Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and fifty-nine: let go

"It's okay to help Watanabe-kun." A pear vortex appeared on both sides of Hyuga Zero's cheeks: "However, how can Watanabe-kun thank us? How about treating us to a meal?"

Watanabe was embarrassed to hear that, he was not a stingy person, but he really didn't have much money on him now.

"I won't be able to eat tonight." Jiraiya also interjected, "After the end of the Shangnin exam, Mito-senpai asked me and Orochimaru to be a guest at the Senju clan at night, and must have called you Watanabe too?"

Watanabe was startled, he hadn't received any notification from Mito.

Then he thought about it, and felt that Mito should know that Jiraiya and Orochimaru would see him in Anbu, and asked them to tell him.

"Yes, yes." Watanabe nodded.

"Then let's go now, Zero-chan, if you want to follow Watanabe, you can also come with us. I think Mito-senpai won't mind." Jiraiya deliberately winked at Hinata Zero.

Hyuga Zero pouted, very unaccustomed to Zi Lai Ye's mean-spirited look.

If she went to the Thousand Hands Clan, Tsunade would definitely be unhappy. Although Hyuga Zero was not afraid of Tsunade and was confident that she could play Tsunade on top of her palm, it was not good for her in front of Mito.

"I'm not going to join in the fun, Watanabe-kun remember to owe me a meal." Hinata Zero blinked at Watanabe and left calmly.

Bei Liuhu also didn't join in the fun. He was not like Jiraiya and Orochimaru. He didn't have the slightest friendship with Tsunade. In the past, he was not even a nodding acquaintance at the Ninja School. He was the only one who was embarrassed at the Qianshou Clan. Own.

On the way to the Thousand Hands Clan, Jiraiya was overjoyed for him to be the team leader. Along the way, he urged Watanabe to transfer several beautiful ninjas from other teams to his team. Of course Watanabe did not. Maybe he agreed to his request, and secretly decided to replace all the members of the Jiraiya team with men, to eliminate the possibility of his unspoken female subordinates from the root.

Orochimaru followed quietly behind the two of them. I don't know if it was an illusion. Watanabe always felt that Orochimaru was staring at him, but when he turned his head, he found that Orochimaru was as usual.

"Sister, brother-in-law is here!"

When they were still a few hundred meters away from Tsunade's house, the three heard Rope Tree leaning on the wall and shouting, and then he was dragged down, and he could vaguely hear him whining in the yard:

"You asked me to respect my brother-in-law, why did you hit me? Oh..."

Hearing this movement, Jiraiya glanced at Watanabe sympathetically, as if seeing his future family brotherhood.

Watanabe couldn't help laughing, feeling that his brother-in-law was very cute. Of course, his sister-in-law was even cuter.

Many people who know Tsunade will think that Tsunade is a violent woman, but they don't know that during Watanabe's relationship with her, he bullied Tsunade by pressing him on the sofa far more often than Tsunade attacked him.

Soon, Tsunade led the rope tree with a swollen forehead out of the front door, folded his arms and looked away, pretending to be casual and asked, "Why are you here so late?"

Rope tree interrupted and said, "Yes, my sister jumped up and down waiting for you all to wait..."


Tsunade knocked on a chestnut with his backhand, and the rope tree was so frightened that he didn't dare to talk any more.

"Hey, something unexpected happened." Jiraiya sighed and said sadly, "You didn't see Tsunade, how those Anbu people made things difficult for Watanabe, it was too deceiving."


Valley boat

Tsunade suddenly became nervous when he heard the words, and immediately walked towards Watanabe with concern: "Did they bully you?"

Watanabe's heart is warm, and baby Tsunade is arrogant and arrogant. When something happens, she cares about herself no less than baby Jiri.

"It's alright, the problem has been solved." He smiled, and naturally took Tsunade's little hand and intertwined her fingers.

Tsunade blushed, she felt very embarrassed by being lightly dismissed by Watanabe in front of her younger brother, Jiraiya and others, but she was really concerned about what happened to Watanabe today, and was about to ask him how he was taken by Anbu When those people made things difficult, a red-haired girl appeared at the door.

"Meet Mito-senpai."

Watanabe and the others saluted the red-haired girl.

The smile on Mito's face was gentle and soft, wearing a familiar moon-white robe, and said to the three of them kindly: "Come in when you come, the food is ready."

"Thank you Mito-senpai."

Everyone filed in, and Shengshu rushed to the front, taking them to the living room, where a table full of dishes appeared in front of them.

After all, Tsunade had practiced with Jiraiya and Orochimaru for half a year. The two were Tsunade’s second closest companions in Konoha besides Watanabe. Some time ago, Mito was busy with affairs, and now he is free from love and reason. Two people should be invited to the house as guests.

As soon as everyone came to the table, Mito expressed his gratitude to Jiraiya and Orochimaru for their care for Tsunade during the past six months of cultivation.

Even if Jiraiya's usual personality is more detached, at this moment, he doesn't dare to make mistakes in front of the seniors, and responds to Mito honestly.

"Grandma, why are you and Jiraiya Orochimaru being polite, I have never been taken care of by them!" Tsunade couldn't bear his temper, and didn't want to listen to grandma and Jirai being polite, and hurriedly asked Watanabe: "What the **** are those Anbu people? Why did you make things difficult for you?"

Mito paused, she also wanted to know what happened to Watanabe today, but she was much calmer than Tsunade, and was not in a hurry to find out the first time.

"I didn't make things difficult. At first, only the people at the root rejected me, and I dealt with it later."

Watanabe did not hide it, and told Tsunade and Mito the truth that he had removed the root members of Danzo from Anbu.

"I think those people in Beiyuan City are black sheep. If they continue to stay in Anbu, Anbu is likely to become another root, so I made such a decision, I hope it will not cause trouble to Mito-senpai~www.readwn. com~ After all, the influence of his troubles is very big, which is equivalent to openly tearing his face with Danzo. Watanabe is worried that Mito will oppose him if he thinks what he is doing is wrong.

A strange color appeared on Mito's face after hearing this.

Before Watanabe went to Anbu, she had expected that Watanabe would be attacked by the people of the root, and that was what would happen.

The best outcome in her imagination is that Watanabe can resist the riots of the people at the root and become the minister smoothly, even if his rights are partially overridden, because as long as he can do this, he will be considered excellent.

What Mito didn't expect was that Watanabe did not do anything about it, and simply expelled all the people at the root. The force of this method was beyond her expectations.

"You're a bit aggressive." After a moment of indulgence, Mito gave an evaluation.

"But since you've become the minister, it's up to you to decide how to manage the secret department. The worst case scenario is that you abdicate and become a sage. Don't worry about causing trouble for me."

Watanabe heard the words, and Mito meant to let him go.

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