Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and eighty-one: Watanabe shot, turning the tide

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However, just when Ji Li was about to go all out to resist the shock wave of the meteorite, there was another muffled "bang" beside him.

"Teacher, let me come."

Watanabe rushed to open the seventh door, and the mighty hurricane rolled around with him as the center, and stepped forward to stand in front of Zhili.

Jiri, Hyuga Zero, Jiraiya and the others were all stunned when they saw this, not understanding what Watanabe meant by standing up at such a time.

Could he still prevent the meteor from falling? ?

They guessed right, Watanabe did intend to stop the meteorite, no, to be precise he intends to destroy the meteorite.

Although he didn't notice the blue whiskers under the meteorite, he could guess by guessing that the meteorite was definitely written by Madara Uchiha, because Mito, Hizan and others did not say whether they had the ability to summon meteorites. Even if they had that ability, they would never use this kind of ninjutsu that would bring destruction to Konoha.

"Uchiha Madara used this trick to show that the battle in the Senju clan is almost coming to an end. I don't know what happened to Tsunade and Mito-senpai..."

Watanabe stayed in the Uchiha clan for the sake of Jiri. Now that the civil unrest in Uchiha has been settled, he began to worry about the battlefield on Tsunade's side. At this moment, he can also see from the whereabouts of the meteorite. The center of the meteorite impact is in Thousands of hands.

So it is conceivable that once the meteorite falls, the land of the Thousand Hands will definitely be devastated. For the safety of Tsunade, Roshu and others, Watanabe must stop the meteorite no matter what!

It is worth mentioning that when Mattai taught Watanabe the Eight Dunjias, he also taught two other taijutsus that have been passed down from generation to generation in his family. Tiger.

After more than half a year of taijutsu practice, Watanabe has mastered Chao Peacock and Hirota. Both taijutsu have strict requirements on physical strength. Among them, Chao Peacock can only be performed when the six doors are opened. , Day Tiger is to be in the state of opening the seven doors to display.

"Watanabe... can you?"

The first time Watanabe came forward, Jiri guessed what he was going to do, but even if Jiri was the person who knew him best, he didn't think he had the ability to resist meteorites.

"It might work."

Watanabe took a deep breath. In fact, he didn't even know if he could stop the meteorite, but at this time, he had no choice but to try his best.

As soon as he thought that Tsunade was under the meteorite at this time, his expression quickly became firm and decisive, and the chakra in his body lost seven consecutive restrictions, like the Yangtze River, rushing wildly in various meridians, and every muscle in his body contains heart-warming The power of season terror.

"Towards the peacock."

Watanabe thought silently in his heart, the next second, his fists aimed at the meteorite in the air and hit the straight fist continuously, the vast and majestic qi and blood seemed to find the gap in the vent valve and spurted out.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Watanabe's boxing movements were so fast that they turned into afterimages. Every punch violently rubbed against the air, creating shock waves and flames. The Uchiha clan behind him couldn't even see the trajectory of his punches with the use of a writing wheel. Seeing the flames in the shape of fists rising into the sky, Watanabe looked like a peacock with an open screen from a distance, and the countless fire fists he struck were like a sea of ​​fire pouring backwards, colliding with meteorites from bottom to top. bumped together.

At the moment when the two collided, the rock blocks on the surface of the meteorite could not withstand the terrifying impact of the fire fist, and instantly collapsed and shattered in a large area, and then the fire fist that followed brought a second blow to the disintegrated rock blocks. Completely annihilate it into dust.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Hyuga Zero, Jiraiya and the others just felt like a prosperous fireworks were staged in front of them. Countless fireworks bloomed in the sky, and the deafening explosion sounded in the ears. The original huge volume of the meteorite quickly shrank and evaporated at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

"That guy Watanabe, is he still human??"

"It's a complete collapse of the lake!"

"The Minister turned out to be so powerful!"

"When did Watanabe-kun become so strong? I've been his companion for so long, how come I don't know at all?"



Thousands of hands.

Madara Yu's body was completely suspended on the left side, and he looked down at the horrified Hizan, Danzo, and the others below. The old faces were extremely indifferent.

He was not satisfied with the power of the Heavenly Obstruction Star that he cast. He could have pulled two meteorites at once, but now he only has one reincarnation eye, and the child power of a single reincarnation eye can only do so much. .

In fact, there is no difference, whether it is two meteorites or one meteorite, the final result is the same.

"Help, I don't want to die!"

"Lord Hokage, Anbu, everyone is fine, stop that meteorite!"


The desperate cries of the people were intermittently heard in the ears, but they failed to soften the heart.

This sacrifice today is nothing compared to creating a perfect world of absolute peace.

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, a wave of hot and surging air rushed from a distance, and Madara's indifferent face was slightly turned her head and saw that countless fire fists gathered into a sea of ​​fire, fierce and unstoppable. hit the surface of the meteorite.

Under the continuous and indiscriminate bombardment of the Fire Fist, the meteorite quickly evaporated and shrank, turning into countless particles of dust and escaping into the air.

"Zhi Li, are you shooting?"

Madara looked thoughtfully towards the direction where the fire fist spewed out, there was no other place, it was the Uchiha clan.

Madara was suddenly curious, not knowing what Zhili's kaleidoscope trick was.


"Great, someone has shot to intercept the meteorite!"

On the ground, Xiaochun was overjoyed when he turned to bed, as if he had come out of nowhere.

Seeing this, Mito, Hizan, Danzo, and others all breathed a sigh of relief. As of now, they can only take one step at a time, and let's talk about the immediate crisis first.

"If I expected it to be good, it should be Jiri who was stopping Uchiha Madara." Hi Zhan guessed.

Konoha's cutting-edge combat power was all gathered in the Qianshou clan at this time, and only one Jiri didn't come. Except for Jiri, Rijian couldn't think of anyone else in Konoha who had the strength to intercept meteorites.

There was some relief in Mito's tired eyes.

She really did not make a mistake in the bet. Unlike Uchiha Madara, even if all Uchiha clansmen are enemies of Konoha, she will never defect to Konoha.

And when Jiri joins them, the odds of winning a decisive battle with Madara will be greatly increased, and Mito only needs one chance to approach him.


"Meteorite was stopped!"

On the streets of Konoha, countless people cried with joy and cheered continuously.

There is nothing more gratifying than the afterlife.

"The flames came from the Uchiha clan, and it must have been Lord Jiri who saved us all!"

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