Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8056: Please save me, the mad son!

Lin Xuan frowned when he heard the words of the two princes.

He said: In this case, then leave.

Lin Xuan was about to leave, the way was different, and he didn't want to do it.

Jun Wuji, who was next to him, quickly stopped Lin Xuan.

He said: These two old guys, just this temper, you don't need to take it in your heart.

After speaking, he looked at the two princes in front of him again.

He said: You have lived for so many years, and you are only a little better than the mad god.

What are you so proud of?

Wait, it is estimated that it will not be long before the mad **** can surpass you.

After listening, the two old guys also gave a cold snort.

However, they gave Jun Wuji a face and didn't say anything.


Lin Xuan also stopped, he also gave Jun Wuji a face.

Next, the four people moved towards and flew away.

They are looking for a wind rune.

The more you go forward, the more terrifying the wind ahead.

Those winds, like wind knives, fell on the body, making a roaring sound.

The fire dragon prince and thunder dragon prince, two armors emerged on their bodies, and the powerful thunder and fire breath swept the sky.

They sneered in their hearts: Such a terrifying wind blade, Mad God must not be able to resist.

At that time, maybe they will ask for help.

When the time comes, they will do a good job and attack each other in general.

Let the other party know what the sky is high and the earth thick.

Let the other party understand some rules.

Look at each other, dare you to be arrogant in front of them?

Thinking of this, the two looked towards the rear.

In the next moment, they were stunned.

They discovered that Lin Xuan didn't have any armor on him.

Those winds hit Lin Xuan, and they were all shaken off.

How can it be.


This guy's physique is too terrifying!

The Thunder Dragon Prince was stunned.

The Fire Dragon Prince also took a breath.

He said: What level has this guy trained to the Martial God Body?

At least the fifth floor, right?

It's really unexpected.

The two were shocked.

They found that the mad **** was far more terrifying than they thought.

However, they were still upset. They said: Speed ​​up.

The two people soared into the sky, several times faster than before.

In their opinion, the mad **** would definitely not be able to keep up.

After flying for a while, they stopped and decided to wait for the mad god.

And admire the other party's desperate look.

But at this moment, thunder came from their ears.

Why is it not flying? What are you waiting for?

Hearing this, the two princes were dumbfounded.

They turned their heads and looked around and found Lin Xuan beside them.

This makes them couldn't believe it: You actually can keep up with our speed?

Any questions? Lin Xuan asked.

Are you fast? I think it's just so.

The Thunder Dragon Prince and the Fire Dragon Prince are blinded.

Their speed is average?

Are you kidding me?

They are very fast, okay?

The two of them looked ugly.

They discovered that this mad **** was not only powerful, but also very fast.

It seems that it is impossible for the mad **** to suffer.

They are unhappy.

The two said: Let's go.

They are ready to go on.

But at this time, Lin Xuan stopped them and said: Wait.

The two were excited: Haha, this mad **** has no power.

He must have used all his power just now to keep up with our speed.

Let me just say, how could he be as good as us?

It turned out to be a secret method.

The two were triumphant.

The Thunder Dragon Prince said: What's the matter? Are you out of strength?

It's not that I said you, the realm of you young people is just not strong.

After only flying for a while, can you not fly anymore?

The two of them were old-fashioned, high above them, tracing Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was talking about: Who said we have no strength? It's just that there is danger ahead.


After hearing this, the Fire Dragon Prince was taken aback.

The Thunder Dragon Prince also sneered disdainfully.

They have explored the surrounding area a long time ago. Where is the danger?

Even Jun Wuji was surprised.

He said: Let's be more careful.

The Thunder Dragon Prince laughed: Jun Wuji, you really believe what this kid said.

He was just covering up his weakness.

The Fire Dragon Prince beside him also smiled and said: That's right. With the strength of the three of us, none of us detected any danger.

Under the recommendation, the book-chasing app I am using recently, [\Mic\Mic\Reading\app\\] Cache reading, offline reading!

This kid must be talking nonsense.

After speaking, he flew forward.

He laughed: Look, where is the danger?


Suddenly, the laughter of the Fire Dragon Prince stopped abruptly.

Accompanied by a miserable voice.

I saw his body split in an instant, and the armor on his body was also broken.

He said in horror: Save me.

what's the situation? It's really dangerous!

The Thunder Dragon Prince was stunned, and Jun Wuji also said: Quickly shoot.

He played the power of the five elements and turned into 5 dragons.

Towards the front, rushed overwhelmingly.

The Thunder Dragon Prince, on the other hand, played a series of Thunder Dragon chains and slammed forward.

The two teamed up to rescue the Fire Dragon Prince.

The fire dragon prince had lingering fears, and his face was pale.

Quickly swallow the treasures of heaven and earth and recover from the injury.

What is going on? Asked the Thunder Dragon Prince.

Jun Wuji was also puzzled, he hadn't found any danger before.

He looked at Lin Xuan and asked: How did you find out?

This should be the shadowless wind. Lin Xuan said.

I have mastered a pupil technique, and I can see clearly in advance.

Unfortunately, he would not listen to me, otherwise, he would not get hurt.

Speaking of this, Lin Xuan cast a glance at the Fire Dragon Prince.

The fire dragon prince almost vomited blood out of breath.

Where did he know that what Lin Xuan said turned out to be the truth. UU Reading

This time, it was really embarrassing.

It turned out to be a shadowless wind.

This kind of wind, without a trace, is extremely terrifying.

It's worthy of being a relic of the **** king, even this kind of wind.

Jun Wuji looked solemn, he said: Then can you see clearly, the next shadowless wind?

Lin Xuan nodded and said: It's okay, do you want me to lead the way?

Lin Xuan looked at the two princes again.

The two princes look ugly, what do you mean? Let them beg each other?

What a joke.

They are the princes who live for endless years and are the elders.

How could it be possible to beg the other party?

I won't ask each other to kill them.

But before long, the Thunder Dragon Prince said: Lord Mad God, please lead the way.

I am so grateful.

The Fire Dragon Prince also said: I was wrong before, so I shouldn't underestimate the son.

I apologize to the son.

Lin Xuan was taken aback, then shook his head and smiled.

He thought that these two old guys had very hard bones.

Where can I get it? The other party bowed his head so quickly.

That being the case, let him show his talents.

Lin Xuan said: Next, he will enter the area of ​​Shadowless Wind.

You follow me behind, don't go wrong.

This time, with Lin Xuan leading the way, there was a mysterious light blooming in his eyes.

He cast the eye of heaven.

Under these eyes, the void in front of him changed.

There were wind blades after another, hidden in the void.

This kind of wind is extremely terrifying, with a terrible road of wind.

Once hit, you will be considered a prince and will be split in half.


Jun Wuji, Thunder Dragon Prince, Fire Dragon Prince, follow Lin Xuan obediently.

Looks like a big enemy.

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