Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and seventy-seven: the last time to call you the patriarch

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Following Kyuubi's roaring filial piety, there was a series of explosions and disturbances in the distance.

Watanabe and Jiri both looked towards the Uchiha Shrine.

"Uchiha Madara is here."

The shallow smile on Zhili's face quickly subsided and turned into a serious one.

She thought she would have to wait for a long time, but she didn't expect Madara Uchiha to be so impatient and hooked so quickly.


At this moment, the Uchiha ancestral hall was riddled with holes by the aftermath of the battle between the defectors and Anbu, and finally collapsed into ruins with a "bang".

"That guy's methods are so wrong!"

Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Hyuga Rei, Hatake Sakumo and other Anbu personnel climbed out of the gravel and looked at the Uchiha Beacon in embarrassment and vigilance.

After a short fight before, they suffered a lot from Uchiha Beacon, and were blown away by his repulsive force many times, especially Sarutobi Shiraishi was hit hard.

Orochimaru squinted the small vertical boy and analyzed: "There is an invisible force around his body. We must first find a way to decipher that force, otherwise no matter what comes close to him, it will be bounced off."

Hyuga Zero opened his eyes, observed Uchiha Beacon in all directions, and clearly saw that the chakra in his body was continuing to converge towards his right eye, judging:

"Uchiha Beacon's right eye is constantly devouring the Chakra in his body. That invisible force should be generated by that eye. The Chakra in his body is running out. We just need to delay for a while to exhaust him. ."

During the conversation between the few people, all the defectors clansmen climbed out of the ruins, and once again waved the kunai tool to attack Anbu.

"Then according to what Zero Sauce said, let's hide from Uchiha Beacon for the time being and wait until his chakra is exhausted." Jiraiya decided.

Sakumo and others nodded one after another. Before they figured out a way to crack the invisible power, this was indeed their best tactic against Uchiha Beacon.

However, the reality is not as wonderful as they planned.

Uchiha Beacon also knew that with his chakra reserves, he could not control Samsara for too long. From the very beginning, he had the idea of ​​a quick solution.

At this time, he controlled the repulsion force and slowly lifted into the air, desperate to mobilize Chakra to gather towards the Eye of Samsara, and wanted to release a super gravitational wave to defeat the Anbu people in one fell swoop.

"All Uchiha clansmen back!"

He ordered in a deep voice to prevent gravitational waves from accidentally hurting his own people.

"He can still fly!"

"What does he want to do?"

Jiraiya and others were shocked, and Uchiha Beacon's abnormal behavior of calling back the defectors made them uneasy.

Hyuga stared at Uchiha Beacon, the blue veins on both sides of his temples burst, and suddenly panicked: "His chakras are all gathered to the right eye, the next move will be terrible, stop him!"

Everyone in Anbu did not hesitate to hear the words, and they all used their own long-range ninjutsu to blast into the sky, trying to knock down the Uchiha Beacon.

But when those ninjutsus were still about three meters away from the Uchiha Beacon, it was like hitting an air barrier, and they all collapsed and collapsed, unable to hit him at all.

"You can't stop me!"

Uchiha Beacon looked down at the Anbu members below, and his face was a little crazy and twisted.

"From the moment our Uchiha clan decided to resist, it was doomed that you Konoha lackeys would lose—"


A black flame suddenly bloomed on Uchiha Beacon without warning, interrupting his unfinished words.


Uchiha Fenghuo howled in pain twice, instead of trying to put out the black flame, he directly used the repulsive force to bounce the black flame away. In just a short while, there were burning traces on the surface of his body.

"Who attacked me?"

Uchiha Fenghuo looked back angrily, and saw a green shadow rushing towards him like a meteorite falling.

"So fast!"

Uchiha beacon boy Kong Meng shrank, and the shocking speed of the green shadow startled him. After regaining his senses, he immediately stretched out his hands, and aimed the gravitational wave he had prepared at the green shadow and released it.


The sky seemed to explode in the sky, and Watanabe only felt as if he had collided head-on with a plane - he gasped in relief immediately.

[attacked: blood +120, defense +100, pain -116...]

Then he shot backwards at a faster speed than before, collapsing several buildings in a row, smashing deep pits and giant holes in the ground.

Uchiha Fenghuo looked at the big pit filled with dust and mist on the ground, and looked suspicious.

What was that... just now?



Jerry's cry caught his attention, and he turned his gaze to Jerry, who was farther away.

"Teacher, I'm fine."

Watanabe didn't let Jiri worry too much, he quickly jumped out of the pothole, patted off the dust on his body, and looked at Uchiha Beacon floating in the air with a slightly surprised expression.

Hearing the riots coming from the ancestral hall earlier, he and Jiri thought it was Madara Uchiha who had appeared, but they didn't expect it to be Beacon Uchiha, and that guy seemed to have changed a lot.

"Master Patriarch!"

Seeing the arrival of Zhili, everyone in the affinity group showed joy one after another, as if they saw the backbone

In the past, the defector clansmen and Anbu ninjas fought each other, and they were caught in the middle. Now there is finally someone who can tell them what to do.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, you have violated my bottom line again and again, do you really think I won't kill you!"

Killing intent surged on Zhili's beautiful face, and a blood-red Zuzuo Golem gradually manifested behind her.

Uchiha Beacon fanned the clan rebellion twice in a row, and made a bridge for Uchiha Madara, all these failed to make Jiri firmly execute his idea, but his act of defeating Watanabe just now directly made Jiri's killing intent to him rise. to the apex.

Uchiha Fenghuo's heart sank when he heard the words, and he understood that he had completely stood on the opposite side of Jiri.

Obviously he didn't want to do this, and he also really wanted to be a capable general under Zhili, and wanted to win Zhili's trust and goodwill... But for the future of the family, he had to choose to meet Zhili in this way.

"You go to the Qianshou clan to support Madam Madara, and I will break up for you." Uchiha Beacon said to the defector clansman in a deep voice.

Jiri is obviously not as easy to deal with as Anbu Ninja, even if he gets the power of Samsara Eye, Uchiha Beacon is not sure of defeating her.

The main thing is that he has absolutely no hostility towards Ciri.

"Who dares to go!"

The cold sound of Zhili stopped.

The defectors looked at each other, and some people said calmly: "Lord Patriarch, this is the last time we will call you Lord Patriarch, only Madam Ban can give the family a bright future, and you are very wrong, we are willing to follow Lord Ban, you If you want to kill us, you can do it now."

When the words fell, they no longer had any nostalgia, and swept away towards the outside of the clan.

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