Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and forty: If you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts

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"Who are you."

Zhili asked in a cold voice, treating Hei Jue as a spy sent by another country.

Watanabe didn't let down his guard because Kuro Jue was subdued, and his eyes scanned the surroundings vigilantly, wondering if the other party's accomplices were still lurking nearby.

After the initial shock, Hei Jue's expression gradually regained his composure, and he smiled grimly in a hoarse voice: "As expected of the newest demigod of the ninja world, he is able to perform instant ninjutsu without a seal, which is hard to prevent..."

"Stop talking nonsense, who are you!"

Zhili frowned, her writing wheel eyes did not see any sign that the other party was using the transformation technique to disguise, which meant that the other party's dark form at the moment was his original appearance.

"Aren't you good at illusion, why don't you use illusion to interrogate me?"

Hei Jue said that he had no consciousness of becoming a prisoner, and also took the initiative to propose to Zhili to deal with him.

Zhili did as he wished, and the two petal-shaped gouyu slowly turned.

Hei Jue's body was stiff, and his expression quickly turned blank.

"Say, why are you following me?"

Jerry asked again.

Hei Jue: "Because..."

The voice paused.

The next moment, Hei Jue suddenly melted into a pool of black liquid that flowed down the stone pillar.

Zhili reacted very quickly, seeing Hei Jue break free from Tengman's shackles, he immediately unleashed his ultimate move, and countless thorns rose from the ground, piercing the black liquid.

Hei Jue was prepared this time, condensed a part of the liquid into his legs, stepped on the surface of the stone pillar and fled to the distance, his body was constantly twisted and deformed, like a lone boat bumping in the stormy waves, accurately avoiding every thorn in the ground. attack and kill.

"Uchihajiri, if you only have these means, you won't be able to keep me, we will have an appointment in the future, hehe."

After a scene was finished, Hei Jue swept away hundreds of meters away, and the ground was densely packed with spikes growing wildly.

Watanabe didn't expect Hei Jue to escape so fast, and he wanted to open the eight-door Dunjia to chase and kill him, but Jiri was unable to move at the moment, so he didn't dare to put her down.

A gleam of light appeared in Zhili's eyes, his vision was firmly locked on Hei Jue, and Gouyu in his right eye suddenly condensed, and he activated the Amaterasu pupil technique.


A ray of black flame bloomed out of thin air on Hei Jue's back, and the fire raged in the face of the storm, covering Hei Jue's whole body in less than a moment.


Hei Jue let out a shrill scream, even though he was the incarnation of Kaguya's will, he was actually hurt by Amaterasu, who was known as the strongest physical attack.

Although Watanabe heard that the kaleidoscope eye surgery on her right eye is Amaterasu, but she didn't know the specific function of Amaterasu. At this moment, seeing Heijue suddenly turned into a fireman, she was in shock, and suddenly felt warmth in her shoulders. , turned his head to look, suddenly panicked.

"Baby what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Zhili wiped away the blood and tears from his right eye, blurring his vision.

"Go and see what's going on."

Watanabe was very worried about her state, and rushed through the first five gates at the fastest speed towards Heijue, wanting to solve him as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, when the distance between the two sides was still a few meters, there was only a loud "bang", and Hei Jue suddenly exploded into countless drops of black ink, and the black flames covering his whole body sprinkled on Watanabe like a flower scattered by a goddess.

Due to his strong defense, Watanabe was not afraid of the black flames, and wanted to bite the bullet, but after all, he still had a Jiri on his back, so he had to retreat and dodge.

And just when he was avoiding Amaterasu, the ink blasted by Hei Jue rushed to the ground and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"He escaped."

It was a pity for Zhili, she could no longer sense the existence of that gloomy aura, and after a short fight, she felt that the opponent's actual combat strength was not strong, but the ability to escape was more powerful than Sanjiao Yu Hanzo.

Watanabe was quite worried. He didn't know how long he and Jiri had been followed by Heijue. He must not have seen what happened in the woods, but the content of his conversation with Jiri might have been overheard.

He didn't plan to open up with Ji Li for the time being, and it would be very uncomfortable if he was exposed and made public by others.

"That person should be sent by other Shinobi villages to inquire about the teacher's information. His bloodline limit is very strange." Watanabe guessed.

"Anyway, I haven't been inquired about anything. I'll kill him next time I see him." Zhili said.

Watanabe hesitated.

If you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts. Watanabe used to think that he and Jiri were very secretive, so he dared to cooperate with her so boldly, but now he realizes that he and Jiri are taking a very big risk.

Zhili plays a pivotal role in Konoha and even in the whole Ninja world, and she has many eyes staring at her in the open and secret. She must act prudently in the future, and venues such as the wild, rooftop, and Ninja classrooms will definitely not come again. .


At this time, there was a sound of exclamation in the distance.

Hinata Zero and Kiryu swept over one after another, and when they saw Jiri lying on Watanabe's back in an intimate position, both of them were stunned, suspecting that they were hallucinating.

"Teacher, Watanabe, you..."

"Why did you come here?" Zhili asked in the first place.

"We heard that there was a battle here, so, let's come and have a look..."

I kept His eyes kept falling on the part where Watanabe's palm and Hari's thigh were in contact, and his expression was complicated and unspeakable.

Seeing the beautiful legs that he longed for so much being held up firmly by Watanabe, Keiyu just felt that some of the most precious and pure things in his heart had been sullied.

Ever since he came back from the country of the vortex, Beiruhu has always looked down on Watanabe, just because of his personal behavior, a person who is so lustful that he dares to steal Teacher Jiri's underwear, can he be a good person?

Therefore, he could never have imagined that Watanabe, who is not a good person, would be touched by Mr. Jiri so closely. Is this not a smear, what else is a smear? ?


"My teacher and I were attacked by the ninjas from Betsucun just now, and the teacher was injured a little by accident."

Watanabe explained that he understood that the two were suspicious of him and Baby Chiri.

In fact, he originally planned to blame Zhili's inability to move due to the injuries he had been discussing with him, but now that a ninja from another village has emerged, of course, it will be more convincing to put the blame on him.

"So it is."

Hyuga Zero suddenly realized, only then did he see the bloodstains left on Zhili's face, and then glanced at the stone pillars and thorns standing around him, expecting that the battle just now must be very tragic.

"To be able to hurt Mr. Zhiri, the other party is at least at the elite level, right?"

Watanabe shook his head: "I don't know the specific identity of that person. He escaped. Let's go back to Konoha first... Zero, you come back to the teacher."

Watanabe is self-aware. If he was carrying Zhiri back to Konoha, he would definitely cause an uproar as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village. He and Zhiri have not yet made it public, so it is not appropriate to bear most of the attention now.

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