Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and twenty: Watanabe cannot exist in her world

Seeing Tsunade slowing down, Watanabe secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked tentatively, "Tsunade, do we want to go back and check with Zero again?"

In fact, he was quite uneasy and didn't want Tsunade to go back to the hotel. Although he and Zero had a clean conscience, he had nothing to do with Zhili, and he didn't want Tsunade to meet him again in a short time.

But in order to appease Tsunade, he can only say that, sometimes he has to say some risky words and do some risky things.

"What am I checking with her? That woman will be hit once in the future." Tsunade snorted.

Regarding Hyuga Zero's provocation, the more she took a step back, the more angry she became, and the more she thought about it, the more she lost.

Watanabe embarrassed: "It's not enough to beat her. Although I have a little conflict with Zero, she has also helped me a lot in the past six months, and we are both members of a team. If the relationship is not strained, try not to Stuck..."

Tsunade heard what Watanabe said and wanted to stay in the ninja team again, inexplicably angry again, walking without looking sideways.

Watanabe carefully persuaded her: "Tsunade, are you still angry, please be happy?"

Tsunade wanted to hang out with Watanabe for a few minutes to let him reflect, but suddenly his mind paused, and he deliberately said in a bad tone: "What right do I have to be angry with you, I just ruined your birthday party, it should be You are the one who is mad at me!"

Watanabe shook his head in denial: "I'm not angry, it's just a birthday party, it's gone without it, it must be Tsunade who is more important."


Well, this sentence really warms Tsunade and makes her heart sweet.

Watanabe has not changed to make him unfamiliar. Even though he is not what he used to be, he is still the same obedient boy who was obedient to him half a year ago.

"Am I that important?" Tsunade squinted at him.

"Yes." Watanabe's face was serious: "You are the most important person to me..."

Speaking of the back, Ji Li's appearance flashed in his mind, and the word "one" was not spoken.

Tsunade raised his eyebrows, feeling more and more sweet in his heart, but his pretty face was still stinky, and he said displeasedly, "If that's the case, why did you go against my words? I clearly told you not to take the graduation exam."

Watanabe explained: "I thought that as long as I performed better, I would be accepted as a disciple by Hokage just like you, but I didn't expect to end up in Teacher Jiri's team."

Sure enough it was for me.

Tsunade was wholehearted with enthusiasm, his tone slowed down a little, and he said, "Now that I'm back, you don't need to stay in Uchihaji's team anymore, just quit tomorrow."


Watanabe hesitated.

Because of him, Jiri didn't even want to be the Uchiha clan leader. If he left the team, it is conceivable that Jiri would definitely do irrational things again.

"You really want to be with Hyuga Zero!" Seeing Watanabe's reluctance, Tsunade instantly became angry again.


At this moment, Watanabe was glad to have Zero as a shield to attract Tsunade's firepower. Otherwise, if Tsunade was directly confronted with Jiri, the situation would only be worse than now.

"The reason why I stayed in Teacher Zhiri's team is all because of you, Tsunade."

Tsunade suspicious: "Because of me?"

"Yes, after the graduation exam half a year ago, Mito-senpai found me..."

Watanabe then relayed all the details of the conversation between him and Mito half a year ago to Tsunade.

"Senior Mito said that you are destined to face a lot of pressure and trouble in the future as you, and I can't avoid those troubles and pressures after being with you, and it may even be life-threatening. Senior Mito told me that if I regret it, it's too late ."

Tsunade's heart tightened when he heard the words, and he secretly blamed his grandma for telling Watanabe, what if he really scared him away.

"Then do you regret it?" Tsunade glanced at him casually, his palms sweating nervously.

Watanabe shook his head: "I don't regret it, meeting Tsunade is the greatest luck in my life, how could I regret being with you."


Tsunade stared blankly at Watanabe, only to feel a tingling electric current rushing through his body.

Watanabe continued: "I promised Mito-senpai at the time that I would share all the pressure with you. If you want to be Hokage, I will help you become Hokage. If someone hinders you, I will help you solve the obstacle. You have to seal the nine tails. Demon Fox, I'll become the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's Human Zhuli for you..."

Tsunade was very moved when he first heard it, but when he heard the nine-tailed demon fox, he suddenly came back to his senses and interrupted: "You know about Ren Zhuli too?!"

Because Madara Uchiha brought the Nine-Tails back to destroy Konoha, all Konoha villagers were afraid of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. Tsunade didn't want Watanabe to be afraid of him, and he never told him that he would become the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuri in the future. , and intends to take this as his biggest secret, how long he can hide Watanabe.

"Got it." Watanabe said truthfully.

"Senior Mito took me to the spiritual space where the nine-tailed demon fox was sealed. It is a bit scary, hideous and huge."

"Senior Mito said that with her physical condition, she can't suppress the nine-tailed demon fox In the next few years, the nine-tailed demon fox will be handed over to others to be sealed, and your physique is very good, you will become a nine-tailed human pillar The best candidate for power.”

"I don't think so. I think if you seal the nine tails, you will definitely take a bad risk. I will tell Mito-senpai that my physique is better than yours, and I am more suitable to be a human Zhuli than you. I hope I can seal the nine tails instead of you. Demon Fox, Mito-senpai said she would think about it again..."

Listening, listening, and unknowingly, Tsunade's eyes went crazy.

Watanabe's simple words fell in her ears more than any affectionate confession.

She didn't expect that Watanabe would do this for her.

He knew that he would face a lot of troubles and dangers with him, but he still had no hesitation. After seeing the powerful and terrifying nine-tailed demon fox with his own eyes, instead of being afraid, he had to take the risk of becoming a human pillar instead of himself.

He definitely loves himself to the extreme...

At this moment, Tsunade secretly made a decision that no matter how much Watanabe did to make him angry in the future, he would forgive him.

Her love for Watanabe is no less than Watanabe's love for her, and her world cannot be without Watanabe.


"So in order to be able to help you Tsunade in the future, I have to work hard now until I reach the top of Konoha," Watanabe said.

"I have been greatly improved in Teacher Zhili's team. Not only was I promoted to Jōnin in half a year, but I also completed hundreds of B-level and A-level tasks, even S-level tasks."

"At this rate, I will soon be able to accumulate enough qualifications and experience, and then Mito-senpai will help me a little bit, and I will be able to enter the high-level to help you logically, so it is not wise to leave Teacher Jiri's team now. ... Tsunade, Tsunade? Are you listening?"

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