If it were not for Lin Xuan to remind him, it is estimated that he would continue to make mistakes.

Thank you son for reminding me, please be respected by the old man.

Xie Longyuan was no longer angry, but extremely grateful.

He saluted Lin Xuan.

Xu Changsheng next to him was stunned: That's all right?

And Huang Wuchen was even more confused.

He thought that Lin Xuan was going to be unlucky.

How can I think of it, the opponent's attainments in kendo are so high.

Could it be that this guy has seen the Great Dragon Sword?

Otherwise, why does the other party make such a vow?

What kind of identity is Lin Xuan?

Huang Wuchen was so shocked that he was extremely curious about Lin Xuan.

And Lin Xuan was talking about: Senior, what you said before, can it count?

Of course, what do you need me to do? Just say it.

Xie Longyuan said with a smile.

He is now very grateful to Lin Xuan and will naturally help Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan waved his hand and took out the golden treasure box.

He said: I hope senior can help me open it.

Xie Longyuan was surprised: You actually own the Jinque treasure box!

Xu Changsheng and the others were shocked again: It seemed that this was an incredible treasure.

After Xie Longyuan took it, he said: I need 10 days.

During this time, please ask the son to stay in the Shenbing Pavilion.

Next, Xie Longyuan took the golden treasure box and the peculiar dragon sword and left.

In an instant, 10 days passed.

On this day, Xie Longyuan came back again with the Jinque treasure box.

Lin Xuan was excited, and after taking the treasure box, he opened it.

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