Inverse Sword God

Chapter 851: Ice House

Lin Xuan defeated Yan Qingfeng. The news was like a storm, sweeping the entire Xianwu College quickly. : /

Everyone knows that this freshman is so amazing, rising with a strong attitude, will definitely be the top powerhouse in the college in the future.

Lin Xuan defeated Yan Qingfeng and directly ranked 30th in the Xuanzun list.

This advanced speed is very horrible. I am afraid that the entire Xianwu College has been very rare in the past century.

His Xuanzunjian also evolved again, accompanied by the rich heaven and earth aura.

This aura is too strong. With this No. 30 Xuanzunjian, he will never have to go to the intermediate Juling Tower at all.

Therefore, after returning, he closed his retreat and felt the benefits brought by Xuanzunjian.

In an instant, three days passed.

However, on this day, Lin Xuan's courtyard welcomed a guest.

This is a delicate and cute girl with big eyes and long black hair. The whole person is like an elf.

The girl was wearing a long blue and white dress, and painted an ice flower at her cuffs, as if she were real, exuding a touch of chill.

"you are?"

Lin Xuan saw the girl for a moment, although he didn't know the girl, but he had seen the sign on the dress.

Because just two days ago, when he fought a life-and-death battle, a group of people were wearing such costumes near the ring.

"My name is Xueman, and I'm from the Bingxue Pavilion in the college." The girl said softly.

"Bingxue Pavilion." Lin Xuan nodded slightly, and he remembered very clearly that the woman who led Bingxue Pavilion that day was a woman with long silver hair.

Terrorist strength is still above Yan Qingfeng.

"I wonder what you are looking for?"

"I'm not looking for you. It's my sister looking for you. Come with me."

"Your sister?" Lin Xuan wondered.

"Oh, you are so stupid!"

"My sister is naturally the owner of Bingxue Pavilion, Bingling Fairy! It is what you call the Snow Girl."

"Bingling Fairy, what is she looking for?" Lin Xuan was even more puzzled. It seemed that they didn't know each other.

"I'll know if I go." The girl muttered, "I said you're a big man, wouldn't you dare to go?"

"Don't you dare," Lin Xuan smiled, "take the lead."

Soon, under the leadership of Xueman, the two left the Xinsheng District and walked towards the east of Xianwu College.

After flying for about a column of incense, Xueman stopped.

A valley ahead was snow-capped and white.

There were even snow falling in the sky.


Lin Xuan was surprised, he couldn't think of such strange places in the college.

In fact, this is normal. Xianwu College is very broad, much larger than what he knows. There are various landforms in it, including mountains, rivers, and lakes.

A snowy valley is nothing.

Walking into the valley, Lin Xuan found several blue pavilions inside, thinking that it should be the residence of these people.

Not far from the left side of the pavilion, there is a blue bamboo forest, and each bamboo is crystal clear, like snow and ice.

This is Frost Bamboo, which contains powerful frost power. It is a good supplementary cultivation tool for martial arts who practice ice attributes.

At this moment, in front of that piece of ice bamboo, there was a white figure, looking towards Lin Xuan with no expression.

"It's so cold!"

Feeling that look, Lin Xuan was startled.

The coldness in the opponent's eyes made him uncomfortable.

"Sister Bingling, someone brought it."

Xueman smiled slightly in front of the white liying.

"Well," Bing Ling nodded slightly, then looked at Lin Xuan again.

Lin Xuan also looked at each other.

Putting aside that chill, Bing Ling is definitely a stunning beauty.

The beautiful face, exquisite figure, wrapped in a white dress, can be seen vaguely that seductive curve.

Although the exquisite face is expressionless, it is not difficult to imagine that if that face laughs, it will definitely make the world look pale.

What's more strange is that the other person still has silver hair, which adds a little mystery to her already beautiful.

"I've seen Sister Bing Ling." Lin Xuan said, no matter what, the other party is an old student, and this is polite.

"Master Lin is polite," Bingling said indifferently. "I invite you this time, mainly because I want to invite you to participate in a task. I wonder if you are interested."

"Task? What task?" Lin Xuan was surprised. The task that Snow Girl could accept was absolutely unusual.

"Four Star Mission."

"Four Star Mission!"

Lin Xuan was surprised, his eyes narrowed, then he said, "Four-star missions can only be taken by old students. I am a freshman, and I don't seem to have this qualification yet."

For Xuanwu College's rules, Lin Xuan has already figured it out.

At Xianwu College, a large number of tasks are issued almost every day, and they are divided into one to five stars depending on the difficulty of these tasks.

Generally, freshmen can only accept the tasks of the former Samsung at the beginning.

It may seem unreasonable, but this is a rule made by the college after careful consideration to protect the safety of freshmen.

You know, Samsung's mission is already very difficult. Basically it requires the respect and strength of God to complete.

In freshmen, only very few talented warriors are qualified to complete such tasks.

Most other freshmen receive at most one or two star missions. After they have been in the college for one year and become veteran students, they can take up higher-level missions.

The Samsung mission Lin Xuan has already taken over, but he has been unable to accept the four-star mission, because he is a freshman.

Now, the other party invited him to participate in the four-star mission.

"You don't have to worry about qualifications or anything. Since I invited you here, I can naturally help you settle."

Bing Ling said faintly, she always looked indifferent, as if nothing could cause her waves.

"But why did you ask me?" Lin Xuan asked again. "There should be many warriors in Xianwu College who can participate in the four-star mission."

"And Xiuwei is better than me, why choose me?"

"Because of the strength!" Bing Ling said very directly ~ ~ I watched your match with Yan Qingfeng a few days ago, you are very strong, beyond everyone's expectations! "

"Especially the sternness and decisiveness of your one-hit kill, which I admire very much, so I invite you to participate."

"But I want to explain that I didn't just invite you alone. This four-star task is a team task with a total of five people."

"In addition to inviting you, I have invited three others."

"Furthermore, the reward of this mission is very generous. If it can be successfully completed, you can get a million spiritual rewards."

"one million!"

Lin Xuan was shocked and took a cool breath.

You know, one half-level martial arts is only 300,000 souls, and one million can be exchanged for three half-level martial arts!

If you do this task four or five times, you can change to a complete level martial arts!

No one can stop this temptation.

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