Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and twenty-nine: Tsunade VS Kiri

"It seems to be really effective..."

Tsunade blushed and turned his head, not daring to look at Watanabe, and said in a low voice.

Watanabe didn't react for a while: "What works?"

Tsunade thought he was deliberately teasing himself, and screwed him in shame.

"...It's getting bigger!"

Watanabe: "..."

He really didn't pay much attention to it at ordinary times, but at this time, only after hearing Tsunade's reminder did he realize that she had changed.

Compared with before, Mito-senpai has obviously grown in size, although it is still not as good as Jiri.

Watanabe was quite surprised. At first, he did it for the purpose of coaxing Tsunade, but he didn't expect it to become true. Is this science?

"Yes, it works."

"I thought you were lying to me, and I was going to kill you."

Watanabe: "..."

Can I say I really lied to you?

"Since the effect has come out, baby, look, can you..."


Tsunade knew what he was going to fart as soon as Watanabe opened his mouth, and interrupted the rejection without hesitation.

"Why not?"

Watanabe broke the casserole and asked to the end, and decided to clear all her worries for her tonight.

Tsunade's ears quickly turned red. Of course, it was impossible to tell Watanabe the reason. After holding it for a while, he suddenly knocked on his forehead as if in revenge:

"Idiot! I told you to ask! I told you to ask!"

[Attacked: Health +23, Defense +17, Pain -21...]

Watanabe was speechless: "..."

He thought that it would be easy to deal with Tsunade's feelings for him. He never thought that it would be so difficult for Tsunade. It has been a full month since she came back.

After giving Watanabe a lesson, Tsunade felt a lot more comfortable, Ma Liu stood up and put on a dress, then buttoned the white hat on top of his head, walked to the floor mirror in the living room and turned around twice, repeatedly confirming his body. Is there a problem with dressing up?

"I'm going to the hospital tonight, and I'll go home later and won't come to your side." Tsunade turned his head to inform Watanabe.

Watanabe rubbed the forehead that Tsunade had knocked on, unwilling to say, "My side is also your home."

Tsunade rolled her eyes, and Watanabe could always inadvertently say love words that made her heart flutter.

"Hmph, the house I bought, of course, is my home!"

In fact, she really wanted to go back to Watanabe and say, if you marry me, you will go home with you.

She was very dissatisfied with the fact that Watanabe never proposed to her, but she couldn't point it out, because even if Watanabe proposed to her now, she would not agree.

Tsunade has long been looking for Watanabe, and he will definitely marry him in his life, but he must wait until the nine-tailed demon fox is sealed.

She wants to make Watanabe feel that there is no pressure or burden to be with her, all of which are wonderful benefits. Only in this way can she always remain strong in front of Watanabe, and Watanabe will never dare to bully and sorry her, so she must not let Instead of himself, he became the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuri.


Due to the effect of the massage, Tsunade was in a very happy mood. After leaving Watanabe's house, he took off happily, humming a song softly in his mouth and headed to Konoha Hospital.

She has already made a plan. When she is stabilized in the hospital, she will ask her grandma to transfer Watanabe to Anbu first. At that time, one will work in the hospital and the other will work in Anbu. The situation where the task cannot be returned for several days.

Then wait until the Nine-Tails seal is in place, and when she and Watanabe get married, the two will form a happy family and be happy even if they lose money.

As for the fourth-generation Hokage, she was too lazy to touch it. The old man wanted to be Hokage and let him be enough. As long as he has Watanabe, he will be satisfied. When Rouge grows up, he will support him to fight for the position of Hokage. The stinky brother wants to be a Hokage so much, the family mission must be handed over to the man, and a girl of his own must be married——


Tsunade was looking forward to a bright future with Watanabe, when he suddenly bumped into a soft ball, let out a coquettish cry, and stepped back a few steps.

He raised his head and was about to apologize to the person he bumped into, but a beautiful face full of anger came into view.

"It's you?"

Tsunade raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

Jiri had really long legs, and even Watanabe had to padded a chair behind her. Tsunade was even shorter in front of her, with his chin only reaching her chest.

At this moment, the anger on Zhili's face has not diminished in the slightest. Tsunade is born with a strange strength. The inadvertent bump just now made her chest hurt so much that it is difficult to reach out and rub it.

"I'm sorry, but you have to be careful when you walk by yourself."

Tsunade said something to her casually, sharing the responsibilities of both parties, and immediately passed her by.

"Stop, did I let you go?"

Ji Li said coldly.

Tsunade instantly sensed the unkindness in her tone and stopped.

The Qianshou clan and the Uchiha clan did not deal with each other in the first place. The two clans were still feuding during the Warring States Period.

Therefore, in the hotel box that day, Tsunade would be so angry when he received Jiri's phantom surgery, and regarded it as the hostility shown by the Uchiha tribe to But after a transition and mediation later, Tsunade did not He was hostile to Jiri again, and even because he was Watanabe's mentor, Joinin, he decided to give her a good face the next time he saw her.

But just with the tone of voice she spoke to herself, how could she give her a good face?

"If you tell me to stop, I will stop, am I not ashamed?"

Tsunade stood where he was, looking at Jiri with a bad expression.

Zhili narrowed her eyes. This was the first time she had looked at her rival in love so seriously.

The height is only the height of a normal adult girl, she is a bit shorter than herself, has a sullen temper, and has a small chest... It seems to be a little bigger? But so what, it's still not as good as yourself.

She admitted that Tsunade was indeed very beautiful, her skin was as white and tender as if she could squeeze water, but her beauty was not inferior to hers, and her figure was better than hers.

I don't understand why Watanabe is so obsessed with her?

Watanabe once told Jiri that Tsunade had an unparalleled weight in his heart, and he relied on Tsunade to get through the most difficult period at the beginning, but Jiri felt that Tsunade could give him something. She can give it, she can give what Tsunade can't give him.


Seeing Jiri staring at himself without speaking, Tsunade felt that she was simply inexplicable.

"I'm lazy to take care of you."

Leaving a sentence, Tsunade took a step and was about to leave.

"I have something to tell you." Ciri stopped her.

Tsunade didn't stop this time, she was really lazy to take care of Jiri.

"It has something to do with Watanabe," Chiri added.

Tsunade looked back at her again.

"If you have the guts, come with me."

After Chiri said that, he swept into the distance.

Tsunade was in shock, not knowing what the **** the other party was up to.

After thinking about it, after all, Watanabe was involved, and she followed in Jiri's footsteps.

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