Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and one: wild



No matter how dishonest it is to sleep, it can't be like this!


Watanabe was taken aback, and he looked down. Jiri's beautiful and beautiful face came into view. A pair of writing wheel eyes exuded a charming red glow, which was irredeemably charming.


"Teacher, aren't you watching the night, what are you doing?"


Watanabe hurriedly asked her in a low voice.


"I'll drain your blood." Ji Li blinked his eyes, his tone was natural.


Watanabe: "..."


He suddenly realized that he underestimated Jerry, how did Jerry look like he was about to break up with him?


Just when he was temporarily absent-minded, Chili got into his arms and kissed his eyebrows.


Watanabe was immediately frightened, because Keiyuu and Hyuga Zero were sleeping next to him at the moment, and there were only two positions away from him. At such a close distance, just opening his eyes a little, he and Jiri's deeds could be broken. .


"Kiyuhu and Zero will be discovered!" Watanabe stopped her.


"If you keep quiet, you won't be discovered." Zhili hugged him and whispered with emotion on his face: "I said, I will give it to you when you are healed, and now you are healed, I will give you everything..."


Watanabe was anxious: "That can't be here either - no, not anywhere... um."


Chili stretched out his hand to stroke his face, and suddenly put his tender fingers as white as scallions into his mouth, forbidding him to speak and refute.


"It's good here." Zhili smiled gently, "I want you to never forget it for the rest of your life. It's very exciting for you to be here, and it will definitely make you unforgettable."




A series of question marks appeared from Watanabe's forehead.


He glanced at Beiruhu and Hyuga Zero, who were sleeping beside him, and felt that Ji Li was completely perverted.


Stimulation is stimulation, but you are not afraid of stimulating yourself to death?


People who play with fire will be burned to death!


"It's too dangerous, teacher... you go to the vigil!" Watanabe put out his fingers and pushed her.


"If you speak so loudly, they'll wake up." Ciri remained unmoved and hugged him tightly.




"When I return to Konoha, I will no longer be your guide, Junin, and I won't be able to openly come to you in the future. Wouldn't you be reluctant to part with me?" There was a bit of resentment in his tone.


Watanabe was silent for a moment, then confirmed with her again: "Teacher, are you really leaving?"


Ji Li snuggled up to him and nodded: "Well, after becoming the patriarch, I will be stared at by a lot of eyes, so after I give you this time, I won't bother you again, you can forget about me and Anshin is with Tsunade. ."


"This..." Watanabe hesitated.


Jiri has made it very clear that she really wants to end it with herself.


It's just that before the end, she wanted to leave something for herself, and it was the last absurdity between the two.


"Come on, I don't understand very well, this time it's yours." Ji Li urged him.


Watanabe's face flashed with struggle and hesitation. Hearing the even breathing of Hiru and Hinata in his ears, he gritted his teeth: "Even if it's the last time...not!"


Ji Li smiled and didn't force him: "That's ok, anyway, I'll hold you like this all the time. When they wake up, I'll show them to them."


Watanabe sighed, "Teacher, why are you forcing me like this?"


Zhili was a little innocent, and asked back, "I promised not to disturb you in the future, why can't you also promise me? It's not a long night."




The silence this time was extraordinarily long.


In the end, Watanabe seemed to have made up his mind to a certain degree and hardened his head: "Is this really the last time?"




Jiri showed the side of Yoshito who belonged only to Watanabe, and kept blinking her writing wheel to discharge him.


"It can't be like that, it can only be like that..." Watanabe was embarrassed to tell her about the description.


Ji Li's face was strange after hearing this.


How do you feel, Watanabe seems to be... more perverted than himself?


"it is good."


In the end, it was Watanabe's request, and Jiri understood that it was not easy for him to get to this point, so he agreed.


Then she knelt on the grass according to Watanabe's description, her waist sank, and she drew a thrilling arc in the air.




I don't know if it was an illusion, Watanabe saw Zero's eyelids trembling next to him, and quickly covered Jiri's mouth: "Don't make a sound!"


Ji Li turned his head and winked to encourage him.


Jiri wouldn't tell him that both Keluhu and Hyuga Rei were hit by her illusion. No matter how loud the voice was, even if Watanabe did to Hyuga Rei what she was doing to herself at the moment, she wouldn't be able to wake up.


She just wanted to use this tense and explosive atmosphere to stimulate Watanabe, make him remember himself for a lifetime, and transform him into his own shape step by step.


After waiting for a while, after confirming that Hyuga Zero didn't wake up, Watanabe took a deep breath, and reached out to cover Jiri's mouth tightly, leaving five red marks on her fair face, forcing her upper body to stand upright.




A little grunt still leaked from his throat, sweet and seductive.






After Watanabe unknowingly came to his senses, the sky was already bright, and the air was filled with the moisture of dew.


The tree-lined path that everyone yearns for in the wild is always covered with hoarfrost before morning, and even the grass is wet with dew.


He glanced at Hyuga Zero and Kiyuu next to him. The two were still asleep, and he breathed a sigh of relief.


"very nice!"


Jiri curled up in Watanabe's arms like a cat, and the noble and cold face in the past was now filled with the joy and satisfaction of her little daughter.


"Teacher, get up." Watanabe pushed her.


"It's alright, don't worry if the two of them don't wake up." At this moment, Zhiri just wanted to hug him until the end of the world. Before she lifted the illusion, Hyuga Zero and Beiyuu would not wake up even if they slept to death.


Watanabe just let her go. He felt that since Jiri could end up with himself for the sake of succeeding the patriarch, it showed that she also understood the priorities.


"Teacher, even if you leave the team, we don't have to draw a clear line. We can still be friends in the future." Watanabe put his arms around her smooth and smooth shoulders, and after a long hesitation, he discussed in a low voice.


"What's the matter, you can't bear me anymore?"


The corners of Jiri's mouth curled up in a sly arc, and he deliberately leaned into Watanabe's ear and exhaled like a blue orchid, as if the cat had succeeded in stealing food.


"...Really reluctant."


Watanabe didn't deny that turned around and kissed her, and instinctively wrapped his arms around his waist.


"I think with the teacher's character, if you decide to break up with me, you will be very cold and heartless, and I don't want to be strangers to the teacher... In fact, it would be good for us to be friends in the future." Watanabe murmured, I wonder if Jerry can accept his request as a friend.


"I don't want to be friends with you."


Jiri refused without thinking, squinting to enjoy Watanabe's active kiss.


Watanabe's heart froze, and then he felt bitter.


Sure enough, it was something that Ji Li could do, but after the end, no friends had to do it.


"I want to be your woman, love you forever~"



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