Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8036: Behead the prince!

The second prince turned out to be the Holy Sword God.

His strength is even more terrifying than the previous Golden Sword God.

He rushed to Lin Xuan quickly, and shouted coldly: Let me see how strong your body is?

Lin Xuan's eyes bloomed with a biting light.

He also hopes to meet a super opponent to prove his current strength.

Lin Xuan rushed out with an extremely harsh sword aura.

The extreme sharpness of these swords turned into real dragons after another, covering the world.

The vast power swept all directions.

Those spectators around only felt their scalp numb.

This force is too strong.

How do you feel that Lin Xuan didn't use all his strength before?


In an instant, Lin Xuan was fighting with the Sword God of Heaven.

Countless sacred sword energy slashed towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan waved his arm and turned into a divine sword to contend with.

The battle between the two was earth-shattering, as if two ancient gods were fighting.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of strokes have passed, and suddenly at this time, the Holy Heaven Sword God roared.

In the center of his eyebrows, there was an extremely mysterious sword light.

This sword light was too sudden, and everyone did not react.

With the extremely terrifying light of the Great Dao on it, it seemed that it could easily kill the soul.

not good.

This should be the Sword Soul of the Holy Heaven, the secret technique of the Holy Heaven clan.

Lin Xuan couldn't react at such a close distance.

No matter how strong his physique is, can his soul block this sword?

It is estimated that this Lin Xuan will lose.

Even Murong Qingcheng and the others were nervous.

After all, the Holy Sword God, but the prince who has been famous for a long time.

Feeling that this is a fatal crisis, Lin Xuan also snorted coldly.

In his eyes, there is a mysterious flash of light.


Behind Lin Xuan, an illusory eye appeared.

Like the eyes of God, it fell.

The terrifying sword of God collided with the other's holy sword soul.

A storm of primordial spirit swept the Quartet.

Many people were almost fainted.

Is it actually blocked? Everyone was too shocked.

The elders of the Ten Thousand Swords Temple were also surprised.

This scene also exceeded their expectations.

In their opinion, Lin Xuan is indeed very strong.

It is an ancient **** body.

But the opponent's soul should not be too strong.

Facing the Holy Heaven Sword Soul, the opponent would definitely not be able to resist and would be seriously injured.

However, the result was completely beyond their expectations.

The opponent's soul is also extremely powerful.

Even the Sword God of Holy Heaven, his expression changed drastically.

Is it blocked?

The opponent's hole cards were beyond his imagination.

Worthy of being a top kendo genius.

As soon as he became a prince, he was able to match him.

However, he is not ready to consume it anymore, he is ready to decide the outcome with one move.

After all, besides Lin Xuan, there are many princes around.

He wants to fight quickly.


Suddenly, his right hand burst into mysterious light.

Countless magical symbols are all over the world, illuminating the heavens.

The people around were shocked when they saw this scene.

This is the sacred bone

This is incredible, how could he have this thing?

Isn't this the **** bone that the **** king has?

Everyone was shocked.

The right hand of the Holy Sword God burst out with super power.

He swung the sword of the holy sky, towards the front, severely chopped over.

This sword, with the strength of the **** bone, is extremely powerful.

Far more than before.

Many people have numb scalp.

Even the elders of the Ten Thousand Swords Palace were stunned.

To be honest, they couldn't resist such an attack.

Unexpectedly, this Holy Heaven Sword God would have such a hole card.

I wonder if Xia Wushen and Suzaku can resist this trick?

The rays of light blooming from the gods of the heavens became more and more brilliant, illuminating the heavens.

Many people closed their eyes and dared not look directly.

Lin Xuan's voice was also enveloped by this sacred light.


In the next moment, a earth-shaking voice sounded.

Then, the sky shook.

Everyone seemed to fall into the thunder sea.

There were thunderous sounds in all directions.

I don't know how long it took before the bright light in front of me slowly disappeared.

Everyone hurriedly looked forward.

First, they saw Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan stood there with a sword mark on his body.

They exclaimed: I was injured, Lin Xuan was injured.

Lin Xuan's strong physique had been chopped.

One can imagine how terrible this sword is.

Brother Xuan.

Murong Qingcheng looked worried.

Feng Ming next to him also said: You won't lose, will you?

Someone sighed and said: No way, the enemy is too strong.

Even the sacred bones are displayed.

Even Suzaku and Xia Wushen couldn't stop them.

Lin Xuan couldn't stop this, and it was normal.

It's a glorious defeat.

Yes, he just became a prince, not long.

It's already so against the sky.

Give him time to grow, and he will definitely be the top prince in the future.

Even qualified to attack the realm of God King.

Everyone felt that Lin Xuan was already very powerful.

But still unable to get the place for the ancient monument.

No, you see.

Xie Xiaoyu suddenly exclaimed.

Those others are curious: what to look at?

They looked forward, and the next moment, they were stunned again.

They found that the figure of the Holy Sword God had also emerged.

At first, everyone hadn't found anything.

However, a few seconds later, a few sword marks appeared on the body of the Holy Sword God.

Even the bones appeared, and the blood of UU reading kept spilling.

Everyone was stunned.

When he was injured, the Sword God of Heaven was also injured.

Moreover, he was hit hard.

God, isn't Lin Xuan who lost, but the Sword God of Heaven?

It's incredible.

Just now, what kind of swordsmanship did Lin Xuan use?

They didn't see it.

The elders of the Ten Thousand Swords Palace also frowned.

Even the people of the Shengtian clan changed their expressions.

How could it be like this? This kid is too bad.

Holy Heaven Sword God, his face was extremely pale, he said: I am defeated.

However, my right hand is not the real sacred bone.

If it is a true **** bone, I will not fail.

Unfortunately, I don't have the blood of the king. If I were the son of God, I could win this battle.

Lin Xuan, you are very strong, I am not an opponent.

The Holy Heaven Sword God conceded and had no way to stop Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and strode forward.

Next, the battle continued,

Gradually everyone found out.

These princes really have strengths and weaknesses.

Currently the strongest are Lin Xuan, Xia Wuchen, Suzaku, and Heavenly Sword God.

There is also a mysterious woman with a very ordinary face.

However, her swordsmanship is also extremely sharp.

But no one knows her identity.

These people are the strongest, and they have defeated many opponents.

They have great hopes to get places.

Ahead, Xia Wushen defeated another prince.

He turned his head and looked, he saw Lin Xuan.

Seeing Lin Xuan, his brows frowned tightly.

Damn it, gotta fix this guy.

A bit of murderous intent appeared in Xia Wushen's eyes.

He was going to shoot Lin Xuan.

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