Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8038: Lin Xuan gets the token! Supreme swordsmanship!

The remaining sword gods all rushed towards the two tokens.

The war is even more terrifying.

Many people killed Lin Xuan because Lin Xuan was too terrifying.

Lin Xuan and Suzaku singled out thousands of moves, undefeated.

One can imagine how powerful the strength is.

Once Lin Xuan is brought close to these tokens, I am afraid that no one will be an opponent.

Lin Xuan's face sank, and a bitter killing intent appeared in his eyes.

Those who stop me die.

However, before he could do anything, there was a figure faster than him.

This turned out to be the woman with an ordinary face.

The woman slew forward, fighting with the princes.

Damn it, get out of here.

Those princes roared again and again.

However, this ordinary-looking woman is also very strong.

All of a sudden, those princes were stopped.

Lin Xuan looked strange.

How do you feel that the other party seems to be helping him?

At this moment, he saw the ordinary-faced woman and turned his head.

Blinked at him.

At the same time, there was a woman's voice in Lin Xuan's ear.

Boy, I can only help you so much, the rest is on your own.

Lin Xuan was stunned when he heard this voice.

This voice was very familiar to him, this was the voice of the sword spirit.

Did the sword spirit also come? Moreover, also helped him in this way.

Thank you so much.

Lin Xuan quickly rushed towards the third token.

The other side.

Xia Wushen was also frantically attacking a token.

The princes around were shocked by him.

Seeing she will succeed.

But at this moment, a sword light suddenly appeared and stopped in front of him.

who is it?

Xia Wushen frowned, would anyone dare to argue with him?

He turned his head and looked around and saw a very handsome man.

He smiled and said: This token is mine.

Just rely on you?

Xia Wushen snorted coldly and rushed over quickly.

The handsome man on the opposite side was named Heavenly Sword God.

He is from the secret gate.

His sword is not so sharp.

However, every time he appeared, he could easily stop Xia Wushen.

Xia Wushen became more depressed as he fought.

He felt that he was completely restrained.

Those people around also exclaimed: What's the matter? That man's swordsmanship is so strange!

You don't understand this, Tianji Gate, it can be calculated.

The heavenly secret sword god, naturally can also calculate the heavenly secret.

Every one of his swords is calculated and naturally accurate.

Xia Wushen was probably unable to resist in front of Tianji Sword.

Indeed, this token was given by the Heavenly Sword God.

Xia Wu was crazy, he was about to grab the third token.

However, the third token was also obtained.

It is Lin Xuan.

All the tokens have been obtained, and the remaining princes sighed.

Those around him were shocked: Who could imagine this situation?

The elders of the Ten Thousand Swords Temple had extremely ugly expressions.

To be honest, they were confident before.

I think they can win at least two tokens in the Palace of Ten Thousand Swords.

But now? Only Suzaku got it.

Moreover, Lin Xuan also got a token.

This really makes them vomit blood depressed.


Murong Qingcheng and the others smiled.

The most angry person is naturally Xia Wushen.

He is a young prince, the Palace of Ten Thousand Swords, the strongest arrogant of the younger generation.

But now? He didn't even get a token.

This makes him crazy.

His gaze swept around, the Heavenly Mystery Sword God couldn't beat him, and the opponent restrained him.

Suzaku is in the same camp as him, and he can't make a move.

Then the only possibility was to **** the token from Lin Xuan.

Thinking of this, he roared and stared at Lin Xuan.

Boy, hand over the token, otherwise, I will let you die.

Want to fight?

The people around were shocked.

According to previous rules, once the token is snatched, it is impossible to **** it again.

Unexpectedly, this time, Xia Wushen would actually break the rules.

No way, who made this the site of the Palace of Ten Thousand Swords?

What if the other party broke the rules?

Let the other princes sigh.

If they break the rules, they will probably be slapped to death.

However, Xia Wushen was an exception.

Xia Wushen said confidently: Boy, hurry up.

Otherwise, if I do it, you will end badly.

Just rely on you?

Lin Xuan glanced at the other party and said with a smile: You are not qualified.

Looking for something dead, well, I will do it myself.

Xia Wushen's body shook, and instantly came to Lin Xuan.

With a wave of his arm, a sword aura slashed at Lin Xuan fiercely.

That terrifying power made the bodies of the surrounding strong men tremble.


Lin Xuan snorted coldly, waved his big sleeves, a dragon-shaped sword aura rushed out.

It turned into a real dragon and slapped it forward.

With a bang, the sky broke and the earth broke, and Xia Wushen was shocked and retreated.

After a dozen steps back, he stopped.

His blood tumbling, he was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, the strength of the opponent is so strong.

Those other people were also in an uproar: Unexpectedly, Xia Wushen was suppressed.

Someone said: It's normal.

No matter how strong Xia Wushen is, it should be better than Vermilion.

Zhuque couldn't help Lin Xuan, let alone Xia Wushen.

Xia Wu was mad.

What do these people around mean? They are not optimistic.

Damn it, what's the joke?

Boy, let you see my peerless swordsmanship.

In Xia Wushen's eyes, there was a sharp light, and he looked up to the sky and roared.

I am God!

I respect the world!

Supreme swordsmanship!

From him, one sword after another burst out.

This sword aura was really too domineering, it turned into a figure after another.

Just like the supreme supreme, suppressing the Eight Wastes.

The sword gods around had a numb scalp.

I have to say that Jian Wushen is quite strong, and the kendo is quite terrifying.

Respect yourself and sweep the world. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

I wonder if Lin Xuan can resist it?

A bright light burst into Lin Xuan's body, also rising to the sky.

Turned into a divine sword, rushed out.

Fight with those supreme sword shadows.

The battle between the two was earth-shattering.

In the end, the supreme sword aura that filled the sky was torn apart by Lin Xuan.

With another sword, Xia Wushen withdrew and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The people around were in an uproar.

The disciples of the Ten Thousand Swords Palace were crazy, they all collapsed.

what happened?

Xia Wushen, but the first genius of their shrine.

It was lost! !

How could this be?

They cannot accept it.

Some people also said: Xia Wushen is indeed very strong.

However, it is a pity that Lin Xuan is even stronger.

Obviously, Lin Xuan's kendo is above the opponent.

Xia Wushen's expression turned vicious, and he was mad.

He was slapped in the face severely.

He couldn't beat the opponent unexpectedly.

You know, when he came back before, it was like the return of the king.

He is extremely strong.

He is aloft, everyone will look up to him.

Everyone said that he was the first young swordsman.

But now?

He was suppressed, and suppressed by someone younger than him.

Unforgivable, I will not fail.

A touch of madness appeared in Xia Wushen's eyes.

With my sacred blood, turned into a sacred sword, I am the sword master!

The blood in Xia Wushen's body suddenly turned into **** runes after another.

Then, it turned into a **** flying sword after another.

These flying swords surround him.

His body wilted instantly.

And the power in him has been doubled.

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