Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and twenty-two: You must respect me!

"Give it to me?"

Looking at the key in his hand, Watanabe didn't react for a while.

"Why are you standing there stupidly, you haven't come in yet." Tsunade urged.


Watanabe followed her, and the two walked through the entrance to a large living room. The sofa, refrigerator, TV and other furniture and appliances were all fully equipped. The decoration style was very luxurious. How many times higher.

"I bought this second-hand house when I came back in the morning." Tsunade said as he walked, "The furniture and everything have been used, and I will buy it again later if I lose it."

Watanabe suggested: "Don't lose it, I feel good, it's a waste to lose it."

Tsunade thought about it and didn't object. Anyway, it was given to Watanabe, as long as he felt good.

"The house is quite big. I walked around with Jiraiya and Orochimaru in the morning. It is four stories high, with a swimming pool, a garden, and a venue for training and learning."

Tsunade turned into a real estate agent, and casually introduced the house to Watanabe. At the end of the introduction, he was a little embarrassed, and said in an awkward tone: "Because it's your birthday, I'll give you a random gift. It just so happens that your place is very bad, I've long been there. It's not pleasing to the eye...that's how it is anyway."

Watanabe was deeply moved when he heard the words. He understood that Tsunade was an out-and-out arrogant temperament. Even though she said it casually, she actually cared about herself very much.

This villa is not only located in the most prosperous golden area of ​​Konoha, but the whole building is so luxurious. The market price is at least several million taels or even tens of millions of taels. Tsunade is too concerned about himself.

"Tsunade, thank you, I like you more than a gift." Watanabe said.


Tsunade was caught off guard by this sentence, her pretty face turned red in embarrassment, and she turned her head to the other side that Watanabe could not see.

"Stupid, stupid! What nonsense."

"I didn't say anything nonsense. Your coming back is the best gift to me."

The corners of Tsunade's mouth curled up, and she only felt that this moment was her happiest and sweetest time in half a year.

Suddenly, a pair of warm hands embraced her from behind.

The curvature of Tsunade's mouth stagnated, and Mei's eyes widened even more.

She found that Watanabe not only changed, but also became more daring and more courageous. How respectful and polite he was to her half a year ago, but now he doesn't even ask himself, he just starts to move, just like someone taught him He is the same.

Should I resist? Otherwise, it looks so humiliating.

"really miss you."

Watanabe Minato whispered in her ear.

Just these three words disintegrated Tsunade's thoughts of resisting.

"Really?" She tried to keep her voice colder.

After all, it was Watanabe who said she missed her, but it wasn't her who said she missed Watanabe.

"Don't leave me in the future, okay?"

Watanabe kissed her pink neck.

Tsunade tilted his head to the other side of the kiss with some difficulty.

"I can leave if I want, can you handle it?"

She was stubborn.

It's Watanabe who can't leave her, and it's not that she can't leave Watanabe.

But soon, Tsunade couldn't be tougher.

Watanabe pressed her side face to turn her around, lips pressed together.

"Don't leave me, okay?" Watanabe asked her again.

"...Hmph... It depends on your performance."

Tsunade's tone has softened a lot.

Watanabe smiled, hugged her horizontally, and walked towards the sofa.

"You, don't you stop looking at the house?"

"How can you look good in a house."

Compared with Jiri, who is indifferent in front of others and obedient in private, Tsunade, who has always been arrogant, feels more conquering.



In the evening, Watanabe and Tsunade moved together.

For ordinary people, moving is a very troublesome thing, but for ninjas, it is very simple. Watanabe changed dozens of shadow clones, and it took less than half an hour to move all the things in the old house to the new one. .

"I can't see that you still have so much money saved."

In the old house, Tsunade pulled out the large box that Watanabe had hidden under the bed, and was surprised to see the bright bills in the box.

"These are the savings that I usually save from performing tasks. Your cousin also gave me a very generous reward, probably more than 30 million taels." Watanabe explained.

He is very proud that even if he doesn't eat Tsunade's soft rice, he can still live a prosperous life by his own ability.

"In this case……"

Tsunade's beautiful eyes flickered for a while, and suddenly took out a scroll and sealed the cash box inside.

"Very well, they are all mine!"

Watanabe was taken aback.

"Tsunade, what are you doing?"

"Collection, you owe me so much debt, shouldn't you repay me now that you have money?" Tsunade answered confidently, putting the scroll that sealed the cash box close to him.

Watanabe: "..."

He really couldn't hold back: "We still need to pay attention to this?"

"What do you think, it's only natural for you to pay your debts." Tsunade was not polite to him at all.

Of course, she wouldn't tell Watanabe that she was afraid that Watanabe would turn bad when he got rich, so she collected his His charm is already so great, if you let him purse again Get up, isn't it more attractive to girls? Tsunade doesn't want to be loved by others.

Watanabe: "But, if you really want to talk about debts, I think I only owe you 60,000 taels? Plus interest, it's up to 100,000."

Tsunade glared and asked him: "You still dare to settle accounts with me, do you think you don't need money for the ninjutsu you learned, go out with ten million taels and see, where can you buy the multiplication detonating talisman technique? Can I buy Spiritualization Technique and Flying Thunder God?"


Watanabe was speechless.

He had to admit that the ninjutsu Tsunade gave him had no market value, and the value could not be measured in money.

Immediately, he felt sad. He only ate two bites of bear biscuits in the afternoon. Before he did anything to Tsunade, Tsunade showed an extraordinary desire to control him. How can he convince her to live in harmony with Ji Li in the future?

Seeing that Watanabe didn't refute, Tsunade took an inch and walked up to him and continued: "Your savings is not enough to pay off your debts. In the future, every time you finish a task, you must hand over the reward to me, and I will give it to you. Leave the basic living expenses, you are not allowed to have any opinions, because you owe me..."

Looking at Tsunade Papa's reasonable mouth, Watanabe suddenly wanted to grab her two golden ponytails and make her cry and roll her eyes like Jiri.

"Did you hear that clearly?" Tsunade folded his arms around his chest and emphasized to him with a proud face: "The debt you owe me will never be repaid in this lifetime, so everything you have is mine... uh!"

Watanabe blocked her mouth, preventing her from babbling any more.


Tsunade was embarrassed and annoyed, feeling that being treated like this by Watanabe made her lose face, and she should be the one who had a strong position.

"Who allowed you to do anything? I am your creditor, you must respect me!"

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