Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8058: 10 strokes to defeat you!

The chaos goddess, the speed of the group is very fast.

They tore open the void and flew at full speed.

Wherever he went, the void left a trail, the mark of Shenhuo.

From a distance, it looks like a cloud of fire burning.

Fast, fast again.

These princes are full of madness.

They used their full strength, even used secret methods, and their speed increased again.


But flying, the head of a prince in the front suddenly flew up.

God's blood stains the world.

what's the situation?

When the surrounding companions saw this scene, their complexion changed drastically.

They quickly stopped their figure,

However, it was too late.

Several screams sounded,

The chaos goddess also changed her complexion.

In the next moment, she felt that a force of power was cut on her body.

One of her arms fell off.

Frightened her, quickly backed away madly.

If the enemy is coming, defend quickly.

These princes are powerful and react very quickly.

For a time, various battle armor shields and scroll pagodas hovered beside them.

They looked towards 4 weeks, murderous.

It's really hateful to dare to be here and plot against them.

No matter who the enemy is? They will not spare each other.

But after waiting for a long time, they didn't find any enemies.

This puzzled them.

They proceeded cautiously again,

However, it was attacked again.

Full defense, we must pass.

Goddess of Chaos, gritted her teeth and said.

They spent a lot of effort and finally passed the Shadowless Wind area.

However, the price paid was also painful.

One prince fell, and three princes were seriously injured.

Those other people were also slightly injured.

When they walked out of this area, these princes breathed a sigh of relief.

I'm afraid after thinking about it for a while.

The Goddess of Chaos said: Let’s go, get the treasure first,

Big deal, we go back and take a detour.

She was also injured a bit, but the impact was not significant.

A group of people quickly rushed over again.

Ahead, the roar grew louder and louder.

They have seen that many people are fighting there.

The storm is flying all over the sky, turning into tornadoes.

With a breath of wind.

Around these storms, there are princes after princes.

All kinds of magical powers to perform.

They are crazy gods.

There are not many of them, so hands-on.

The Goddess of Chaos became excited and roared.

The chaotic light on his body, overwhelming the sky, flew forward.

Those princes around him also started to do it one after another.


Lin Xuan and others are trying their best to **** the wind magic rune.

But I have to say that this wind **** rune is really terrible.

The wind it forms is extremely bitter.

Everyone has been playing for so long, and they haven't been able to get the wind **** rune.

At this moment, another terrible breath came from the rear.

Lin Xuan and the others turned and looked: No, someone is coming.

Get away quickly.

Damn it, it's the people of the Protoss.

A series of exclamations sounded.

Lin Xuan, Jun Wuji and others, quickly backed away.

They are not attacking the wind **** rune.

They quickly avoided the attack from the rear.

The dozen figures in the back also rushed over.

They surrounded Lin Xuan and others.

Although, through the shadowless wind before, they have been injured here.

The remaining power is still more than Lin Xuan's side.

The Goddess of Chaos, floating in mid-air, she looked into the distance.

When she saw the Fengshen Rune, she smiled.

Treasure left by the king of gods.

Mad God, the last time you were lucky, you grabbed a stone sword.

However, this time, you have no such good luck.

You stay aside and catch it with your hands. After a while, I will give you a happy way to die.

If you dare to resist, I will suppress you.

Cramp your muscles, peel your skin.

Train you into a puppet.

Just rely on you? Lin Xuan snorted coldly, he drew out the Tianya Divine Sword and slashed forward with one sword.

The chaos goddess played 8 chaos shields, which blocked the blow.

She waved her hand and said: Take them down.

The war broke out.

Lin Xuan and the others, there are 7 princes, but on the opposite side, there are 19.

Although there were three serious injuries, 16 were left.

It can be said that it has an absolute advantage.

In an instant, their side was suppressed.

How to do?

The Thunder Dragon Prince and the Fire Dragon Prince looked ugly.

They said: Otherwise, we withdraw.

Not reconciled.

Jun Wuji gritted his teeth and said nothing.

However, he also knew that in this situation, withdrawal is the best way.

Otherwise, if you continue to fight, I'm afraid it will be wiped out.

Although it is difficult to fall into the realm of a prince.

But if he was besieged by several princes of the same realm.

There is a high chance that it will fall.

Want to go, can you go?

The Goddess of Chaos sneered: Kill them.

Those people around are even frantically working.

These people came from the Chaos Protoss, the Swallowing Gods, and the Xuanbing Protoss.

Their bloodlines are very strong, none of them are weak.

Not long after, Prince Thunder Dragon and others were injured.

Xu Changsheng and the others were also pale and injured.

Damn, it's kind of heads-up!

Huang Wuchen roared, he felt too aggrieved.

Really naive. The three princes joined hands to shake off the wasteland.

A large crack appeared on Huang Wuchen's body.

We have an absolute advantage, why should we single out with you?

Blame you, stand on the side of the mad god.

Boy, go to **** obediently.

The three princes sneered.

The laws in them broke out, and they were about to be covered in dust.

But at this moment, a sword light flew from a distance.

In an instant, a prince was smashed and flew out.

He was nailed to the void, his internal organs were broken.

The other two princes were also taken aback.

They backed away quickly, and they found that Lin Xuan had killed him from a distance.

Lin Xuan was holding a divine sword, just like a peerless sword god.

A sword hurt a prince.

Take down this kid first.

The remaining two princes came to Lin Xuan to kill.

Lin Xuan used Sword Two.


The two princes were shaken and withdrew, their blood tumbling.

They were dumbfounded.

What kind of swordsmanship is this? One move can block the two of them.

Don't worry about it, mad god, leave it to me.

The goddess of chaos came to kill quickly.

She stopped Lin Xuan and said: I won't give you a chance to save people.

Lin Xuan didn't do it again, but transmitted his voice to: Xiaoyu, use his hole cards.

I know.

Xie Xiaoyu nodded and patted the storage ring.

Swish! Swish!

The cyan sword light lit up between heaven and earth.

It turned into 36 flying swords, suspended between heaven and earth.

36 flying swords, blended into the void, scattered in different directions. UU Reading

Formed a peerless sword formation.

At the same time, Xie Xiaoyu's voice reached the ears of Xu Changsheng, Jun Wuji and others.

Enter the sword formation and use the sword formation to kill the enemy.

Xie Xiaoyu comes from the Shenbing Pavilion.

The artifact in her hand is extremely mysterious and powerful.

This Qinglian sword formation, a total of 36 flying swords, is Xie Longyuan's proud work.

At this moment, as soon as Feijian came out, Xie Xiaoyu and other six people entered the sword formation.

They control the flying sword and fight with it.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan was also relieved.

He stared at the Goddess of Chaos and said: Dare to challenge me and have courage.

However, you are not my opponent!

Ten strokes to defeat you!

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