Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: Ninety-six: Of course it can't be like this

"Watanabe, I'm not talking about you. You usually take a peek at Mr. Jiri's thigh. After all, everyone likes to watch it, but how dare you steal her underwear? Don't forget that you and Tsunade are dating..."

After smashing through Watanabe's dirty work, Beiliu didn't even want to give him a bath anymore, so he scolded him.

Watanabe could only remain silent.

He carried the blame that he should not bear at this age, and resented Chili.

Yes, yes, everything is my fault, don't just talk about it, just drop the Dao Lei and chop me to death!

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door outside.

Bei Liuhu stopped to scold and turned his head: "Who is it?"


Just hearing this word, Bei Liu could imagine how cold and noble the speaker was, and hurriedly stepped forward to open the door.

"Mr. Zhili, it's so late, you haven't slept yet?"

Zhili returned to his previous attire, dressed in a sassy and vigorous outfit, with a full bodice on his chest, two round and slender legs wrapped in black silk, and his face was beautiful and unsmiling.

She gave Bei Bei a sidelong glance, ignored him, and went straight to the bed.

"Mr. Jiri." Watanabe said hello to her symbolically.

Zhili's whole heart was about to be screamed, and he looked at him with infinite tenderness and infatuation.

When Watanabe saw this, he panicked and thought, teacher, please don't mess around again. I just finished wiping your ass, and I was reprimanded like a grandson by Beiliu.

"Are you going to give Watanabe a bath?"

Ji Li noticed the bathtub next to him and asked Bei Liuhu.

"Uh, yes, it's more comfortable to sleep after taking a shower."

"Wait later." Jiri instructed him, "The medicine Watanabe was drinking in the evening spilled. Now go to Daimyo and ask him to ask the medical ninja to send Watanabe a supplement."

Bei Liuhu hesitated: "Now, it's a bit late..."

Zhili was displeased: "What does it have to do with time? You can drink as many medicines as you need every day."

Watanabe was hesitant to say anything, but of course he knew what Jiri's intentions were. The medicine he drank in the evening didn't spill at all, and Jiri was just looking for a reason to let Beiliu go away.

"Then, then I'll go find the big name."

Beiliu was obedient and obedient.

"It's windy at night, so close the door."



After going out, Beiliu had a very complicated mood.

There is no doubt that Jiri is an extremely perfect and excellent teacher, and his concern for his disciples is reflected in all aspects, but Watanabe is not worthy of her concern.

"Ichiri-sensei doesn't tolerate sand in her eyes. If I tell her that Watanabe stole her underwear, she will definitely turn against Watanabe and even kick him out of the ninja team!"

Beiliu thought secretly.

"Watanabe, for the sake of our friendship, I'll help you this time. I hope you do it yourself. How can you blaspheme Mr. Jiri?"



"Watanabe, want to give it to you?"

Beiliuyu just walked on the front foot, and Jiri's back foot seemed to be a different person, lying in Watanabe's arms and breathing like Lan to tempt him.

Watanabe was in a state of turmoil: "Teacher, don't do this."

"It's my fault, I forgot to give it to you when you are healed." Chili apologized.

I don't want it after I'm healed!

Watanabe only felt that he was not far from the abyss of hell.

"I'll help you clear your blood."

Jerry sat up.

"Beiyuhu will be back soon, he will find out." Watanabe discouraged her.

"It's okay, just move faster."

"How could it be okay? It was discovered that we were both finished!"

"Can you support me like you did last time? Otherwise I'll fall easily."

Watanabe held her slender waist: "Teacher, did you listen to me? I can't do this anymore!"

Zhili smiled: "You are really stable."


Watanabe felt that she was slapping his face, and it still hurt.

Chili leaned over and kissed his eyebrows and lips, a pair of writing wheel eyes that were indescribably charming.

"Teacher, I don't deserve this."

"Don't talk nonsense, you are the best."

"I like you so much, I want to give you everything..."

Watanabe wants to say that you have nothing to give me, you can give me more than Tsunade, and you will never look back on the road of free giving.


Sigh heavily.



[Blood +32, Health +31, Energy +33, Sage Time -28...]

"Why did the qi and blood drain so quickly this time?"

Jiri leaned on Watanabe's arm and asked curiously.

Watanabe glanced at the black silk that had torn out a small mouth, and said nothing.

"Teacher, what are you going to do in the future?" After a while, he asked abruptly, "It's impossible to continue like this with me all the time."

Jiri blinked her wheel-shattering eyes, and as she wished, she attracted Watanabe's attention.

"Of course it can't be like this forever."

Watanabe breathed a sigh of relief.

"Right now it's just draining your blood, and I'll really give it to you when you're healed," Chiri added.

The corners of Watanabe's mouth twitched: "..."

"I have already got the scroll of the Yin seal." Zhili told him the good news with a smile, "Although I am older than you, with the Yin seal, I will not grow old, and if I keep my figure well, even if I die of old age, I will still be able to do it. Always the way you like it!"

Watanabe wanted to say that I don't like you no matter what you look like, but the words couldn't come out of his mouth.

"Your qi and blood are really strong. It's not normal. It's been like this for so many days." Zhili put his hand under the quilt, "I read that it is said that for ordinary people, it takes at most half an hour."

Watanabe can't answer this, he can reverse the cause and Whether it is fighting the enemy or unleashing ninjutsu, no matter what he does, he is getting more and more brave, and he has no idea what fatigue is.

He complained about Zhili, but now he has to restrain himself and endure. If one day he really can't get back with Zhili, then he doesn't need to be restrained any more, he will definitely fight with her, and he must make her cry and beg for mercy to regret her original behavior.

At the thought of Jiri rolling his eyes and crying, Watanabe's breathing became a bit chaotic, and he endured even harder.

Zhili was very considerate, noticed his strangeness, sat up, and said in a soft voice, "I should have time to drain the qi and blood again."

Watanabe: "??"

It's me, otherwise, who can stand you, teacher!



"Teacher, I brought the medicine back!"

Bei Liuhu entered the door panting, holding a bowl of hot medicinal soup in his hand.

Ji Li stood in front of the bed with her legs tightly together, her beautiful face almost dripping with blood.

"Bring it back and give it to Watanabe to drink." She tried to keep her tone as flat as possible.

"Okay- huh? What does it taste like?"

Bei Liuhu sniffed his nose vigorously, with a suspicious expression: "It's like something is scorched?"

Watanabe explained: "Master Jiri just gave me a fire escape ninjutsu instruction and smoked the house."

This was the only way he could cover up the smell of heather.

"It turned out to be so."

Peiyu didn't doubt that he was there, and brought the soup to Watanabe. Suddenly, he saw that Zhiri's face was abnormally red, and his two silk legs were especially tight together. He asked curiously, "Teacher, why is your face so red?"

Ji Li wanted to say that it's none of your business that I blush, but Watanabe answered her in time: "I was roasted by the fire just now!"

"Oh, you should drink the medicine while it's still hot."

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