Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: One hundred and eighty eighth: Prestige Susa

Ri Zhan was silent for a moment, then said, "Almost."

"Although Watanabe's body did not emit the red steam that was rumored to be fatal, according to the battle between him and Madara, he must have squeezed his physical strength to the limit with the eight-door Dunjia. To die is to die."

Everyone heard the words with strange eyes. Xiaochun and Menyan respected Watanabe in their hearts, and understood that he was defending Konoha's safety with his life and that he was a truly worthy hero of Konoha.

Danzo was secretly relieved. He remembered that when Watanabe succeeded Anbu Minister and confronted him by himself, he was also filled with blue steam like now.

It turned out that he planned to use the eight-door Dunjia to deal with himself at that time?

Danzo felt a little scared, but fortunately he didn't make any drastic actions against Watanabe at that time, otherwise the terrifying power of his Bamen Dunjia would really not be able to deal with it.

"If you die in Madara's hands like this, you deserve to die. Konoha will treat you as a hero."


He could recognize the Bamen Dunjia even if he had been cut for days, and Mito was no exception.

"Watanabe, you were buried by 3,000 detonating talismans and didn't die. The seventh gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia should not kill you."

Mito stared at Watanabe in the decisive battle with Madara. Unlike Hizan, she knew that Watanabe's physique was extremely strong. As long as he did not open the eighth door, which was sure to die, he would not face danger to his life.

Perhaps even Watanabe himself knew how terrible the eighth gate was, so he only dared to open the first seven gates. Of course, the possibility that Watanabe could not open the eighth gate could not be ruled out.

"You are different from me, you are the next generation of Konoha's hope."

Mito secretly said that the one who really had the will to die and Madara in a decisive battle was her.

From her point of view, Watanabe kept fighting with Madara while approaching her location. This was not Watanabe's unconscious behavior, but was practicing the tactics Hizan told him earlier, giving Mito a chance to get close to Madara. chance.

Mito held his breath, estimated the distance between her and Madara, and waited quietly for the opportunity.


There was an exclamation from the side, and Tsunade and other Qianshou tribesmen rushed to the reinforcements after sealing the nine tails.

As soon as Tsunade came, he saw Watanabe being beaten madly by Susanoo, and seeing Hizan and the others standing not far away from watching the play as if they were eating melons, he suddenly became furious and shouted: "You stand What are you doing over there? Didn't you see Watanabe was about to be killed, hurry up and help him!"

As soon as the words fell, the Thousand Hands clan headed by her rushed to support Watanabe.

The four of them were hesitant to say anything. It wasn't that they didn't want to support Watanabe, but they felt that it would be better if they didn't make a move.

Watanabe has already seduced Madara very well by himself. The two are quickly approaching Mito. If they also try to seduce Madara with Watanabe, it will appear that the purpose is too obvious. Madara is so shrewd and extremely shrewd. Possibly noticed.

"Go away!"

Madara shouted angrily, seeing Tsunade and others coming to make trouble, and immediately backhanded Shinra Tianzheng to send their backfire flying.

If it was said that Madara was attracted by Watanabe's hatred value at the beginning to fight him, then Madara is now completely on the top. Even if the decisive battle between Taniya and Hasuma was in the past, it was not as hearty as it is now with Watanabe.

Madara is an extremely arrogant person. When he is strong, he is strong. In the fight against Watanabe, he was provoked by the desire to fight, and he became more and more determined to defeat and kill him. How could Rose in the original battlefield lose in physical skills? To mere juniors?


Taking advantage of Madara's use of Shinra Tensei to deal with the Qianshou tribe, Watanabe flew and kicked Madara towards Mito by a hundred meters.

"Wind Dun, the Great Vacuum Jade!"

"Water escape, water breaks waves!"

After this kick, Madara Li Rizan and the others were already in front of them, and the four of them could no longer watch from the sidelines, and they all attacked Madara in a lore attack.

Madara was furious. The decisive battle between him and Watanabe had not yet been decided. He did not want to be disturbed by others.

At this time, Watanabe launched an attack just in time, turning into blue lightning and slamming into Susanoo's lower abdomen, knocking him away again.


Spot staggered up from the ground, staring coldly at the people in front of him.

He held the determination to crush Watanabe and fought him decisively, but was defeated by Watanabe again and again because of the interference of others, and he gritted his teeth secretly in anger.

But Madara was not so angry that he lost his mind. He kept his mind clear at all times, knowing that if he fought against Watanabe alone, Watanabe would definitely not be his opponent, and would only be defeated by him again and again like a sandbag. until the final kill.

But now that Hizan and others joined in, and the battlefield was on the ground again, his situation suddenly became very unfavorable, and he was even suppressed by Watanabe.

Madara is already an old man after all, no longer the heyday of his youth, and he cannot maintain high-intensity battles all the time. If he wants to crush everyone including Watanabe in a head-on battle, he can only return to his youthful state, or have two. Complete reincarnation pupil power.

It is impossible to return to a young state, and the second Samsara Eye is on Uchiha Beacon again, and it is unrealistic to want to get it back for a while, so Madara has only one choice left...

"Uchiha Madara, give me death!"

Tsunade was very short-tempered. He stepped on the ground and jumped high, with a foot of Tianshou like a thunder battle axe hitting his forehead.

Watanabe broke the sound barrier and followed closely behind, covering each other with Tsunade.

Niizhan held the Vajra Ruyi stick that the ape demon turned into, and smashed it towards Banban regardless of his body.

Danzo clenched Kuwu's face tightly, as if he felt that Kuwu could pierce Madara's complete body, Susanoo.

Hundreds of Qianshou tribesmen swarmed up and charged.

Facing the situation of being attacked by the enemy on both sides, Madara stretched out her hands and released Shen Luo Tianzheng without hesitation.

With the spread of invisible repulsion, the combined attack of everyone collapsed, and hundreds of figures were lifted into the sky like dumplings.

Madara did not pursue the victory, and did not fly back to his main battlefield, but bit his thumb and dropped to the ground, shouting:

"Ninja, the technique of psychic."


In the distance Nine Tails, who was pinned to the ground by the Demon Sealing Nail, forcibly channeled in front of Madara.

"It's been a long time that I haven't used a majestic Susa."

Madara thought to herself, the reincarnation eye met the two writing wheel eyes of Jiuwei, and a strange red glow suddenly burst out.

"not good!"

Mito was startled.

She had witnessed the process of ending the Battle of the Valley with her own eyes, and instantly guessed what Madara wanted to use the Nine-Tails for.

"Never let Madara Uchiha and Nine Tails fuse, otherwise he has both the invincible defense of Susanoo and the overwhelming strength of Nine Tails, which will be a disaster for Konoha, we must stop him!"



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